Hey BruceLee, quick question.


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I'm going to start on proscar (1/5) soon and was thinking about using flax seed oil to offset the decreased testosterone. Someone replied to mystory and told me that it (flax seed oil) was bad for the prostate, any thoughts on this?


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Believe it or not.. finasteride actually increases you testosterone!!! :freaked2:

George Costanza

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And BTW, flax seed oil can contribute to prostate cancer.


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Believe it or not.. finasteride actually increases you testosterone!!!

I don't believe it.


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it doesn't increase testosterone levels, it can give you a little more extra free T, because the emzyme 5AR is no longer binding with the testosterone.


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i didn't know so many doctors posted here

I'll take the independent research based on scientific findings by an enthusiastic individual anyday over an apathetic doctor who's more concerned about the quantity of patients seen -vs- the quality. uh, so there :!:


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twmajors said:
i didn't know so many doctors posted here

I'll take the independent research based on scientific findings by an enthusiastic individual anyday over an apathetic doctor who's more concerned about the quantity of patients seen -vs- the quality. uh, so there :!:

Thats the spirit


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twmajors said:
Believe it or not.. finasteride actually increases you testosterone!!!

I don't believe it.

Treatment with finasteride _does_ increase testosterone levels ... by about 5% give or take a little. This is because finasteride blocks the conversion of testosterone into DHT (by inhibiting the II-alpha-reductase enzyme). The reduction in DHT, which is the most potent form of testosterone, is much greater than the increase in testosterone -- by about a 85% margin (DHT levels drop about 90%). Also, estrogen levels may rise due to the extra testosterone being aromatized into estrogen. In effect, the "increase" in testosterone is trivial.


George Costanza

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The increase in T is more like 10 to 20% which I have read in several places. I've also read somewhere that only around 5% of T is converted to DHT.


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George Costanza said:
The increase in T is more like 10 to 20% which I have read in several places. I've also read somewhere that only around 5% of T is converted to DHT.

The body experiences anywhere from 5%-25% increase in T levels during finasteride treatment. Estradiol levels (i.e. E2, the potent form of estrogen) increases in direct proportion to increases in T. You can find this data all over the place, including http://www.rxlist.com.

The percentage of T converting into DHT is irrelevant. Finasteride treatment is very good at suppressing whatever DHT is there, which leads to the subsequent increases in T and E2 levels.


George Costanza

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I agree with everything you said, Drinkrum. I was just throwing in the fact that I had read that 5% of T is converted to DHT to prove a point, which is that T production likely goes up not just unbound free T. It wouldn't make sense if 5% of T is converted to DHT yet T levels go up 20% without increased T production. But I don't know how accurate that source is about the 5% figure and that's the only source I've found. Does anyone else know an approximate % of T to DHT conversion. I know it's irrelevant as far as dht inhibition goes but I'm just curious.

George Costanza

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Coltsfan, here's just one site but there's others. There's not a whole lot of strong evidence supporting flax oil and prostate cancer but there's enough to convince me. Why risk it when ground flax seed offers more benefits including prostate cancer prevention?



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thanks george,
its weird that the seeds are good but the oil is bad, must be how its processed. I take evening primrose, I wonder if thats ok or if fish oil would be better.

I know viviscal utilizes marine protien and apparently a lot of euro's swear by it. Not sure if they address the same issues with regards to hair loss?

George Costanza

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Processing may have something to do with it but the seeds contain lignans and fiber which isn't found in the oil. The lignans are phytoestrogens. So far their is SOME research that indicates that lignans reduce T, DHT, and estrogen believe it or not. Flaxseed has been proven to lower T and estrogen. Apparently it attaches to T and carries it out of the body and inhibits the enzyme that converts T to estrogen. I've also read that it is a 5 alpha reductase inhibitor as well but have seen no proof.

I was going to post a thread on this in about a week but I might a well go ahead. I started taking 3 heaping tablespoons/day of ground flaxseed about two weeks ago and I can say without a doubt that my libido is at an all time LOW. I've always had fluctuations but for the past 5 days it is the lowest I've ever seen it. I don't know how my erections are because I haven't been aroused enough in the past 5 days to get one! Even in the morning my lumber is soft and this morning there was none. I don't know if this stuff is going to help my hair but it is certainly effecting my hormones right now. I keep everyone posted on this.


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well rent a porno and let us know if thing still works! lol......

so are you putting it in juice or on top of cereal?


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ColtsFan said:
thanks george,
its weird that the seeds are good but the oil is bad, must be how its processed. I take evening primrose, I wonder if thats ok or if fish oil would be better.

I know viviscal utilizes marine protien and apparently a lot of euro's swear by it. Not sure if they address the same issues with regards to hair loss?

The oil goes rancid really quick....

Also evening primrose oil has GLA...fish oil has EPA and DHA... I recommend taking both if you can...