Hats as a toupee


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HatPrisoner91 said:
qball01 said:
well, I'm saying your perspective is flawed, because if you see that there are in fact many bald men out there who don't share your views at all, then shouldn't it beg the question as to what is the difference between you and them? And shouldn't it also inspire you to want to reach a level where you aren't so bothered by it and realize a lot of this BS may just be in your head?

Afterall, like I said...what is the difference between you and them? You know that there are many bald men out there who live good lives and aren't really too concerned after a while about being bald....yet, you continue to see it as the worst thing imaginable....why?! And simply saying "everybody is different...experience is subjective" is a stupid cop-out. You're just giving yourself permission to be miserable instead of attempting to learn from the many bald men who don't feel like they're cursed and that everybody hates them because they're bald. The bottom line is, you cause the majority of your own misery and yet you can't even see it.

First of all, there are not that many bald men out there. By bald, I mean bald, not nw4, not nw3, not Norwood 2 etc. So when people say there are millions of men suffering from hairloss, they are including all those other ones. Now knock out anyone over 50, numbers become less. Knock out over 40, starts to become way smaller.

Second, we all don't look like. While one guy looks ok bald, another looks bad. If this were not true, everyone would look good with a buzz cut. But we all don't. Dark skinned guys can get away with it way more. Head shape is also a factor.

Third and last, until you are bald yourself in this situation, you cannot say a word about how a bald person should feel.

I AM in his situation! That was my whole point...and I'm a lot younger too and I go to friggin university...and I still don't have this type of "I'm an outcast among all this hair-having people" attitudes....I'm like maybe one of 10 people out of every male student in my entire university's who is bald and yet I don't look at every guy with hair and feel like I'm so different...I am who I am.

And there STILL ARE that many bald men out there...I have no clue where you live but I see a whole bunch of bald men every public place I go....yeah, not as much as guys with hair but still a very significant amount..enough to let me know I'm not alone out there.


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As I'm sure many of you guys do, I think about balding too much and analyse everyone's hair when I'm watching a film. Saw one on TV from the 70s, something about boxing, and noticed a dude who had nothing on his crown but wore his hair really long. I thought, 'why not cut it short? he looks terrible' then they cut to a shot of him outside on a wharf, wearing a Kangol-style hat, and the long hair worked in that situation.

So, if you can get away with wearing a hat, go for it.

uncomfortable man

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qball01 said:
HatPrisoner91 said:
qball01 said:
well, I'm saying your perspective is flawed, because if you see that there are in fact many bald men out there who don't share your views at all, then shouldn't it beg the question as to what is the difference between you and them? And shouldn't it also inspire you to want to reach a level where you aren't so bothered by it and realize a lot of this BS may just be in your head?

Afterall, like I said...what is the difference between you and them? You know that there are many bald men out there who live good lives and aren't really too concerned after a while about being bald....yet, you continue to see it as the worst thing imaginable....why?! And simply saying "everybody is different...experience is subjective" is a stupid cop-out. You're just giving yourself permission to be miserable instead of attempting to learn from the many bald men who don't feel like they're cursed and that everybody hates them because they're bald. The bottom line is, you cause the majority of your own misery and yet you can't even see it.

First of all, there are not that many bald men out there. By bald, I mean bald, not nw4, not nw3, not Norwood 2 etc. So when people say there are millions of men suffering from hairloss, they are including all those other ones. Now knock out anyone over 50, numbers become less. Knock out over 40, starts to become way smaller.

Second, we all don't look like. While one guy looks ok bald, another looks bad. If this were not true, everyone would look good with a buzz cut. But we all don't. Dark skinned guys can get away with it way more. Head shape is also a factor.

Third and last, until you are bald yourself in this situation, you cannot say a word about how a bald person should feel.

I AM in his situation! That was my whole point...and I'm a lot younger too and I go to friggin university...and I still don't have this type of "I'm an outcast among all this hair-having people" attitudes....I'm like maybe one of 10 people out of every male student in my entire university's who is bald and yet I don't look at every guy with hair and feel like I'm so different...I am who I am.

And there STILL ARE that many bald men out there...I have no clue where you live but I see a whole bunch of bald men every public place I go....yeah, not as much as guys with hair but still a very significant amount..enough to let me know I'm not alone out there.

Look Q, I have accepted my baldness but that doesn't mean that I have to like it. I'm sure the multitudes of bald men out there live with it.... just like you and I do but I don't think very many of them can honestly say they enjoy being bald. That is the distinction that matters here. I carry on and live my life doing what I have to do despite how I look but how I feel about it is subjective and my own damn business. How many of us can say they see themselves through an undistorted lens? You may as well be saying that something is wrong with me because my favorite color is purple instead of green. That's insane, just like trying to convince me that something is wrong with me because I'm not happy about being bald and that my being self conscious about it is totally unfounded. Look man, I'm just trying to live my life just like you are.... so we have different points of view, who the f*** cares? Why does it bother you so much? I come here to share my thoughts and feelings with this community because that is what it's here for, not to tell them how they should think and feel like you do.


