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Hey guys, I've been reading on this site for quite some time but never really posted anything so I thought I would. I've been losing hair slowly since my 20's and now I'm 31. My hair loss has gotten pretty bad and I'm not sure what to do. I'm using the big 3 and I'm sure it has slowed things down but I'm kinda frustated at this point.

I'm not sure what my next step is. If anyone can point me in the right direction or give me any advice it would be appreciated. I've attached a couple of pics to show my hair loss, thanks !


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I'd buzz it off for starters.


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Agree with SAF, that thinning look is never a good one, especially at that stage.

It will shock you when you see your reflection, but it will be better :)


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Yeah I ahd my head shaved before and I didn't mind it actually it's just I'm worried about people at work will think but at this point I don't think I care.

Now if I wanted to get a hair transplant how much do you think it would roughly cost me or how many follicles do you think I would need?


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Well firstly it looks like without finasteride you're going to lose the rest of what you've got left.
But yeah it will be a big job if you can keep what you still have you'll still need to use almost all your donor to get a good result. 6000 grafts minimum.


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Do you know what your overall balding pattern is? e.g what norwood you will eventually end up on the Norwood scale?

If I was in your position i'd look in to a mega session 5/6k grafts in one with someone like Hasson and Wong, SMG clinic, Feller etc... but not before taking plenty of time to research hair transplant's...and take propecia first and make sure you can tolerate it.

Don't rush in to anything as there are a lot of dodgy clinics out there.


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Looks like NW6 to me. He's not quite fully there yet but at his age I'd say thats where he's heading, if he was 5yrs younger I'd say its a good possibility that he might go to NW7.

If he can keep that bit of vertex hair he has it will be a great help, otherwise getting back a decent NW2 will be extremley difficult even with 7/8000 grafts.


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I was just wondering how you guys can estimate grafts without seeing a crown shot ?

Personaly I would just buzz it down, that's too much losss to chase at age 31

Has a Dr looked at your donor area ? You may not even have 6K grafts besides the 8k or more that will be needed


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Well, even if you dont have enough donor/cash for the crown, you could still create a hairline and get some coverage. For your thinning, a receding hairline is absolutely essential to the plan. The right doctor will incorporate this into the plan. If you opt for strip, Dr. Alexander in Phoenix can craft some outstanding hairlines, for FUE, I'd consider Dr. Umar.


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I would say I'm a Norwood 5 or 6..I've been using propecia for the last 10 years although I feel like it's losing it's effectiveness. I don't know if I'll have enough $$ for a big hair transplant cause atm I can prolly only come up with $3k and it sounds from what you guys are saying I'll need alot more than that.

I might just bite the bullet, gain some weight so I don't look like a skeleton when I shave my head.


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needhairnow said:
I would say I'm a Norwood 5 or 6..I've been using propecia for the last 10 years although I feel like it's losing it's effectiveness. I don't know if I'll have enough $$ for a big hair transplant cause atm I can prolly only come up with $3k and it sounds from what you guys are saying I'll need alot more than that.

I might just bite the bullet, gain some weight so I don't look like a skeleton when I shave my head.

This might be a big ask, but if it's going into the winter where you are now, why not go for a "butterfly" approach.

Stick to fairly baggy, warm winter clothes, jumpers etc. and hit the gym, even get the service of a personal trainer once a week or something. Train hard though the winter, then when the warm weather hits later next spring, completely change and update your wardrobe (perhaps get some fashion / style advice, look for tips in a men's fashion magazine) and shave your head at the same time, maybe some "designer stubble", you know what I mean.

People will see a complete make-over and re-invention of yourself, and are less likely to focus on the hair alone and you'll probably feel fantastic and look great too :)


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GeminiX said:
Stick to fairly baggy, warm winter clothes, jumpers etc. and hit the gym, even get the service of a personal trainer once a week or something. Train hard though the winter, then when the warm weather hits later next spring, completely change and update your wardrobe (perhaps get some fashion / style advice, look for tips in a men's fashion magazine) and shave your head at the same time, maybe some "designer stubble", you know what I mean.

Ahh, the bald mans fate. Doomed to spend our lives heading down that rocky road of physical compensation. :sobbing:


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s.a.f said:
Ahh, the bald mans fate. Doomed to spend our lives heading down that rocky road of physical compensation. :sobbing:

Meh, everyone compensates in one way or another; that's exactly what a balanced life is.

Presenting well in public is all about making the most of your positives while downplaying the negatives. If looking quite good and presentable were not important, then we would not be here on this forum in the first place :)


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needhairnow said:
I would say I'm a Norwood 5 or 6..I've been using propecia for the last 10 years although I feel like it's losing it's effectiveness. I don't know if I'll have enough $$ for a big hair transplant cause atm I can prolly only come up with $3k and it sounds from what you guys are saying I'll need alot more than that.

