Has Anybody Ever Saw Improvement With No/less Fapping ?


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I know, it has been asked/discussed many many times of how stupid the theory of nofap would halt or stop hairloss but I have never seen anyone say they tried willingly and tried to improve their condition. Afterall we start to see hairloss after or late puberty so it can be said that it has correlation with ejaculation on a regular basis as a normal adult/teen would (3-4 times a week I'm guessing) we clearly know that hairloss and prostate enlargement has to do with increased androgenic activity in the body for example increased T and DHT levels as we age etc. so I'm guessing ejaculation has to contribute to some increase in hormonal activity which affects hairloss. Would you think attempting to calm this process down by doing nofap in the long run will help with regrowth (excluding sex) ?

You would say we used to do this much more frequently during early/mid puberty so we would have shed hair or experience hairloss/thinning become noticeable at that time while doing it frequently but there is also the hair follicles sensitivity theory as we age so there's that discussion.
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I wish there was a strong study done indicating how much or little it would help. Don't care or believe the psychological benefits other than focus, it may help depending on person. I do think less about sex when I don't choke the chicken so frequently.

Anyway if there was some study indicated that it could give us some hope to try it.


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Yes and No... According to abstinence studies after 7 days without ejaculation there's a big spike in Testosterone levels, but it goes back down the next day. After 3 weeks without ejaculation, T levels are slightly higher than baseline on the chart, and didn't reduce as much from Fapping, I don't know about DHT though. From Anedoctal claims online people have reported improvement with their hair, but after a few months or so, I've read people claiming that they start losing ground again.

So, I personally believe that long term abstinence will hurt you in the end. Your body won't stop making T, and sex drive is not the only thing your body uses T for. If your deprive it of orgasm and sexual thoughts long enough, eventually your body will probably use your T in other ways.
Look up pics of the Dali llama, He's supposed to be Abstinent. (I guess it's possible that he's Jacking it secretly, but that is hard to imagine to be true)
Sometimes his buzz cut is short enough to see his hairline is not complete. I also think too much abstinence increases sensitivity.

Now with that said, After orgasm, Prolactin levels are elevated for about an hour. There are Prolactin receptors in scalp, and prolactin induces Catagen phase. I don't know, if the one hour above baseline has much effect but I imagine Jacking off Everyday, would. then that would be higher than baseline prolactin for an hour everyday. However, Masturbation is not the Same as Sex, the prolactin release is correlated with the quality of the orgasm, and after sex there is 4x the level than after Masturbation.
Here's the thing prolactin is both good and bad in some ways, Prolactin causes catagen,that's bad, But it also reduces T and DHT and T/DHT also cause catagen/aptosis. A number of experimental data indicate that hyperprolactinemia inhibits the activity of 5-alpha-reductase. Prolactin also inhibits GnRH which reduces the release of Lutenizing hormone, ( LH increases T production) BUT I have read that it upregulates Lutenizing Receptors in Leydig Cells( cells in testis that make T) So, it could increase LH but increase sensitivity to LH,, and may decrease T short ter but increase it long term...

Also, I could see abstinence from pornagraphy being beneficial maybe. And I think the way you masturbate matters to. If you are spending Hours searching p**rn looking for that perfect video, increasing your Testosterone and then having an orgasm not as powerful as sex or powerful enough prolactin release to counteract that T inducing p**rn viewing. (There may be some conflictng information on if p**rn viewing increases T, I read one study somewhere that said serum T levels rose 90 minutes after p**rn viewing Without fapping)

Here's some links with links to studies on abstinence and T levels and such.


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Great info. Totally agree with that Dalai lama dude I bet he doesn't have time to do it searching and spreading inner peace.

The absence of T after ejaculation if done frequently would become easily replaced I believe if body gets used to that regime that theory has potential you had a very good point. I wonder what would become if you take some heavy regime like a transmale would. Would the decrease of T lead receptors to become extra sensitive since it becomes very hard for body to produce and keep T production at optimal levels for healthy semen production, or maybe the dropped T levels will stay same or the spike would become almost non existent to have an affect on hair follicles.
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Great info. Totally agree with that Dalai lama dude I bet he doesn't have time to do it searching and spreading inner peace.