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qball01 said:
I AM in his situation! That was my whole point...and I'm a lot younger too and I go to friggin university...and I still don't have this type of "I'm an outcast among all this hair-having people" attitudes....I'm like maybe one of 10 people out of every male student in my entire university's who is bald and yet I don't look at every guy with hair and feel like I'm so different...I am who I am.

And there STILL ARE that many bald men out there...I have no clue where you live but I see a whole bunch of bald men every public place I go....yeah, not as much as guys with hair but still a very significant amount..enough to let me know I'm not alone out there.

What is your Norwood level? And I don't mean where it's thinning. I mean where there is NOTHING there.

And sorry but 1 out of 10 would be nice. Not so nice when it's one or two (at most) out of 300. And the bald guys I see daily are few and far between. I am counting bald (not balding) and not over 50. Obviously if I was 80 years old, I expect many to be bald.


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HatPrisoner91 said:
qball01 said:
I AM in his situation! That was my whole point...and I'm a lot younger too and I go to friggin university...and I still don't have this type of "I'm an outcast among all this hair-having people" attitudes....I'm like maybe one of 10 people out of every male student in my entire university's who is bald and yet I don't look at every guy with hair and feel like I'm so different...I am who I am.

And there STILL ARE that many bald men out there...I have no clue where you live but I see a whole bunch of bald men every public place I go....yeah, not as much as guys with hair but still a very significant amount..enough to let me know I'm not alone out there.

What is your Norwood level? And I don't mean where it's thinning. I mean where there is NOTHING there.

And sorry but 1 out of 10 would be nice. Not so nice when it's one or two (at most) out of 300. And the bald guys I see daily are few and far between. I am counting bald (not balding) and not over 50. Obviously if I was 80 years old, I expect many to be bald.

lol, I love how I have to prove how bald I am to you...I don't think I have a typical pattern of baldness....the recession is in a Norwood 3-4 level at least...the thinning is in a Norwood 6 pattern. I'm pretty sure I'm a Norwood 5 by this point, (if grown out it would look extreemely thin and whispy) but with it shaved off I basically look completely bald, so stop trying to nitpick. Cosmetically, theres very little difference at this point. And like I'm said...I'm only 22 and in university, so if I wanted to...I would have every reason to have your type of attitude and complain that I'm so different from 99.9 percent of my peers, etc.

But the point is...you don't HAVE to feel like that. You've made the choice to feel that way, even if its basically subconscious at this point. But at the end of the day most people really don't care about you being bald if you don't care yourself....

And I think you misunderstood my 1 out of 10 comment...I meant, there may be 10 other guys at most in my position. Out of every male undergraduate who attends the school, which is close to 8000. sooooo...yeah.


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Yes, if you are going to preach to bald men who they should be thinking, then you better be bald yourself, and you are not. If you THINK you are a NW5, then you are not. Wait until you just have head, there is no thinking, you are bald. And no I don't hide in a cabin in the woods. I am among people all the time and yes I am in the VERY VERY high minority and I feel freaking stupid. It's like having a second nose or something.


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HatPrisoner91 said:
Yes, if you are going to preach to bald men who they should be thinking, then you better be bald yourself, and you are not. If you THINK you are a NW5, then you are not. Wait until you just have head, there is no thinking, you are bald. And no I don't hide in a cabin in the woods. I am among people all the time and yes I am in the VERY VERY high minority and I feel freaking stupid. It's like having a second nose or something.

man, you are such a moron its ridiculous. Don't try to tell me I'm not bald when to 100 percent of the population, that would be one of the first traits they described me with. a Norwood 5 is considered bald and yet has a little bit of stubble....here is an example.


My hair grown out would look like the guy on the left. With it shaved down, the hair that is there amounts to almost nothing. I look BALD....BALD. The fact that you're trying to convince me I'm not because of tiny wispy strands of hair just shows what how obsessive you are and the lengths you go to in order to convince yourself that your deranged thoughts are true...

so sorry bro...I AM bald, and I don't need you to tell me any differently. SO yeah...imagine having that much hair and being in university...must be like I have 10 noses then, right? No! Its not...those bullshit thoughts are all in your head. If I can go about my life in college and coexist with all the other people who have hair, then what the hell is your excuse (in your mid FORTIES!!!!) for not being able to tolerate the feeling of being in public? You don't suffer from a legitimate problem, you create them in your head!


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Well this is proof on GeminiX's theory on why a balding commune/community/state would not work.


