
Hello. I’m A 67 Year Old Female With Alopecua For 35 Years .. I’m Am Going To Be Real Here Because W

Allie wiesner

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Hello my name is Allie. I am a 66 year old white female and I have had alopecua for 35 years. I am going to be real here because we need to be if we are going to help people. This hurts even still I do not look like me and I have even forgot what me looks like ... I would never make light of anyone just being diagnosed because it is hard. People can be cruel ... most people have never even heard of alopecia so assume you have cancer ... I want to do what I can to help anyone. There was no one there for me ... I pray daily for a cure


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hi allie wiesner ( german sounding family name, so you or your husband have german ancestry....nice!)

after 35 years of hairloss: do you still habe hairs left?


My Regimen
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Hey Allie, not sure why you write..... like this....
I'm not sure if you are for real...
But check this link:

Have you taken/tried these drugs (ruxolitinib and tofacitinib)? Curious to know, i've read about Alopecia a bit, but i think Alopecia areata is treatable now?

35 years of alopecia, i can't imagine, but i'm interested in your story.

What have you tried over the years though?

PS: This forum can sometimes be more harmful than useful.
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