Has The Impact Section Changed You?


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one thing Ive learned from this forum is hair loss IS actually the least of our problems. I started here as a loud mouth, overly negative, thinking Im real type guy and then had a lot happen in the past couple years. I truly do think more than 2/3rds of the people on this forum (section) would still find something to hate themselves and the rest of the world for if they had perfect hair. I think a lot of people here have overly low self esteem, BDD and depression and really need to wake to up the fact that hair loss is just the easiest thing to latch on to. I wont say everyone though. I also would never say take this section away as it IS a good public/vocal release for some anxiety and negative emotions.
Simple fact is though that if a cure came out tomorrow and everyone was a norwood 1, AND it was free, Im willing to bet a lot of guys here would just start complaining that they werent fit enough.
I trickle in now. Im still pissy about my hair, I shave my head, hate it, then grow it out and am happy for a bit because there is hair again, then shave it. I think its the dirty cycle Ive figured out, but I think a lot of the guys here need to realize this.
Also they need to stop blaming society and women. I have never blamed society or women for how people view bald men. We dont like having hair loss, why should society like it any more. I dont blame them for feeling sorry for fatty fatty fat people either and not hair loss sufferers because fat people whine about it and cry like little sissy girls about their, glandular problems, when most bald guys suck it up. You guys want sympathy then start asking for sympathy..... Ive said this before. Dont expect the world to hand you anything, you have to ask or demand it.

I did not read ANYTHING past the OP so Im NOT responding to any post in particular either, so if it seems like it might be that way, its not.

i agree with all this but i really wana give you a dislike


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The way I see it, we would probably like having hair loss if society found it attractive, so how society feels about it largely decides how we feel about it.

I know logically that makes sense but that makes NO SENSE in regards to this entire forum or reality.


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I know logically that makes sense but that makes NO SENSE in regards to this entire forum or reality.

Everybody would shave their hair to 1-guard if not for fashion and social pressure. It's the most physically comfortable haircut. Maybe 3-guard in winter.

The purpose of hair is to peacock, nothing more. Hair is not like nose, ears, eyes, arms, etc it has no value other than peacocking.


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When you lived on Miami were you in an Hispanic area or an Anglo area?

Actually... are there any white suburbs left in Miami?
Apart from the mansions on the water, that is.

it was 80s i went back and forth between there to NY.
I lived in a gated complex on water....most of my area was gated complexes on water.
We had a mix of cultures in my complex but to be honest most of the Latin families were wealthy from their countries and kept that as a second home and went back and forth.
I know at the time most of the cubans who i knew lived in an area Haighlia (cant spell).

i cant say what its like now only go once in a blue for a weekend and stay in S. Beach at a hotel.


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Everybody would shave their hair to 1-guard if not for fashion and social pressure. It's the most physically comfortable haircut. Maybe 3-guard in winter.

The purpose of hair is to peacock, nothing more. Hair is not like nose, ears, eyes, arms, etc it has no value other than peacocking.

Im saying that using the excuse that ALL OF SOCIETY would have to change their mindset to suit a small minority is completely nonsensical. Like so nonsensical its just plain invalid. While logically it makes sense and is a valid statement, its just to impossible to use as a credible argument.


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Im saying that using the excuse that ALL OF SOCIETY would have to change their mindset to suit a small minority is completely nonsensical. Like so nonsensical its just plain invalid. While logically it makes sense and is a valid statement, its just to impossible to use as a credible argument.

It's not an excuse as nobody's expecting real change unless a cure happens.

If you're bald, it's a handicap. More bald is a greater handicap. That's due to social conventions. It's just how it is that's all.

And yes it's certainly true that many of us do have other problems. I know I do. Apparently each of my eyes, my teeth, my bones, my strength, my body fat, my mouth, my chin, my nose, my body language, my voice, etc are bad. There was no objective reason for me to focus on a receding hairline.


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Im saying that using the excuse that ALL OF SOCIETY would have to change their mindset to suit a small minority is completely nonsensical. Like so nonsensical its just plain invalid. While logically it makes sense and is a valid statement, its just to impossible to use as a credible argument.

I think this comes down to a common problem I encounter. Being critical of human nature is very often valid and justified, but it's also often hopeless and not going to achieve anything.

It's justified for me to be critical of hyper-gamy in women, or of their preference for taller, fullhead guys. But it's also pointless. As if I wouldn't turn down 6's if I had 9's all over me. As if I don't have my own superficial preferences in women.

People are fully justified in being bitter and annoyed at the way society treats baldness, it's just not helpful as it will never result in any change. In fact it's more helpful to not be bitter and move on, despite how hard this can be.

What's important is to not let these criticisms of society manifest into hate.


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I think I prefer brunettes but it's not a major issue for me. I never got the blonde vs brunette debate when I got younger, it seemed like a red herring.

I also never understood why back in the 1990s and early 2000s many men went nuts at the idea of two lesbians f*****g, for example that one-hit wonder band from Russia, tatu or whatever they were called. Two lesbians kissing was never an erotic thing to me.


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I think I prefer brunettes but it's not a major issue for me. I never got the blonde vs brunette debate when I got younger, it seemed like a red herring.

I also never understood why back in the 1990s and early 2000s many men went nuts at the idea of two lesbians f*****g, for example that one-hit wonder band from Russia, tatu or whatever they were called. Two lesbians kissing was never an erotic thing to me.

they aren't lesbians in the first place


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Yes and you're normal. I'm not. I wondered what was wrong with me.

I was never attracted to lesbians as well no matter how attractive they are.

Neither was attracted to "solo performance" as well.


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they aren't lesbians in the first place

I don't think people realized that at the time.

Now that our culture has moved forward from the homophobic hysteria of the period ~4,000 BC - 1995 AD, and lesbianism is normalized, most people would suspect they're not gay just by looking at them. Lesbians tend to have somewhat boy-ish facial structure.


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Naaaa ! brunettes for the win
I like blondes and brunettes equally as much, actually. It's not the hair colour that decides what is attractive for me, although it can enhance already beautiful features. I do prefer dark hair on myself though, mainly because I don't think I have the right features to pull off blonde. That said I'd take green hair at this point if only I could have a full head of it :p


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I don't think people realized that at the time.

Now that our culture has moved forward from the homophobic hysteria of the period ~4,000 BC - 1995 AD, and lesbianism is normalized, most people would suspect they're not gay just by looking at them. Lesbians tend to have somewhat boy-ish facial structure.

It never was stigma on lesbians if they are beautiful.


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I think I prefer brunettes but it's not a major issue for me. I never got the blonde vs brunette debate when I got younger, it seemed like a red herring.

I also never understood why back in the 1990s and early 2000s many men went nuts at the idea of two lesbians f*****g, for example that one-hit wonder band from Russia, tatu or whatever they were called. Two lesbians kissing was never an erotic thing to me.

From what I have seen, some hair color can enhance a women's beauty. But she must have a good face to begin with.