HELP! Good non-surgical hair replacement in England?


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I am seeking help. Looking for a good studio who could help me get hair replacement. I am norwood 2, high temples recession and a widows peak which is thinning. Currently use concealer fibres and the big 3 and have no other areas of hair loss so need something for temples and hairline. I want to avoid the surgical route for now as hair systems can potentially provide better looking hair that i could grow back myself.
I would love to hear experiences of others on here with hair replacement companies, pictures, where to go, what the procedure involves? Apologies for repeating old threads. I have looked through other threads like mine, but none seem to have thorough responses or answer the question. I am quite desperate and would love your help

Thankyou David


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Hi David

You could either get a thin boomerang shaped strip of lace just to lower your hairline and fill in your temple recession, or you could shave off your forelock (ie the bit between your receding temples) and get a small hairpiece for your front. I started out with the latter technique when I first began wearing, although I have since had to move on to a full-sized piece as I have lost more hair. I think you can get a good result, which will make a big difference to your appearance.

In general it's best to keep as much of your natural hair as you can and fill in around it, but you also need to make sure that the density of the additional hair matches the real hair adjacent to it, otherwise it will be noticeable. So the option you go for depends on the quality of the hair you have left. If that hair is weak and wispy, better to shave it off and get a bigger piece. The end result will be better.

The sort of piece you go for depends on what hairstyle you want, what sort of lifestyle you have (eg Olympic athlete v chatprtered accountant), and to some extent how much money you have and how much time you are willing to spend on your hair. On the whole you get the best most undetectable result from a Swiss lace piece attached with glue, but it is also the least robust and most time-consuming combo.

Getting help from a decent salon is a good idea for a complete beginner, although you should be aiming to go DIY in the medium term. I wouldn't recommend the salon I went to, but there are few places that get a good write-up on forums like this, perhaps the most favourable being Phil at Hair4All. I haven't used him myself, but I have spoken to guys who have and they were impressed. He has a good website which is worth visiting.

I am a bit chary about putting my photos on the Web, but if you give me your email I would be happy to share them with you.



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Hi Noah

Thankyou so much for that wonderful and full answer. I can not thank you enough! I will certainly follow your advice. Will PM you. David


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If you were trying to PM me, please have another go. My inbox was full.
