macdruid said:
So being knowledgeable gives you a free pass on homophobia... NOT.
macdruid, don't get me wrong, I, in no way support Brancos homophobic outbursts, he makes an idiot of himself all too often on this forum, on HLH and also on the Polish site
'helfen-Haar-zurückzubekommen' (translates as 'give me back my hair' or 'put my hair back' ?).
I am not trying to defend him, but I have emailed him many times and at length over the past year or so, and basically where he comes from he is taught through his religion that homosexuality is 'against' god!
Now I know little to nothing about religion, but have never heard anything about homosexuality not being allowed in a particular faith, so I suspect Branco must belong to one of the Gypsy (Romany) faiths?
All I Know about him for sure is that, outside of his outbursts, he is probably one of the leading animal hormonal experts I have ever talked to and a very willing and helpful member of the hair loss community.
As Dr Freetale said in last months
AMA newletter:
"It's through the tireless research of people like Dr Amis and The UTTA coupled with valuable input from a cross section of the research platform, including the German/Polish effort at Plaute-toidi (This is where Branco works on Pig Breeding) and Geoff Paulin from the Scaline Science Project (SSP) that hair cloning can even be considered as a viable market place over the coming 5-10 years...."
macdruid said:
To quote the site Admin's recent post "He's similar to the kid you knew at school who rode the short bus."
You may frown on him because he doesn't speak
your language at all well, but I would guess you would struggle in Poland to a similar degree.
And is it OK to mock mentally retarded kids (which Branco may seem but is certainly not), but not homosexuals?
I would think both unfair targets, but if you find amusment in Admins missplaced comments on Branco, then fine, you are no better than Branco with his homophobia.
I am not sure what you contribution to hair loss treatments has been over the last 7 years! but without people like Branco we would be looking at a fairly bleak future for hair loss, especially in areas like cloning.