Heightism Exposed. Just How Mean Can People Be?


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To look good is not equal to people care for you.
I have seen this world closely.
No one cares whether you live or die unless you are important to them.
Your 10s looks is useless for others.
Your 10 million dollars is useless for them.

What this world requires is your usefullness.
If you are useful,people will care for you.

About looks:
When talking at this level,it is fairly assumed you are at least average.

You have to portray life Issues according to your Life.
You cannot post issues of other people and expect to gain mileage in your point.

Even if you have some visible(Height),there is no power on this planet that can save you from that flaw.
In that case,you seriously need to develop something that can bring worth to you.
Worrying on that issue will never help you.

By the way how tall are you?
What's your nationality?

In my region,average height of maximum number of guys below 30 is between 5 feet 7/8 to 5 feet 11.
Girls are between 5 feet 1/2 to 5 feet 5.
Still it doesn't mean girls below 5 feet 0 do not exist.

Btw,are you married?
I was thinking you are from France by your username desch..

A lot to address in this post! Thanks for writing!

Well yes, I am useful. I guess at least enough to have friends and have been somewhat successful in my career. That doesn't mean people actually care. That just means people will call you up when they need something. But they probably won't invite you to parties, and certainly not if there will be any pictures taken. They'll certainly come to parties I throw though. That's never a problem, 'cuz I've hosted some pretty spectacular shows.

Not sure what you mean about portraying issues according to my life. I am talking entirely about my experiences. I've had so many women say they won't date me because I'm an awesome guy and everything, but I'm too short, I've totally lost count (even with women significantly shorter than me). I've had people reluctant to hire me, or promote me because I don't have enough "leadership presence". I have stories that people would barely believe, except for my friends who were there to see it. I'm not some kind of socially awkward introverted geek either. I'm confident, outspoken, well spoken, and can shut up a whole room full of people when I start telling a story. I have some pretty cool interests and hobbies, and can pretty much talk to anyone about anything. That doesn't mean I get treated fairly though. It just means I'm also useful at being entertaining and interesting, so sometimes I'm good to have around.

Other things to answer: I'm 47, 5'5" (on a good day, rounding up). I'm Canadian, with some French Canadian heritage. Yes, you were right about the "desch" part...first few letters of my last name.

Nope, certainly not married, although I'm in a relationship, finally, somehow I didn't expect. I asked out thousands of women during the decades before that, and can still say I've never been on a date (although I've been cancelled on 17 times, and stood up 9 times), so getting married and having kids was never remotely on the radar.

So there's my life story in general.

Oh, also of minor relevance to this forum, I've had grey hair since I was 16. Once it started spreading, it got pretty funny, because being short and small always makes people think I'm a decade younger than I am, and even when people saw my grey hair, they didn't adjust their thinking. I was in my 30s, working in a university, and got mistaken as a lost first year student all the time, even in employee uniform.

Now I'm almost completely grey, and it's very slowly starting to thin, but I'm 47, so I guess I should expect that...
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Alright. Why is there a threat on heightism on this forum? I thought this was a hair loss forum?

I'm only 5' 7.5" or so (~171.5cm). My parents were both pretty short (5'0" mother and 5'6" father). The average white male height in my country (U.S.) is 5'10". I've had no problem ever getting respect in my entire life, and I've certainly never had any problems with female attention. I've never been "short-shamed" in my life. Now, if you're like 5'2", you might be in a different boat. But if you're a little below the average, you have nothing to complain about.

Another important thing are your body proportions. Mostly in terms of whether you have a long torso and short legs, average torso and average legs, or long legs and a short torso. I personally have proportionally long legs and a proportionally short torso, which makes me look slightly taller than my actual height visually. If you have a longer torso and shorter legs, you'll look shorter than your actual height.This is ideal on women, though not on men. Having an average torso and average legs is considered ideal for a man, reagardless of height.

Another consideration: you can't magically change your height. There are a plethora of hair loss treatments of varying effectiveness, but only an uber-expensive surgery for increasing your height (~$30,000-$50,000). You have to get your legs broken, and then sit in a wheelchair for 6 months to gain maybe 2 inches by slightly increasing the pressure. It's a pain in the ***. Not to mention all the possible complications. In practical terms. complaining about your height is pointless because there's nothing you can do about it, really. Hair loss is at least treatable and somewhat fixable.

Another fact: most people can't judge your height very accurately (people generally overestimate (sometimes underestimate) by 2 inches or so).
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Alright. Why is there a threat on heightism on this forum? I thought this was a hair loss forum?

I'm only 5' 7.5" or so (~171.5cm). My parents were both pretty short (5'0" mother and 5'6" father). The average white male height in my country (U.S.) is 5'10". I've had no problem ever getting respect in my entire life, and I've certainly never had any problems with female attention. I've never been "short-shamed" in my life. Now, if you're like 5'2", you might be in a different boat. But if you're a little below the average, you have nothing to complain about.

