Having A Panic Attack What Should I With My Hair


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Hey mate don't stress, go to your Doctor and get a finasteride prescription. The dose you take a day is so small it's likely to have no effect on you, ask your doctor. I am a light weight (77kg) and I have a quarter tablet of finasteride .5mg a day, combined with Minoxidol topical application 1mg a day. Been 3 months and I have had good results. Sex drive no change, sperm count still up. You can google a positive or negative test on anything these days so dont look to hard into side effects, Bottom line is if you take it and you feel different. Stop taking it. And yes WhiteTshirt you are a fuckwit.

Really ? Take finasteride like candies ? He's not balding, why the f*** he should take finasteride for ? His 20yrs old prostate ? Come on...