Heretogrow's story - Hairloss From Early 20's

Man in Space

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My crown started to thicken up at around 3 monhts, and i started seeing regrowth in the hairline at around 6months. Overall hair quality has improved, im at 8 months now and am loving watching my hair loss going in reverse!

Man in Space

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Fingers crossed for you. You are in a good position as you have caught it relatively early, you have still got most of your hair and you appear to have plenty of miniaturised hair in your crown which hopefully your regimen will maintain and turn back to terminal hair. By throwing in Rogaine straight into the mix you will also potentially get regrowth as well as it easier to get back follicles back when they have only recently been lost. As you may be aware it is generally easier to get regrowth at the back as well so all in all there is every reason to hope that this time in a year that thinning patch at the back will be reversed. Best of luck


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Thanks mate. I wonder how far back in years of hairloss minoxidil can regrow, maybe 2-3 years? I have no idea, but that would be awesome.


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Heretogrow said:
Hello everyone,

What do you guys think? Your Feedback will be much appreciated! :)

Don't use Propecia unless you want to risk being chemically castrated.

I wish someone could have told this to me in 1998.


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Heretogrow said:
So are you saying you became infertile after using it? or decreased libido?

Zero Libido or interest in sex
No response to visual stimuli
No mornng wood or spontaneous erections in ten years
Watery c*m if and when it happens
Near total impotence
v**** helps but only a little
Gyno mastia - enlarged breast, on one side
Don't know about fertility (yet)

Don't do it, f*****g with your endocrine system over a cosmetic situation is insane - i don't believe i did it and am writing this to you. Guys in their early 20's have suicided over what its done to them after only days of use - for many it appears the damage is permanent. Dr's don't know what to do. read all of it closely

Man in Space

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Be very careful to try and remain balanced when approaching this subject, especially on websites such as propeciahelp as you are receiving only one side of the story there. It is impossible to prove that people such as the men cited in their early 20s wanting to commit suicide after a few days usage had their issues caused by this drug, in fact that kind of anecdote makes me highly sceptical, i sincerely doubt these cases were caused by propecia in such a quick time, but i say this without scientific evidence, just as a user in whom the drug has caused nil side effects apart from more hair. My lack of scientific evidence discredits my opinion and makes it anecdotal, but the same applies to all the guys who claim it ruins you. Just as those side effects are real in those men, they cannot prove it was because of finesteride and just as i have not had side effects, i cannot prove that means no one will. Aside from trying to avoid being prejudiced by anecdotal evidence, you also need to beware forum members who cite scientific evidence as they do not necessarily have an understanding of the material. I could look at the stock market, quote and interpret it to you, but would that mean you would trust me to bet your house on an investment?. Look into the studies from scientists yourself if you are curious and come to your own conclusion, everything else is just white noise.

Im not looking to start an argument or in anyway suggest that amalgamateds problems are anything other than horrible, im just merely asking for a little perspective, many people, including myself are using this treatment with no side effects, more so than are reporting sides.


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Man in Space said:
Be very careful to try and remain balanced when approaching this subject, especially on websites such as propeciahelp as you are receiving only one side of the story there. It is impossible to prove that people such as the men cited in their early 20s wanting to commit suicide after a few days usage had their issues caused by this drug, .

Procepia Suicide CBS News

Man in Space

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I watched that and much as i sympathise with his parents unfortunately this did not prove anything. Dr Irwig ''suspects'' that propecia can cause this level of depression.

This is precisely what i mean, I see a sensationalist media keen to get ratings, i see grieving parents looking for answers, i see a scientist speculating, i see a lawyer trying to apply media pressure to force merk into an out of court settlement for his impending lawsuits and a woman presenter providing a ridiculous incredulous look to add weight to cover for the lack of a single modicum of evidence but i see no scientific evidence that finesteride was the cause of this or other mens toubles. No evidence aside from speculation.

Im perfectly sympathetic to people who this is happening to, i just dont think you help your argument when this kind of thing is presented as evidence.


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Man in Space said:
I watched that and much as i sympathise with his parents unfortunately this did not prove anything. Dr Irwig ''suspects'' that propecia can cause this level of depression.

This is precisely what i mean, I see a sensationalist media keen to get ratings, i see grieving parents looking for answers, i see a scientist speculating, i see a lawyer trying to apply media pressure to force merk into an out of court settlement for his impending lawsuits and a woman presenter providing a ridiculous incredulous look to add weight to cover for the lack of a single modicum of evidence but i see no scientific evidence that finesteride was the cause of this or other mens toubles. No evidence aside from speculation.

