Histogen Interview: Hsc Clinical Trials Update


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So basically, get excited if you're local to a treatment center or rich with plenty of time to spare.

Uhm no. Tsuji is planning on releasing the ultimate cure in 2020. We have plenty of reason to be excited. Replicel and Histogen also plan on releasing in America, soon enough as well. By 2020, we will have so many things to throw at male pattern baldness. The reason this is exciting is because after finasteride and minoxidil, we will finally see a treatment from this generation released. If your in america, a flight to mexico from nyc is like $500 round trip. Even if each session is 1500(estimating on the high end) on average, you can do 3 sessions for 4$500, plus 3 flight trips for $1500, and maybe $1000 for room and board. Thats in total like 7 grand, about the price of invisalign braces. You could do this over a weekend each time. Im sure theyll also have a payment plan u could do. And this is an estimate on the high end as well.


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Trust me, during the year to come i am going to make some close Mexican friends. Then, my doctor will write me a work stopping paper thing, so i am on vacantion but still get paid. I'll fly to Mexico and stay there for 12 weeks in my futur friend hacienda listening to mariachis and getting Histogen's shots !

LOL!! Start learning spanish now (if you don't already know it) and befriend some Mexicans on FB or join a Mexican forum or something. :D I have a couple friends in Mexico, in Oaxaca and have been there before. Luckily, I am pretty dark skinned and can grow a killer mustache ;) This may help in preventing me from getting robbed by the police or murdered by locals. :O


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All these new treatments ( histogen,tsuji ) are very expensive.I think it fast for me to wait a therapy gene therapy.
The time I save , there will at least one gene treatment


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My mother taught me if I don't have anything good to say then keep my mouth shut. Oh is it ever so so hard.

H: Of all the patients treated so far, what has been the average regrowth rate or average hair count increase from baseline? I did see this on the slides. So is it basically what was already presented there in the presentation?

G: And that was for far fewer injections than what we’re moving forward with. What you saw was after a total of 16 injections. You have that data. Its going to be very different after a total of 150. So with Dr. Ziering’s study, we didn’t do a hair count. We just did the photographs. Of course which were very compelling. You can even just by eyeball see that far greater than the 20% increase that we saw with the few – very small amount of doses.

Me: Suuuuuuure it did.

I hope I don't get banned for saying this. But it is sad to see Admin call me out for yelling when he didn't even have the balls to ask the very simple question.

Again, Im not saying how well this will work or not, or what factors will contribute to its success; but again, I see these small cap venture plays go public (which they anticipate on doing) all the time trying to convince the world they are pushing towards a cure. Run up the stock price on amazing news and anticipation, insiders sell, stock tanks..... Its the only way for a private medical company in their position to say f*** this; we have spent too much of our time and energy over the last decade to not juice this for every last dollar we can. I want a beach home in Ibiza.

I have seen much more corrupt and shadier practices go on by people whom you would consider to be angelic in the medical field, regarding all sort of diseases. Im not saying HSC will even mess anyone up. But companies have used the above tactics to push dangerous drugs on test patients knowing the outcome will be bad just shoot up the stock price in anticipation of an FDA approval. Again HSC is not dangerous in anyway, Im just saying, if I were in their shoes with a subpar product for which they do not even seems to know much about how it actually works or if it helps increase the DP cells; I would be doing the exact same thing. Spruce up some results with a Doctor you know will work with you based on his shady past, cut him in. Tweak the numbers a bit by only showing patients who had HSC plus some other unknown hair treatment. Do a roadshow to raise some money. Do an IPO. Go to trials, push out hot news back to back to back. Send the SP flying high and dump that sh*t.

I might not know an awful lot about Hair Loss, but I know a enough about public markets and human nature. Far smarter men than any of us or those involved with Histogen have been duped throughout history an innumerable number of times. Greed is good until you end up like Eike Batista.

I hope they prove me wrong.


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If this was available I'd be on my way to Mexico right now. It's too bad for you people in Europe and other places, but you should be able to get good results with just one treatment. I'd also like to know what qualified as vellus hair. I have some really tiny hairs where my hairline used to be, so if this worked on those it would be a near cure for me. It sounds like they are optimistic it can grow back any hair lost in the last ten years. I hope they stay on schedule so I don't pass that time before it's out.


