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dudemon said:
HT55 said:
Do you have ANY IDEA what kind of scarring 6000 FUE grafts would leave ?

Not to mention FUE is not a good option for large procedures as is simply doesn't give the yield strip does graft for graft.

Remember what Armani said has beeen proven false Over and over.

Really? I honestly did not know that FUE scarring is that bad. I apologize for any wrong information that I have given. I have had 3 hair transplant's for close to 7,000 grafts, but they have all been strip. So FUE I am not an expert on. However, when I finish school next month, I plan on researching FUE and doing that for my final hair transplant. Again, I apologize for any misinfo I may have given. I did not realize that it would make a difference whether it was 2,000 or 6,000 FUE, as far as scarring.

But I can you for sure is that strip kinda sucks in the sense that you are limited to having you hair, at least in my case, 3/8" to 1/2" minimum (approx 1.5 to 2 cm) or the donor scar will be visible. This sucks, because if I wanted to buzz down to a #2, or even a #4, I couldn't do it without the linear scar showing in the back and above my ears.

I have also had the "trichophytic" closure done on my scar as well. From experience, I can say that it's not so much the scar itself, but the lack of hair around it on both sides of it that create the most aesthetic problems.

I can attest that if I had to do it all over again, I would have had FUE - not strip. But now you are saying that I never could have had a total graft count of 7,000 - even after 3 different surgeries? ... hmmm, very intersting ... :dunno: ... I don't discount what you are saying, I was unaware of that.

FUE does leave a scar behind, although how noticeable it is, is down to how well your body heals itself. Some people scar better than others.

Here's two pics to show FUE scarring:


Here this guy has had strip and FUE



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Therefore if you have lots of FUE the back of your head can look a bit pock marked and you won't be able to shave down as short as maybe you would like, again....dependent on how many grafts you have had extracted and how well you scar.


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Not 100% sure on that one Dude, I think it is possible to use just FUE, if you can afford it...but I believe to maximise your donor, strip and FUE in combination is best.

At least this is what I think Dr Feller was saying to me a couple of years ago.

ps You can get the FUE mega sessions, only this takes place over two or even three days


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Petchsky said:

Here this guy has had strip and FUE


Thats the worst FUE scarring I've ever seen though! I think it depends greatly on who does the surgury and your scalp characteristics.


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I have never seen anyone who had 6K FUE, taking 6K grafts from the back of your head is going to effect density in some form and worst case scenario you did run out of donar ahir and chose to shave it down I don't think it would look pretty.


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So a year later and I still haven't mad a decision yet however I did see a local hair transplant doctor Dr.Tessler in Southfield, MI. Basically after looking at my hair and I told them my budget they said they could fix the front of my hair nice with 3k grafts and quoted me a price. I wanted to know if anyone has heard of them and if they do good work and if his estimate sounds reasonable.

I wanna do something about my hair but I'm scared about doing something as permanent as a hair transplant cause you're stuck with the results whether good or bad. Here's a recent picture of my hair I took today in my bathroom which has alot of light so it makes my hair loss really noticeable.

I wanted to know quote the price I got to but I'm not sure if that's againest the rules of the forum?

The second pic is the proposed hairline that would be filled with about 3k-4k grafts.


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Don't go to a local surgeon. Take our advices to your heart, you will regret it.