The absistence of T after ejaculation if done frequently would become easily replaced I believe if body gets used to that regime that theory has potential you had a very good point. I wonder what would become if you take some heavy regime like a transmale would. Would the decrease of T lead receptors to become extra sensitive since it becomes very hard for body to produce and keep T production at optimal levels for healthy semen production, or maybe the dropped T levels will stay same or the spike would become almost non existent to have an affect on hair follicles.
Thanks, that's a good question and difficult to answer, I definitely think lack of androgens can increase sensitivity for the next time there's exposure, When eunuchs were given testosterone injections back in the 1940's they lost hair, the eunuchs in their 50's lost their hair very rapidly, within months while those in their 20's lost their hair over a period of years. It seems the longer they had been castrated, the more sensitive they were. Even though they were not losing hair before, they were growing more sensitive. It's either because of the lack of androgens or because of Age, or both.

But what makes transgenders a bit different is the estrogen, I haven't heard of trans losing ground after years of hormone treatment, have you? I would think that if hormone replacement lost effectiveness for hair or made it worse in the end, it would be common warning to those thinking of transitioning. But it's possible that the hormone treatment is increasing sensitivity, but we would never find out as long as they never stop it. If a trans stopped their regimen, would they bald more rapidly than if they never started? I don't know, But estrogen does affect the genes, and if it gets high enough, tells the HPO to lessen T production. So, who knows how after several years of low androgens with estrogen would change how their bodies see themselves and gene expression.

I also think about this, : Androgens are necessary to develop facial hair, I couldn't grow a beard before puberty. But old men who have decreasing Testosterone don't lose their ability to grow facial hair. So, I'm thinking androgens don't directly cause the facial hair to grow, but activates the genes for them to grow, and those genes stay on even if levels fall. Just like walking into a room, turning on a light switch and then leaving the room.
Now, Estrogens are supposed to be opposite, so maybe an old man with low T rubbed estrogen on his beard, eventually it would thin?

I read once about a female transitioning to be a man, who took Man hormones, She eventually started growing a beard after 2 years. That's 2 whole years that T was high and there was no facial hair growing. It took that amount of time to Reprogram the genes from previous years of elevated Estrogen.
I could be wrong, but I imagine that the longer a MTF trans was on therapy, like 10 or 20 years, the longer it would take for the body to re-regulate.. like getting tan from sun exposure and then spending not much time outdoors. the darker your tan, the longer it would take for the tan to fade back to your baseline.

Schitz Popinov

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I think the no-fap thing specifically applies to any who could be described as "chronic" fappers. Over a prolonged period of time I would imagine it causes a build up of prolactin in the scalp and also causes various mineral/vitamin deficiencies - especially if said person isn't getting proper nutrition.


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Ive regrown quite a bit of hair while masterbating about once a day.

I keep having to come on to these threads to say this


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Ive regrown quite a bit of hair while masterbating about once a day.

I keep having to come on to these threads to say this
using what? finasteride and minoxidil?


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Ive regrown quite a bit of hair while masterbating about once a day.

I keep having to come on to these threads to say this

using what? finasteride and minoxidil?

Actually I've seen people who experienced amazing regrowth with finasteride and minoxidil. Check Koseu's thread - Almost full recovery with big 3.

I wonder if it's real though seems too good to be true. I hope it is.
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Actually I've seen people who experienced amazing regrowth with finasteride and minoxidil. Check Koseu's thread - Almost full recovery with big 3.

I wonder if it's real though seems too good to be true. I hope it is.
Holy Shiiiiiitttt!!! I can't believe that's from Big 3, that's rare. I wonder if he'll be able to maintain that forever. usually i hear about people losing ground after a couple years, but he updated at the 3 years mark. He did say his temple hairs never fully thickened, but they look great to me on the pics. He started treatment soon after noticing so maybe that's why he's a great responder..


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Ive regrown quite a bit of hair while masterbating about once a day.

I keep having to come on to these threads to say this
Congratz, How much is quite a bit? were you able to maintain your regrowth?


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Ive regrown quite a bit of hair while masterbating about once a day.

I keep having to come on to these threads to say this

Once a day is nothing, and perfectly normal. Having a can of soda a day probably won't cause diabetes, but having a 12 pack will.


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Ive been doing this currently on day 64.

It is not a placebo effect, the sexual energy of a man is very powerful. I havent noticed any change in hair loss, it may be more controlled. However when I do masturbate I get an itch almost immediately and i noticed hair fall.

Plus I do feel much much more confident. My voice has gone deeper and I can lift much more weight in the gym and feel more energetic. Oh and Im more attracted to real girls as opposed to an image on an screen.

Plus Mike Tyson abstained from sex I heard for around five years... And we all know what happened to anyone who got into the ring with him!

the key is to divert that energy into something as opposed to in a tissue!