Im perfectly sympathetic to people who this is happening to, i just dont think you help your argument when this kind of thing is presented as evidence.

do what ever you want kid. i'm just taking some of my time to enlighten some in ways no one could me back in 1998.

Adverse Side Effects of 5?-Reductase Inhibitors Therapy: Persistent Diminished Libido and Erectile Dysfunction and Depression in a Subset of Patients
Traish AM, Hassani J, Guay AT, Zitzmann M, and Hansen M.
J Sex Med 2011;8:872–844. ... x/abstract

Man in Space

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Ill overlook the patronising manner in which you refer to me as kid, i do not believe I was patronising or offensive at all to you indeed i strove to be sympathtic, it is a shame you could not extend to me the same courtesy that i afforded you. Nevertheless allow me to draw peoples attention to the abstract on that journal which has been cited here

Introduction: 5?-reductase inhibitors (5?-RIs), finasteride and dutasteride, have been approved for treatment of lower urinary tract symptoms, due to benign prostatic hyperplasia, with marked clinical efficacy. Finasteride is also approved for treatment of hair loss (androgenetic alopecia). Although the adverse side effects of these agents are thought to be minimal, the magnitude of adverse effects on sexual function, gynecomastia, depression, and quality of life remains ill-defined.

Results.?Prolonged adverse effects on sexual function such as erectile dysfunction and diminished libido are reported by a subset of men, raising the possibility of a causal relationship.

So in summary for those taking finesteride, sexual side effects are thought to be minimal, reported in a subset (minority) of men and the posibillity of a causal relationship remains ill defined.

To begin with there is nothing new here, I think most of us are aware that there is a potential risk of sexual side effects. However once again the evidence you provide to incite fear is pure speculation. There is no definitive proof of a causal relationship in your medical journal, merely the suggestion of a possibility, the words of the journal, not mine. Im not saying there definately isnt a causual relationship, but i wouldnt presume to know as you seem to. Until such time as i see definitive medical evidence of causation i retain my right to be sceptical of people asserting for definate that finesteride caused their troubles in each case.

The simple truth is I dont know to what degree there is a causation, neither do you, neither do the doctors in that journal, neither do the parents of the child who commited suicide, neither does their lawyer, neither does the newslady on that news clip, neither did the scientist on that news clip, neither do all the guys on propecia help. Like I said, there is a lot of white noise on this subject and ultimately it is up to the individual to make a decision, based on the best evidence presented, free from bias. You are posturing as if you have definative evidence but you do not, and so I am making people aware of the problems with the evidence that you present. I have no argument with you personally but until you present some concrete evidence i retain the right to make people aware of the flaw in your attempts to prove the detrimental effects of this drug.


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I too am sorry to here about what happened to you amalgamated. I haven't experienced any side effects so far, and everything is workin fine. I guess I will only stop if something drastic happens, only because iv read a few articles and seen enough success on here to keep taking it.


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Hey guys, so a bit of an update.
It's been three weeks now, and my hair seems to getting thinner, I think I am shedding more now, especially during rogaine application and styling my hair. Also I am noticing that my left temple is receding now, didn't notice this before. Maybe it's the rogaine? So all in all slightly worried but gona trudge along.

No issues with sides, still can make things function downstairs lol.
But rogaine makes my face look crap... Dark circles and red eyes, but it's getting better, does that go away eventually?

End of the month will have a haircut and take some photos.

Man in Space

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Your hair will thin out at the beginning, thats a good sign as those hairs are being shed to make way for stronger ones.

Regards the Dark circles, I had those to begin with, there was one particular day about a couple of months into my usuage when I remember I had put on more than usual the night before and when i woke I looked like I had two black eyes. Thats all now a distant memory for me, it generally goes away pretty soon from my understanding.


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Oh right, how long did your thinning/shedding phaze last?

Haha yep those dark circles are annoying, I look like im on drugs!
They are getting better though.

Thanks for the feedback!

Man in Space

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No problem, for me the thinning lasted started after a few weeks and lasted for around about a month, pre meds i hardly used to lose any hair but for a month or it was coming out quicker and also a lot easier. It wasnt horryifying, but it was noticable. Its important to note everyones physiology is different, many people experience no increase in loss, others much more and for longer. My experience was completely bareable.

Haha yeah thats how i felt about the dark circles for a little while. Glad they are getting better for you, hopefully they will disappear completely relatively soon.


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Oh right, yeah i would say its around 20-40 a day, but its hard to tell aye. Not too worried. Will have progress pics next week!

Man in Space

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look forward to it. Just even in the last month my hair keeps getting better and better, ive actually postponed a hair transplant i was going to get to touch up the front of my hairline as the meds are filling it in pretty well by themselves