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My mother taught me if I don't have anything good to say then keep my mouth shut. Oh is it ever so so hard.

H: Of all the patients treated so far, what has been the average regrowth rate or average hair count increase from baseline? I did see this on the slides. So is it basically what was already presented there in the presentation?

G: And that was for far fewer injections than what we’re moving forward with. What you saw was after a total of 16 injections. You have that data. Its going to be very different after a total of 150. So with Dr. Ziering’s study, we didn’t do a hair count. We just did the photographs. Of course which were very compelling. You can even just by eyeball see that far greater than the 20% increase that we saw with the few – very small amount of doses.

Me: Suuuuuuure it did.

I hope I don't get banned for saying this. But it is sad to see Admin call me out for yelling when he didn't even have the balls to ask the very simple question.

Again, Im not saying how well this will work or not, or what factors will contribute to its success; but again, I see these small cap venture plays go public (which they anticipate on doing) all the time trying to convince the world they are pushing towards a cure. Run up the stock price on amazing news and anticipation, insiders sell, stock tanks..... Its the only way for a private medical company in their position to say f*** this; we have spent too much of our time and energy over the last decade to not juice this for every last dollar we can. I want a beach home in Ibiza.

I have seen much more corrupt and shadier practices go on by people whom you would consider to be angelic in the medical field, regarding all sort of diseases. Im not saying HSC will even mess anyone up. But companies have used the above tactics to push dangerous drugs on test patients knowing the outcome will be bad just shoot up the stock price in anticipation of an FDA approval. Again HSC is not dangerous in anyway, Im just saying, if I were in their shoes with a subpar product for which they do not even seems to know much about how it actually works or if it helps increase the DP cells; I would be doing the exact same thing. Spruce up some results with a Doctor you know will work with you based on his shady past, cut him in. Tweak the numbers a bit by only showing patients who had HSC plus some other unknown hair treatment. Do a roadshow to raise some money. Do an IPO. Go to trials, push out hot news back to back to back. Send the SP flying high and dump that sh*t.

I might not know an awful lot about Hair Loss, but I know a enough about public markets and human nature. Far smarter men than any of us or those involved with Histogen have been duped throughout history an innumerable number of times. Greed is good until you end up like Eike Batista.

I hope they prove me wrong.

I assume you, much like the rest of of would prefer continued dialogue with companies like histogen... Out of curiosity let's say the admin had called Histogen out, and continued to all but say just what are you hiding... How many opportunities to chat do you see him getting in the future from gail, or any other company? Does her immediate answer dictate whether you will get this done in 2 years? Give it time and let it slowly get unraveled!


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If this was available I'd be on my way to Mexico right now. It's too bad for you people in Europe and other places, but you should be able to get good results with just one treatment. I'd also like to know what qualified as vellus hair. I have some really tiny hairs where my hairline used to be, so if this worked on those it would be a near cure for me. It sounds like they are optimistic it can grow back any hair lost in the last ten years. I hope they stay on schedule so I don't pass that time before it's out.

I have a feeling it's the pigmented hairs that don't grow past 0,5mm rather than those unpigmented hairs that are almost invisible. If it's the latter then it's amazing to say the least.


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I assume you, much like the rest of of would prefer continued dialogue with companies like histogen... Out of curiosity let's say the admin had called Histogen out, and continued to all but say just what are you hiding... How many opportunities to chat do you see him getting in the future from gail, or any other company? Does her immediate answer dictate whether you will get this done in 2 years? Give it time and let it slowly get unraveled!

When did I say "call them out"? Is this so hard to ask? "Im sure there is nothing to this, but some of the members on our forum were curious as to why you guys chose specifically to work with Dr. Ziering? They are concerned about his previous activities in false advertising practices and want to make sure that you guys had a chance to do your due diligence on him."

If thats offensive to you my man then you have been on the finasteride wayyyy to long. Time to re-grow a pair lol. Like I said I am a 3rd generation financial trader in my family. If you get emotional over potential customers who will be putting money into your product and stock asking a simple question like that, then more often than not you have a large pile of bullcrap your trying to hide.

Like I said. I hope they prove me wrong but for me and my life perspective this is like clock work. I have a very strong BS detector, thats why Im apart of the 5% of people who can do what I do and make money doing it.



