Has Anybody Ever Saw Improvement With No/less Fapping ?


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I know, it has been asked/discussed many many times of how stupid the theory of nofap would halt or stop hairloss but I have never seen anyone say they tried willingly and tried to improve their condition. Afterall we start to see hairloss after or late puberty so it can be said that it has correlation with ejaculation on a regular basis as a normal adult/teen would (3-4 times a week I'm guessing) we clearly know that hairloss and prostate enlargement has to do with increased androgenic activity in the body for example increased T and DHT levels as we age etc. so I'm guessing ejaculation has to contribute to some increase in hormonal activity which affects hairloss. Would you think attempting to calm this process down by doing nofap in the long run will help with regrowth (excluding sex) ?

You would say we used to do this much more frequently during early/mid puberty so we would have shed hair or experience hairloss/thinning become noticeable at that time while doing it frequently but there is also the hair follicles sensitivity theory as we age so there's that discussion.
No Sir ,
I tried this for 3 months . Absolutely no fapping at all , however I should say I did not find any difference in hair fall .

There might be other positive sides like saving time but I did not find any improvement in hair.


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No Sir ,
I tried this for 3 months . Absolutely no fapping at all , however I should say I did not find any difference in hair fall .

There might be other positive sides like saving time but I did not find any improvement in hair.
I tried this ones again now . I see very good improvement, after my new observation I really feel their is relation between masturbation and hair fall.