Height And Bladness. Who Can Pull It Off


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the only bald guys who can pull it off are the 5 ft 10+. mabe 5 ft 9. but anyoe below that is doomed. im 5 ft 7. im doomed.

the usual bald guys who attracts woman are the tall and big ones. vin diesel and de rock are both above 6 ft.

a short bald guy compleatly contradicts this.

a short guy with full head of hair can be considerd a nice preety boy for woman and has a youthfull look.\

but a short bald guy look pathetic. like an old guy in a kid's body

5 ft 9 is basiclly the height when you start looking like an adult. 5 ft 8 and 5 ft 7 are 12 year olds height

blow 5 ft 7 is basiclly the entrance to the freak category.


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Ehhh, personally I take it further and would say that under 6 foot is manlet category, 5'10" - 5'11" - ish is where you can get away with it when you're dealing with normies. IMO you shouldn't even enter a club being under 6 foot, hair or no hair. If I was a bouncer I'd stop short men from getting in for their own good. Under 5'7" though with hair or without and it's over. Just hang it up and give up. No chance. You'll be cucked into oblivion.


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Height is the most overplayed meme on the Internet tbh. As long as you aren't freakishly short (like 5'4) and have other good physical traits, you'll be okay.

The frontman of a band I played in once was only 5'6, but he literally had a 8 or 9 face and good style. Every girl wanted to have sexual relations with him.


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Height is the most overplayed meme on the Internet tbh. As long as you aren't freakishly short (like 5'4) and have other good physical traits, you'll be okay.

The frontman of a band I played in once was only 5'6, but he literally had a 8 or 9 face and good style. Every girl wanted to have sexual relations with him.

The problem is 80% of people dont have 8 or 9 faces.


My Regimen
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Height is the most overplayed meme on the Internet tbh. As long as you aren't freakishly short (like 5'4) and have other good physical traits, you'll be okay.

The frontman of a band I played in once was only 5'6, but he literally had a 8 or 9 face and good style. Every girl wanted to have sexual relations with him.

that dosent apply to bald man. baldnss + shortness is instant death


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Ehhh, personally I take it further and would say that under 6 foot is manlet category, 5'10" - 5'11" - ish is where you can get away with it when you're dealing with normies. IMO you shouldn't even enter a club being under 6 foot, hair or no hair. If I was a bouncer I'd stop short men from getting in for their own good. Under 5'7" though with hair or without and it's over. Just hang it up and give up. No chance. You'll be cucked into oblivion.

I Hope you don't get cucked in future life..
You have posted most refrences of cuckoldness on this site...


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Height is the most overplayed meme on the Internet tbh. As long as you aren't freakishly short (like 5'4) and have other good physical traits, you'll be okay.

The frontman of a band I played in once was only 5'6, but he literally had a 8 or 9 face and good style. Every girl wanted to have sexual relations with him.
I agree. I live in an area with short hispanic model looking guys and they always have good looking women drooling over them.


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Having tall height can attract average girl with ease...

but to attract a top notch girl..even having tall height is not enough.
One has to have multiple good qualities to be distinctive..one being good nature.

(Average and top notch here do not mean looks only but include qualities and nature too.)


My Regimen
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Ehhh, personally I take it further and would say that under 6 foot is manlet category, 5'10" - 5'11" - ish is where you can get away with it when you're dealing with normies. IMO you shouldn't even enter a club being under 6 foot, hair or no hair. If I was a bouncer I'd stop short men from getting in for their own good. Under 5'7" though with hair or without and it's over. Just hang it up and give up. No chance. You'll be cucked into oblivion.

if youl stop manlets and bald guys from entering clubs youl have no income because they are the majority there.


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My Regimen
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the only bald guys who can pull it off are the 5 ft 10+. mabe 5 ft 9. but anyoe below that is doomed. im 5 ft 7. im doomed.

the usual bald guys who attracts woman are the tall and big ones. vin diesel and de rock are both above 6 ft.

a short bald guy compleatly contradicts this.

a short guy with full head of hair can be considerd a nice preety boy for woman and has a youthfull look.\

but a short bald guy look pathetic. like an old guy in a kid's body

5 ft 9 is basiclly the height when you start looking like an adult. 5 ft 8 and 5 ft 7 are 12 year olds height

blow 5 ft 7 is basiclly the entrance to the freak category.
12 year old with the hair of a 90 year old reporting in.


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Some of you guys just want to fail. You want to hold on to your excuses that because your under six foot, because you aren't NW1, that life sucks for you and NOTHING can be done.

I have news for you; this is f*****g bullshit.

The most disgusting trait in men is the self-hatred and learned helplessness which is clear many of you suffer from.

I'm angry because I can't see a single f*****g shred of hope in a lot of you, and it's actually quite sad. Life is not that f*****g bad!

Please get a grip guys.

It's not worth investing your time into things outside of your control. Better to invest your time in things you can control.

So according to you, bald guys can't get hot girls. Well f*****g deal with it. Go out with an ugly girl if that's your belief system. But stop complaining about it.