High Strength Minoxidil Uk Sources?


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Can anybody recommend somewhere I can buy 10-15% minoxidil from in the UK?

The only one I have found so far also contains finasteride and as I am taking 1mg finasteride tablets I assume its not a good idea to use this aswell.



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Yeh Ive just realised that minoxidilmax ship to the uk.

I had been looking for uk only sites originally.

I've only just started on the finasteride tablets 3 weeks ago and 5% minoxidil a month ago so I'll probably go with the non finasteride stuff for now.

I have a rapidly receding hairline and slow general thinning all over the top of my head and have been using 5% minoxidil all over the top of my head for the last month.

I only bought the 5% as I am out of the country with work atm and 5% is all I can get sent out here, but once I am home in a months time I want to move onto higher concentrations as that seems to be what places like the Belgravia Centre use and they appear to get good regrowth results.

Would it be best just to use the 15% on the hairline or all over do you think?

I've been lucky and not had a massive shed with the 5% but worried about getting it with the 15%.

Or perhaps I should try the 10% for a few months then move onto 15% and that way I hopefully won't get the massive shed some people seem to experience.

Sorry if thats a bit of a ramble and appreciate any advice you might have.