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If hair grows only concerns 10 years ago , so I 'm not concerned.
That said minoxidil done just as well for less money


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When did I say "call them out"? Is this so hard to ask? "Im sure there is nothing to this, but some of the members on our forum were curious as to why you guys chose specifically to work with Dr. Ziering? They are concerned about his previous activities in false advertising practices and want to make sure that you guys had a chance to do your due diligence on him."

If thats offensive to you my man then you have been on the finasteride wayyyy to long. Time to re-grow a pair lol. Like I said I am a 3rd generation financial trader in my family. If you get emotional over potential customers who will be putting money into your product and stock asking a simple question like that, then more often than not you have a large pile of bullcrap your trying to hide.

Like I said. I hope they prove me wrong but for me and my life perspective this is like clock work. I have a very strong BS detector, thats why Im apart of the 5% of people who can do what I do and make money doing it.


I know you're on a tangent and are trying to flex your verbal muscles on here, but I'm not sure where I said I was offended... I feel like I stated the obvious and said there's no point in attempting to call a company out if you want future dialogue... Relax champ!


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Great interview!!! Just one question: does the microscopic hair that i got on my temples(same size as the hair i got all over my forehead aswell) count as vellus hair? Because i got a bunch but i can't see them unless i get really good lighting and get close to the mirror.


I have a lot of vellus hairs also, all my temple areas that have receded and most of my receded hairline & can only see them in extreme lighting close to mirror. With the injections they will come back to life. Also Brotzu's lotion claims to revive vellus hairs to their normal active growth phase.


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LOL!! Start learning spanish now (if you don't already know it) and befriend some Mexicans on FB or join a Mexican forum or something. :D I have a couple friends in Mexico, in Oaxaca and have been there before. Luckily, I am pretty dark skinned and can grow a killer mustache ;) This may help in preventing me from getting robbed by the police or murdered by locals. :O

NOT all Mexicans are dark skinned. I'm Mexican and all my family's skin is white


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Hum... you are Mexican... welll well well...so nice to meet you... how are you doing today ? .... Have an hacienda in Mexico or smg like that ? ;) I am not a man and i don t have a moustache :)
Haahha I like your style.

Anyways as for Histogen. Going 3 times to Mexico over the course of 12 weeks(more like 13 minimal) is not feasible for most people for both financial and time related reasons. The only way my work (and great majority of potential employers) could let me go somewhere for 12 weeks would be if I am no longer employed there. I think is the biggest crux for Histogen until they offer HSC in Europe somewhere much closer to me.

As for the effectivity I think it could be a solid bridging treatment(Phase 1/2 trials had on average 19.5% increase in terminal hair if I'm not mistaken). With greater amount of injections over 3 occasions that could get higher.However this is why a lot of people are hyped for Brotzu's lotion 'cos it could be financially and logistically easier to use. Not to mention much less time intensive.


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NOT all Mexicans are dark skinned. I'm Mexican and all my family's skin is white

was just saying.. when I visit central america or mexico, I usually fit in "ok" because I am no gringo bwoi! ;)


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I know you're on a tangent and are trying to flex your verbal muscles on here, but I'm not sure where I said I was offended... I feel like I stated the obvious and said there's no point in attempting to call a company out if you want future dialogue... Relax champ!

Lol again, how is asking a fair question "calling people out". If you honestly think that type of question would cause a company to end further discussion and dialog, then that company is crooked as they come.... You stated that by Admin asking the question about Ziering it could potentially upset Histogen to the point they no longer continue dialogue aka Offend Histogen. That would be why I stated "if you feel offended" because clearly you assume that there is possibility of Histogen feeling that way.

There is no need to flex anything on here I don't even know you. Im simply stating the factual basis of reality having dealt with 1000's of Histogen the companies that have gone public after years of no success as private companies, Only looking to turn their efforts into a quick profit.

The thing that bugs me the most about Histo is that Gail is soooo wishy washy when it comes to the science and how HSC actually works. Everytime a technical questions is asked the answer is ether "we still don't know or we still have to find out, but look at our Ziering results". The only time she pipes up and sounds like she knows what she's talking about is when it comes to partnerships, funding and the business model. Aka all the things that one needs to know to pump the sh*t out of a company before an IPO.