Another important thing are your body proportions. Mostly in terms of whether you have a long torso and short legs, average torso and average legs, or long legs and a short torso. I personally have proportionally long legs and a proportionally short torso, which makes me look slightly taller than my actual height visually. If you have a longer torso and shorter legs, you'll look shorter than your actual height.This is ideal on women, though not on men. Having an average torso and average legs is considered ideal for a man, reagardless of height.

Another consideration: you can't magically change your height. There are a plethora of hair loss treatments of varying effectiveness, but only an uber-expensive surgery for increasing your height (~$30,000-$50,000). You have to get your legs broken, and then sit in a wheelchair for 6 months to gain maybe 2 inches by slightly increasing the pressure. It's a pain in the ***. Not to mention all the possible complications. In practical terms. complaining about your height is pointless because there's nothing you can do about it, really. Hair loss is at least treatable and somewhat fixable.

Another fact: most people can't judge your height very accurately (people generally overestimate (sometimes underestimate) by 2 inches or so).

Yeah, I dunno why there's a heightism thread here, but I thought it was interesting. You bring up a good point. According to a height percentile calculator 5' 7.5" puts you in the bottom 29%, whereas I'm in the bottom 3-4%. Standard deviations are a b**ch. In reality, it usually works out that unless there are more than 40 guys in a place, I'll be the shortest one. That makes a difference. I get "short-shamed" regularly.

Anyway, I really didn't come here to complain about it. I just saw some "height really doesn't matter" comments towards the start of this thread, and wanted to stop by and say "hell yes it does, in ways you can't even imagine if you're not under 5'6"! "


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Yeah, I dunno why there's a heightism thread here, but I thought it was interesting. You bring up a good point. According to a height percentile calculator 5' 7.5" puts you in the bottom 29%, whereas I'm in the bottom 3-4%. Standard deviations are a b**ch. In reality, it usually works out that unless there are more than 40 guys in a place, I'll be the shortest one. That makes a difference. I get "short-shamed" regularly.

Anyway, I really didn't come here to complain about it. I just saw some "height really doesn't matter" comments towards the start of this thread, and wanted to stop by and say "hell yes it does, in ways you can't even imagine if you're not under 5'6"! "

Like I said, I don't deny there's an effect if you're significantly short (You're about 2 standard deviations from the mean, I'm about 1 standard deviation; I think you can get away with being within less than 1 standard deviation without being "short-shamed"). Still, there's nothing you can do about it practically, unlike hair loss, so you just have to learn to live with your height. In terms of where I am height-wise in a room of a bunch of guys, I'm usually not the absolute shortest; maybe lower end of middle. I haven't given a sh*t about my height since forever.

To end on a positive note: try not to worry about your height too much, lol. But it seems like you've managed just fine with your height.
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You guys talk as if there’s no negative aspect to being tall. Do you have any idea how much hostility I get on an almost daily basis from other men simply for being a tall, reasonably attractive, well dressed man? Me just walking around minding my own business is apparently a problem for some men. Some short men too. One particular short middle aged guy at work has been eyeballing me with hostility for years, I just let it go.

For when I pass men in the street, I’ve had to perfect the art of staring into the distance so that I don’t look intimidated but I’m not being unnecessarily provocative by returning neanderthalic stares either. It’s mostly just an irritant, but it can be tiring. Admittedly I sometimes misinterpret these stares and I’ll get a genuine compliment like “nice suit mate” from a guy whose obviously confident in himself. Perhaps that’s what some of the others are thinking too, but it feels mostly like hostility.


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You guys talk as if there’s no negative aspect to being tall. Do you have any idea how much hostility I get on an almost daily basis from other men simply for being a tall, reasonably attractive, well dressed man? Me just walking around minding my own business is apparently a problem for some men. Some short men too. One particular short middle aged guy at work has been eyeballing me with hostility for years, I just let it go.

For when I pass men in the street, I’ve had to perfect the art of staring into the distance so that I don’t look intimidated but I’m not being unnecessarily provocative by returning neanderthalic stares either. It’s mostly just an irritant, but it can be tiring. Admittedly I sometimes misinterpret these stares and I’ll get a genuine compliment like “nice suit mate” from a guy whose obviously confident in himself. Perhaps that’s what some of the others are thinking too, but it feels mostly like hostility.

xD pics please


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People throw “strawman” around so readily now it’s lost all meaning. My comment was exactly relevant to the exchange with @Chromedome1990

Sorry, I just get really irked when people say that short men are just angry because they can't get super models. I hear it all the time, and I've had the accusation fired at me too. The fact is, I just want to walk down the street without having to move out of everyone's way, or go to a party and not have that hot blonde I wasn't even going to talk to walk up to me and issue a "preemptive strike" against me.

When it comes to looking for women, I wish I could show pictures of the full range of women I've asked out...hundreds of them, so people would give that accusation a good rest. It is a straw man, in that it is a misrepresented proposition, rather than addressing the real issue. At least for me. I'm sure there are guys out there of whom it is true, but that's not me.

