Additionally, for anyone struggling to understand Johnson's incredible stats, I don't think he'd mind me saying that he courteously sent me his pics by my request of what he's using for online dating, and in the older pics with good hair, he's a solid 7-7.5/10. Not quite male model material (ie. 8+), but standard "handsome, rugged, tall-looking, well-built white guy". Top 10% for sure.
So it shouldn't be a surprise pretty much every girl responds positively to him. He underrates himself harshly, probably due to his self-described self-esteem issues. But this guy's on very, very easy mode.
I just mention this for context. He's nowhere near an average guy IMO. eg. Most stats I've seen for Tinder suggest a 1-2% average match rate maximum for guys. Many suggest <1% average match rate.
For a conventional online dating site, this study showed an ~4% response rate for a woman receiving a message from an age-matched man:
The reason I was asking here is because I sometimes wonder how accurate these sorts of studies are in the real world. Additionally, general stats don't give you the same info as knowing what actual individuals from different ends of the spectrum are going through.
I think my performance overall is just mildly below average. Most guys are obviously struggling as well if 96%+ of their messages are also going unanswered.
Further perspectives or personal performance rates still appreciated.