But time will tell. I hope for everyone desperately needing this to work it works. But I don't sugar coat reality, again that is the reason I can do what I do. If I cleaned toilets for a living (which there is nothing wrong with doing btw) I would relate my life experiences to HIstogen through that instead of stocks. I know some of you won't grasp what Im saying and thats fine. Good luck to ya. ;)


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The thing that bugs me the most about Histo is that Gail is soooo wishy washy when it comes to the science and how HSC actually works. Everytime a technical questions is asked the answer is ether "we still don't know or we still have to find out, but look at our Ziering results".
It bugs me too. Ziering hadn't even done a hair count (only those suspicious photos).


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@bags - no reason to ban you. You're just frustrated. And you're right. I didn't have the balls to ask. I just came out of hibernation after 7 years of letting this website practically die (the only reason it didn't is because of you guys keeping the forum alive). I wasn't ready to be confrontational in my first interview, back on the scene.

And I already know exactly what the response would've been. Something along the lines of "Dr. Z is a published researcher with a lot of credentials blah blah blah". The response wouldn't have satisfied you or me, and in the process, my "honest question" would've been taken as a dick move, and aggressive. So I opted to say nothing.

From another angle - to play devil's advocate a bit - (and humor me here) - the implication by asking such a question would've been that a guy who has done wrong, isn't capable of doing right. She may have a professional relationship with him, and hold him in high esteem due to personal experiences with him over the years, that don't relate to his shenanigans in his commercials. Relationships are complex and weird. And sometimes decades long. I know a couple major assholes who I wouldn't trust with something, and who are highly hated for things they've done. But I would 100% trust them with something else, because I know them well enough.

Without even asking her, I can say for certain: She's either (1) working with him because she has confidence in his skills and his ability to report accurately in this particular environment .... or .... (2) The entire thing is a scam, and Dr. Z was the most willing person to participate with her. But asking her straight-out wouldn't have done any good.

One thing I can say: I was almost shocked at how well she speaks. Its almost as if all the answers were rehearsed and memorized ahead of time, but in reality, it was all spontaneous. I think very few people can flow with sentences like those without stuttering, contradicting themselves, or making mistakes. She knows her project very well and strikes me as *highly* intelligent. Not that this means hair is going to grow.

So lets get some popcorn and see if this thing plays out well.


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@bags - no reason to ban you. You're just frustrated. And you're right. I didn't have the balls to ask. I just came out of hibernation after 7 years of letting this website practically die (the only reason it didn't is because of you guys keeping the forum alive). I wasn't ready to be confrontational in my first interview, back on the scene.

And I already know exactly what the response would've been. Something along the lines of "Dr. Z is a published researcher with a lot of credentials blah blah blah". The response wouldn't have satisfied you or me, and in the process, my "honest question" would've been taken as a dick move, and aggressive. So I opted to say nothing.

From another angle - to play devil's advocate a bit - (and humor me here) - the implication by asking such a question would've been that a guy who has done wrong, isn't capable of doing right. She may have a professional relationship with him, and hold him in high esteem due to personal experiences with him over the years, that don't relate to his shenanigans in his commercials. Relationships are complex and weird. And sometimes decades long. I know a couple major assholes who I wouldn't trust with something, and who are highly hated for things they've done. But I would 100% trust them with something else, because I know them well enough.

Without even asking her, I can say for certain: She's either (1) working with him because she has confidence in his skills and his ability to report accurately in this particular environment .... or .... (2) The entire thing is a scam, and Dr. Z was the most willing person to participate with her. But asking her straight-out wouldn't have done any good.

One thing I can say: I was almost shocked at how well she speaks. Its almost as if all the answers were rehearsed and memorized ahead of time, but in reality, it was all spontaneous. I think very few people can flow with sentences like those without stuttering, contradicting themselves, or making mistakes. She knows her project very well and strikes me as *highly* intelligent. Not that this means hair is going to grow.

So lets get some popcorn and see if this thing plays out well.
It was the right approach, there was no need to call her out on those b/s photos. We k ow they're sketchy and so does she. At this point, building amicable relationships with researchers is far better than hard hitting journalism... That is if we want to keep the channels open.0


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All companies should be open to customers, because we are those who spend money on their products. If Histogen wants my money then they should be transparent with all informations we are interested in.

Why somebody should spend their money if this treatment works only 5 years? Don’t get me wrong, but I have intentions that Replicel/Histogen will be really big disappointments for all guys +NW2.