Anyway, no animosity intended here... and thanks for keeping this discussion going.


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Every post you come across as if hairloss is nothing and shouldn't affect anyone and how you're better than everyone else, I just wanna see what this magnificent man looks like.

I can’t do anything about your perception of how I post. Believe that I’m actually ugly if it helps. I’ve never suggested hair loss is nothing, I wouldn’t be taking hormone altering drugs (finasteride) and spending substantial money on Regenepure products if that was the case.


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I just want to walk down the street without having to move out of everyone's way

If you were tall, you’d just get other tall guys trying to play chicken with you in the street, even when there’s comfortably enough space for you to pass without bothering each other. It’s a small minded, male dominance thing. Occasionally I’ll make an exaggerated movement out of the way just to show to the other person how silly this is.


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You guys talk as if there’s no negative aspect to being tall. Do you have any idea how much hostility I get on an almost daily basis from other men simply for being a tall, reasonably attractive, well dressed man? Me just walking around minding my own business is apparently a problem for some men. Some short men too. One particular short middle aged guy at work has been eyeballing me with hostility for years, I just let it go.

For when I pass men in the street, I’ve had to perfect the art of staring into the distance so that I don’t look intimidated but I’m not being unnecessarily provocative by returning neanderthalic stares either. It’s mostly just an irritant, but it can be tiring. Admittedly I sometimes misinterpret these stares and I’ll get a genuine compliment like “nice suit mate” from a guy whose obviously confident in himself. Perhaps that’s what some of the others are thinking too, but it feels mostly like hostility.

You're from the UK right? I find that extremely hard to believe. I can't think of any Western nations where height isn't seen as an extremely positive trait. Hostility? It's pretty much exclusively from lesser life forms isn't it, you should bask in their jealous tears like the true alpha you are. You said you were a little over 6', right? Unless you were 6'6 or something, I just don't see how you would get so much unwanted attention.

Why do you take this "hostility" so seriously? Or better yet, have you ever considered it from the opposite side? I've gone through what @umdesch4 said firsthand, it's not pretty believe me. I'd much rather be taller and get the occasional stink eye from a jealous, inferior life form and remind them what an alpha male I am.


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Many reasons, but mostly because I think they should mind their own business. I don’t walk around glaring at other men like a neanderthal, so why do it to me?

As I said, it’s mostly just an irritant, but it can become energy sapping at times.

It must be a UK thing, Ive never heard of anything like that happening in the USA. Or anywhere else. Tall guys dont get frequent, angry, energy sapping glares just for being tall.


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Tall guys dont get frequent, angry, energy sapping glares just for being tall.

The way I dress and carry myself are probably contributory factors in addition to the height, but I still don’t understand why this (seemingly) bothers other men. No matter where I look or position myself on the pavement (sidewalk) I always seem to encounter these situations. Of course it doesn’t help that so many people look at their phones while walking now.

I probably do let it be bother me too much, but it just seems obvious with a little more attention and self awareness the staring and invasion of personal space could easily be avoided. But it requires the cooperation of other people, and most people are stupid.


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It must be a UK thing, Ive never heard of anything like that happening in the USA. Or anywhere else. Tall guys dont get frequent, angry, energy sapping glares just for being tall.

This guy’s just trying to make something out of nothing or he’s provoking it. I’m 6’5” and the stuff this guy claims happens doesn’t exist, sorry. People leave me alone and the only comments I get on how tall I am are when I stand besides someone else. Besides that everyone just does their thing.. I’m sure some are intimidated to talk to me, but it’s nothing like this guy describes.


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The way I dress and carry myself are probably contributory factors in addition to the height, but I still don’t understand why this (seemingly) bothers other men. No matter where I look or position myself on the pavement (sidewalk) I always seem to encounter these situations. Of course it doesn’t help that so many people look at their phones while walking now.

I probably do let it be bother me too much, but it just seems obvious with a little more attention and self awareness the staring and invasion of personal space could easily be avoided. But it requires the cooperation of other people, and most people are stupid.

It’s all about how your carry yourself.


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The way I dress and carry myself are probably contributory factors in addition to the height, but I still don’t understand why this (seemingly) bothers other men. No matter where I look or position myself on the pavement (sidewalk) I always seem to encounter these situations. Of course it doesn’t help that so many people look at their phones while walking now.

I probably do let it be bother me too much, but it just seems obvious with a little more attention and self awareness the staring and invasion of personal space could easily be avoided. But it requires the cooperation of other people, and most people are stupid.

Might be because you come across as a weirdo like you do here too.


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This guy’s just trying to make something out of nothing or he’s provoking it. I’m 6’5” and the stuff this guy claims happens doesn’t exist, sorry. People leave me alone and the only comments I get on how tall I am are when I stand besides someone else. Besides that everyone just does their thing.. I’m sure some are intimidated to talk to me, but it’s nothing like this guy describes.

Ya I am also over 6' and I can't recall anyone ever glaring at me for it. And actually that includes a stint of living in the UK as well.