Has anyone found anything that increased their sex drive?


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I'm not going to blame the loss of drive on finasteride. I lost my drive at 19 back in '06 and it just never got better. I've been told by urologists and such that it is mental but I don't know, at my happiest it's not even that great....takes about 2 weeks of no fap to get any drive at all.

I can still get it up but I want to desire going out and seeking a girl. Girls like me alright, I just think I would have more motivation to pursue them if I got this in order, and it has become a bit worse since starting finasteride.

Has anyone taken anything that improved their drive at all? I've tried certain items off of amazon with good reviews but all to no avail. There has to be something that helps!!


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Thanks! Man I would do anything to get it back to my high school days.


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Catuaba is something to look into, it is an Amazonian herbal supplement made from the bark of a tree and renowned as an Aphrodisiac and CNS stimulant.

I make a tea/infusion using the bark, and definitely feel better blood flow and a more general lift in sexual drive after several days use, having a cup 3-4 times a day.

It is pretty cheap also.

Lots of products out there promising results, just like with hairloss I guess libido problems are an age old issue deemed probematic enough for ancient cultures to seek out treatments, or at least notice the positive effects of things they were already ingesting and document them.

Having said that, there is very little 'peer reviewed scientific evidence' available on the stuff, but as I said, it is cheap I have seen others on life enhancement forums do swear by the stuff when used as a tonic - it does take prolonged use to feel anything.



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I can still get it up but I want to desire going out and seeking a girl. Girls like me alright, I just think I would have more motivation to pursue them if I got this in order, and it has become a bit worse since starting finasteride.

Has anyone taken anything that improved their drive at all? I've tried certain items off of amazon with good reviews but all to no avail. There has to be something that helps!!

I've had the same problem before and found that supplements did absolutely nothing for me, primarily because they're not solving the root cause of the problem, hormone imbalance/lower than normal testosterone.

I find by far the best way to combat this lack of drive and energy is to lift weights twice a week and do H.I.I.T. running or swimming twice a week also.

H.I.I.T. (High Intensity Interval Training) through either running or swimming ,is more effective at boosting testosterone and burning fat (eliminating excess estrogen) than any other cardio exercise!....plus it can be done in as little as 20 minutes!

Similarly at the gym you should aim to exercise at a high intensitywith short breaks in between lifting doing mainly compound exercises only (i.e. squats, dead lifts, bench press, pull ups, dips will give you best results and will help boost your T levels more than any others)

It's a no brainer.... sure you might be busy in the working week, but if you even just commit to one H.I.I.T. session and one high intensity weights session a week (that's 2hours max in total) I guarantee your drive will shoot through the roof and you'll get that burning desire for girls back very quickly!

I'm not vain, or a fitness freak by any means, I just go through some periods sometimes after a lot of stress, poor diet, and no exercise... where I also have no drive and struggle to even be interested in my own girlfriend... and I have found that this has been the only thing that's genuinely helped solve the problem and even better turned me into a pornstar, that can go for hours and hours...

I'd honestly reccommend it to anybody, I know going to the gym and doing sprinting is not everybody's cup of tea, but whether you're the active type or not, if you want to solve a low drive problem, this is by far the best most permanent way forward.

No point relying permanently on half-assed, unproven, supplements which will just rinse your wallet for hundreds of pounds (in my humble opinion)...


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Yeah, Im done with supplements, but I will try that tea though because it sounds healthy anyway.

I agree about heavy lifting and cardio. While not exactly heavy, every time I've done p90x it's helped quite a lot. Im starting another round in January.

I had my testosterone checked twice and both the doctor and urologist said my levels were fine. I didn't know about free testosterone then though so I doubt it was checked.


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At a young age too, and I've oddly had a low sex drive for over a year now.
I used to fantasize and day dream about girls in class and on TV and whatnot, but nowadays I don't really even get very erect when I see hot girls.

I have a feeling that I've desensitized myself to sex by watching too much p**rn. I watch it too regularly, and when I stop for awhile, I usually get more easily aroused by girls in real life.

Don't know if you watch p**rn at all, but most guys do. Its just some people get more easily jaded to it, and after awhile it becomes a self-defeating cycle. You watch to get horny because you don't get horny anymore because you watch it.


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My Regimen
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Don't ask me why but:

1) Costco Kirkland Trail Mix with M&M's in it (no im not kidding, try a bag of it sometime)
2) Mega Man Multivitamin (most likely because of the saw palmetto which may just increase your shedding)
3) Zinc, zinc, zinc, and more zinc (maximum 25-30mg daily)

Quantum Cat

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is zinc really as good as everyone says? does it really help combat estrogen?

I take a multivit which has zinc in it


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Defintely exercise and strength training and keeping body fat at least below 14 percent. No question about it. Also avoiding stress as much as possible and getting at least 7 or more hours of solid deep sleep everyday. I come home exhausted by the end of the work day. However come morning I am energized like the energizer bunny and my libido is much higher in the morning than in the evening. Just recently had my testosterone checked and its still normal after taking Propecia for over 7 years.


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Defintely exercise and strength training and keeping body fat at least below 14 percent. No question about it. Also avoiding stress as much as possible and getting at least 7 or more hours of solid deep sleep everyday. I come home exhausted by the end of the work day. However come morning I am energized like the energizer bunny and my libido is much higher in the morning than in the evening. Just recently had my testosterone checked and its still normal after taking Propecia for over 7 years.
You're still on Propecia? Or you took it for 7 years and then rebalanced?


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have you had any sides?
The only side that I notice is watery semen and smaller volume but it could be age related too. I am over 40. I think it might have reduced my body hair slightly but again could be age related.

Mr White

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Defintely exercise and strength training and keeping body fat at least below 14 percent. No question about it. Also avoiding stress as much as possible and getting at least 7 or more hours of solid deep sleep everyday. [...]

Excellent piece of advice.

There's a drug called bremelanotide (formerly known as PT 141) that's currently being developped by Palatin Technologies for the treatment of female sexual dysfunction that also improves libido in men. Since it hasn't been approved yet, I wouldn't recommend it but it may be an option in the near future.


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My drive started to fail me some years ago, but when it comes to drugs... Dutasteride would give me absurd boners, specially on the first weeks, and my current SSRI killed everything. The only thing that actually restored my libido? Estrogen (a 3 weeks test). It was as if everything made sense now after so many years of questioning everything and gradually losing the drive as certain doubts appeared more and more frequently. So I can guess it is more mental than any other thing. Now? I don't even want to think about it. My life was easier before realizing some things (and getting an overload of stress and depression despite how much therapy I get).

Anyways, a good deal of exercise always helps, and a GF that is not a total nutcase, too.