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Is that my theory then? Why do I have no memory of this?
(Did I mention white wine in the same thread?)


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GeminiX said:
Is that my theory then? Why do I have no memory of this?
(Did I mention white wine in the same thread?)

I believe it was you, maybe I am wrong. It was that the reason a society like that wouldn't work is that the men with more advance levels of baldness would not allow the same privileges to those with not as advanced baldness, hence making that society not equal for all.


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Hmm, does not sound like me; I tend to favour the "all animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others" theory...

uncomfortable man

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GeminiX said:
Hmm, does not sound like me; I tend to favour the "all animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others" theory...

Animal Farm?


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uncomfortable man said:
GeminiX said:
Hmm, does not sound like me; I tend to favour the "all animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others" theory...

Animal Farm?

Indeed :)


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Ok, I checked back and it was monty1978. My mistake.


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qball01 said:
man, you are such a moron its ridiculous. Don't try to tell me I'm not bald when to 100 percent of the population, that would be one of the first traits they described me with. a Norwood 5 is considered bald and yet has a little bit of stubble....here is an example.

My hair grown out would look like the guy on the left. With it shaved down, the hair that is there amounts to almost nothing. I look BALD....BALD. The fact that you're trying to convince me I'm not because of tiny wispy strands of hair just shows what how obsessive you are and the lengths you go to in order to convince yourself that your deranged thoughts are true...

so sorry bro...I AM bald, and I don't need you to tell me any differently. SO yeah...imagine having that much hair and being in university...must be like I have 10 noses then, right? No! Its not...those bullshit thoughts are all in your head. If I can go about my life in college and coexist with all the other people who have hair, then what the hell is your excuse (in your mid FORTIES!!!!) for not being able to tolerate the feeling of being in public? You don't suffer from a legitimate problem, you create them in your head!

Prove it. Post images.

I'm not in my mid 40's dumbass. Try 10 years younger jackass..

The fact that you call it "university" tell me you are in Europe or somewhere other than the US. Big difference.

It's funny how you posted that I am obsessed but I can't post a thing without having you follow me around. Wow you must have a very rewarding life there, bravo.


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HatPrisoner91 said:
qball01 said:
man, you are such a moron its ridiculous. Don't try to tell me I'm not bald when to 100 percent of the population, that would be one of the first traits they described me with. a Norwood 5 is considered bald and yet has a little bit of stubble....here is an example.

My hair grown out would look like the guy on the left. With it shaved down, the hair that is there amounts to almost nothing. I look BALD....BALD. The fact that you're trying to convince me I'm not because of tiny wispy strands of hair just shows what how obsessive you are and the lengths you go to in order to convince yourself that your deranged thoughts are true...

so sorry bro...I AM bald, and I don't need you to tell me any differently. SO yeah...imagine having that much hair and being in university...must be like I have 10 noses then, right? No! Its not...those bullshit thoughts are all in your head. If I can go about my life in college and coexist with all the other people who have hair, then what the hell is your excuse (in your mid FORTIES!!!!) for not being able to tolerate the feeling of being in public? You don't suffer from a legitimate problem, you create them in your head!

Prove it. Post images.

I'm not in my mid 40's dumbass. Try 10 years younger jackass..

The fact that you call it "university" tell me you are in Europe or somewhere other than the US. Big difference.

It's funny how you posted that I am obsessed but I can't post a thing without having you follow me around. Wow you must have a very rewarding life there, bravo.

lol at me following you around...my last post had been weeks ago, I was merely responding to your belated reponse.

And no...not from Europe..I'm in a metropolitan city in a little country north of the border, (I'm sure you can figure it out) where believe it or not, our cultures are actually very similar. Its not like we don't have shallow superficial people here either.

and while I really don't want to post a picture for all to see, maybe I'll PM you a link so you can see I'm not kidding. But even then you'll still find some excuse as to why what I say isn't valid.


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qball01 said:
lol at me following you around...my last post had been weeks ago, I was merely responding to your belated reponse.

And no...not from Europe..I'm in a metropolitan city in a little country north of the border, (I'm sure you can figure it out) where believe it or not, our cultures are actually very similar. Its not like we don't have shallow superficial people here either.

and while I really don't want to post a picture for all to see, maybe I'll PM you a link so you can see I'm not kidding. But even then you'll still find some excuse as to why what I say isn't valid.

Why not post it for all to see? I've done it a long time back though removed it since. So go ahead and post it....

And no, culture is not the same there. Similar but not same.


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Uncomfortable Man how old are you?

somone uk

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hmm i am not using a hat as a toupee but instead a bandanna
i find it has several advantages such that people don't usually have the same social obligations to take off a bandanna, and people don't usually deduce why you are wearing one all the time

but i do admit this is something that works more when you are in your 20's more than 30's


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Where do you work where you can get away with that?