Height And Bladness. Who Can Pull It Off


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Some of you guys just want to fail. You want to hold on to your excuses that because your under six foot, because you aren't NW1, that life sucks for you and NOTHING can be done.

I have news for you; this is f*****g bullshit.

The most disgusting trait in men is the self-hatred and learned helplessness which is clear many of you suffer from.

I'm angry because I can't see a single f*****g shred of hope in a lot of you, and it's actually quite sad. Life is not that f*****g bad!

Please get a grip guys.

It's not worth investing your time into things outside of your control. Better to invest your time in things you can control.

So according to you, bald guys can't get hot girls. Well f*****g deal with it. Go out with an ugly girl if that's your belief system. But stop complaining about it.

Also aren't you 5'10? That's average & even above average in most places in the world. Check your height privilege.


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Some of you guys just want to fail. You want to hold on to your excuses that because your under six foot, because you aren't NW1, that life sucks for you and NOTHING can be done.

I have news for you; this is f*****g bullshit.

The most disgusting trait in men is the self-hatred and learned helplessness which is clear many of you suffer from.

I'm angry because I can't see a single f*****g shred of hope in a lot of you, and it's actually quite sad. Life is not that f*****g bad!

Please get a grip guys.

It's not worth investing your time into things outside of your control. Better to invest your time in things you can control.

So according to you, bald guys can't get hot girls. Well f*****g deal with it. Go out with an ugly girl if that's your belief system. But stop complaining about it.

Mr blue pil came to lecture us again


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The 5'6 guy is good looking. Feel real bad for the 5'0 and 5'4 guys.

There is one top actor from bollywood name Aamir Khan who is 5 feet 4 or 5.(disputed..)

He was always successful in India..now he have capture Entire China with his Acting.

His movie get top rating in China..with collections even higher than many hollywood movies.

Even Xi Jinping has become fan of him..
Made comments for him at a time..
when India and China were headed for full blown War...


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Only hot guys can get hot girls consistently. Hot bald guy is an oxymoron in 99% of cases.

"But what about that tall ripped handsome bald celebrity?!"

* sigh *

This can all be really simple, shave your head in a NW5 pattern, don't forget to put make-up on the NW5 area to mask the 5 o' clock shadow, live your life like for 6 months and then come back here to post the pictures of yourself with all the hotties you managed to get.

That never happens, and you know what else almost never happens? A bald guy that comes here to tell us that he's still doing well with women and that hair loss doesn't matter. I say almost because it actually happened once, and I've been on this forum for almost 10 years.

We probed the guy and discovered that he was 6'4, ripped, good-looking and dark-skinned. The exception that proves the rule. Don't tire yourself trying to rationalize away what's painfully obvious. Been there, done that, look at my registration date, trust me, I've seen it all.

WPB, you are right there RE hot girls. I should have written, bald guys can still get girls.

Hot girls, maybe not. There are bald guys in the world today with hot women. Who knows the data but it exists.

But, either way, bald guys can get girls. Maybe a lot of us will have to lower our expectations somewhat. But if we have our overall look together, and were handsome enough in the first place, then you can still get girls.

As for the looks of that particular woman, that is partly subjective and secondly it would be impossible to quantify how many girls or 'hot girls' bald guys across the world have.

One thing for certain though, the bald guys with hot girls aren't on this forum. So this forum isn't exactly an objective scientific experiment for whether bald guys can get hot girls. Since there is no hard and fast rule, no scientific formula, men must try in their own way to improve themselves.

My own ancedotal experience tells me that my bald friends ( roughly in their late 20's) don't necessarily have a problem with women. The most attractive women i.e. the vainer, more insecure, instagram types who think sh*t comes out of their arse, they'll want the 'perfect' man which probably includes an NW1-2 hairline. But I've met a lot of attractive girls who date bald men. Its no big deal.

There are a lot of bald male sex symbols, one's that are seen to be handsome. I'm not saying that all of us can reach that status, but at least it makes it possible. We may not be able to reach the global status symbol of the obvious Hollywood bald guys, or athletes, or musicians. But we can still build our own status in our social groups, in our local environments, and so on.
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WPB, you are right there RE hot girls. I should have written, bald guys can still get girls.

Hot girls, maybe not. There are bald guys in the world today with hot women. Who knows the data but it exists.

But, either way, bald guys can get girls. Maybe a lot of us will have to lower our expectations somewhat. But if we have our overall look together, and were handsome enough in the first place, then you can still get girls.

As for the looks of that particular woman, that is partly subjective and secondly it would be impossible to quantify how many girls or hot girls bald guys across the world have.

One thing for certain though, the bald guys with hot girls aren't on this forum. So this forum isn't exactly an objective scientific experiment for whether bald guys can get hot girls. Since there is no hard and fast rule. no scientific formula, men must try in their own way to improve themselves.

My own subjective experience tells me that bald guy friends in their late 20's don't necessarily have a problem with women. The most attractive women i.e. the vainer, more insecure, instagram types who think sh*t comes out of their arse, they'll want the 'perfect' man. But I've met a lot of attractive girls who date bald men. Its no big deal.

There are a lot of bald male sex symbols, one's that are seen to be handsome. I'm not saying that all of us can reach that status, but at least it makes it possible. We may not be able to reach the global status symbol of the obvious Hollywood bald guys, or athletes, or musicians. But we can still build our own status in our social groups, in our local environments, and so on.
No bald guy below 5 ft 10 is dating any girl you blue pil idiot.


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No bald guy below 5 ft 10 is dating any girl you blue pil idiot.


What a load of BS you're spouting. Considering how many billions of people there are in the world, I think we both know you are talking out of your arse.


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What a load of BS you're spouting. Considering how many billions of people there are in the world, I think we both know you are talking out of your arse.

Milions of people all over the world are incels. Including bald freaks. Most of them bald freaks manlets.


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Just lol @ being a manlet. I'm in search of a new gym so I can cope so I don't rope. Anyways, I'm following behind this chick who must've been at least 6 feet tall. She literally slams the door behind me, she clearly saw me too. It was if to say that I shouldn't even bother to come inside the gym because of my inferiority. This is what us manlets deal with on a day-to-day basis. It's torture.


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Just lol @ being a manlet. I'm in search of a new gym so I can cope so I don't rope. Anyways, I'm following behind this chick who must've been at least 6 feet tall. She literally slams the door behind me, she clearly saw me too. It was if to say that I shouldn't even bother to come inside the gym because of my inferiority. This is what us manlets deal with on a day-to-day basis. It's torture.

How short are you since you are calling yourself a manlet?


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Why do people write so much about manlets when its such a minority of people who are 5'7 and under?