I might just bite the bullet, gain some weight so I don't look like a skeleton when I shave my head.

3 k is not even close, probably closer to 30k when all is said and done. The only place for you is a mega session with H=W so you will have a scar.

If you don't have the money don't even think about it.

Shave your head, lift weights, hell do a cycle or two since you don't have to worry about hair loss, lol


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I think his only option should really be a H&W strip. FUE would take at least 4 sessions and be seriously expen$ive. H&W have done single sessions of over 10,000 grafts. But yeah the first thing he should do is shave it and see if he can live with that.


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Thank you everyone for your helpful comments. I think I'm going to book an appointment with a hair transplant doctor and see how much it would cost out of curiosity.

Shave your head, lift weights, hell do a cycle or two since you don't have to worry about hair loss, lol

lol...that's just great..so I'm losing my hair and doing steriods is the answer, that's awesome. In all fairness though I've always wanted to try it because I've been working out for over 10 years and see these guys do a cycle or two and they get all jacked and I'm still the same size..kinda sucks. However I really hate drugs and I think I'd prolly go apeshit on someone if I ever did steriods...but that was funny comment nonetheless.

Anyways I'll let you guys know what the doctor said once I go visit one. Anyone know of a good hair transplant doctor here in Michigan?


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dudemon said:
HT55 said:
needhairnow said:
I would say I'm a Norwood 5 or 6..I've been using propecia for the last 10 years although I feel like it's losing it's effectiveness. I don't know if I'll have enough $$ for a big hair transplant cause atm I can prolly only come up with $3k and it sounds from what you guys are saying I'll need alot more than that.

I might just bite the bullet, gain some weight so I don't look like a skeleton when I shave my head.

3 k is not even close, probably closer to 30k when all is said and done. The only place for you is a mega session with H=W so you will have a scar.

If you don't have the money don't even think about it.

Shave your head, lift weights, hell do a cycle or two since you don't have to worry about hair loss, lol

If you decide to get a hair transplant, I think you could still go with FUE, but you would simply need several surgeries (sessions) ... 3 or 4 perhaps, done 12 to 18 months apart. The advantage to this is that you would not have a linear scar from ear to ear like you would get from doing strip from H&W, for example.

However, doing strip allows "megasessions" where much more donor hair can be harvested and implanted in one session than with FUE. But even with strip, no surgeon (although it has been done) is going to do 6,000 in one shot. You will most likely wind up doing 2 strip sessions of 3,000 12 to 18 months apart, with possibly a third procedure for more density another 12 to 18 months after that. As far as I know, you can still achieve the same total number in the end with FUE, but you have to do it in more smaller sessions with FUE vs. strip.

Do you have ANY IDEA what kind of scarring 6000 FUE grafts would leave ?

Not to mention FUE is not a good option for large procedures as is simply doesn't give the yield strip does graft for graft.

Remember what Armani said has beeen proven false Over and over.


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needhairnow said:
Thank you everyone for your helpful comments. I think I'm going to book an appointment with a hair transplant doctor and see how much it would cost out of curiosity.

Shave your head, lift weights, hell do a cycle or two since you don't have to worry about hair loss, lol

lol...that's just great..so I'm losing my hair and doing steriods is the answer, that's awesome. In all fairness though I've always wanted to try it because I've been working out for over 10 years and see these guys do a cycle or two and they get all jacked and I'm still the same size..kinda sucks. However I really hate drugs and I think I'd prolly go apeshit on someone if I ever did steriods...but that was funny comment nonetheless.

Anyways I'll let you guys know what the doctor said once I go visit one. Anyone know of a good hair transplant doctor here in Michigan?

Funny comment but I was serious and you even said you wanted to try it and if you are as thin as you imply you are not getting "jacked" from one or two cycles.

Don't even think about staying local for your hair transplant. The closest Dr to you is Ron Shapiro in Minnesota.

You need major surgery and have limited grafts, if you mess it up it will cost you $$$$$$ to fix it if it's even possible and Ron is probably the guy you would go to for the repair.

I would consult with H+W, Shapiro and Feller before making any decision


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ill be brutally honest with you, your hair needs to be shaved asap. Iv always said if my hair gets past a certain point then thats what i would do, shave it and get on with my life and accept that i tried all i could.

The hair transplant thing is going to cost far too much £s and stress. Your 31.

I have a group of friends and all are pretty bald, they all shave with a no2 guard, they all get hot woman. iv never once seen a girl mention the hair. The only ppl that ever mention it are guys to them. hair loss is a guys thing:). What woman do say looks terrible is when u try and hide it, or when bald guys grow it out.

Iv got a good idea for you, instead of paying £3000 for an hair transplant, book a holiday to somewhere warm, first day of holiday shave ur head, u will get used to it before ur return and u will have colour. one of my mates done this.

Keep taking finasteride though. good luck.