I've said this before but I think it needs to be reiterated (because I never really got forum culture anyway).
The majority of pictures I've seen from histogen have been cases of reversing temple recession in women, and I think this is a bit more significant than people realise. From anecdote and mass media it's plain to see that women actually suffer from hairloss more than men, but men suffer from balding much more commonly than women. This is because women are much more likely to pull on their follices by wearing their hair in tight styles such as dreadlocks, and ponytails. Ultimately this leads to traction alopecia, where physical damage scars the follicles so they'll never return. It's actually a much faster process than male pattern baldness because there is no miniaturisation.
In any case if histogen really is return these follicles to women, then the most likely explanation is that the hairs are entirely new hairs, and so should also work in men. But the catch is the new hairs will probably still be susceptible DHT and so we will probably still need to take anti-androgens.
But in the end the conclusion is positive. The old statistic is that less than 10% of Male Androgenetic Alopecia sufferers seek treatment, and that doesn't really give confidence to researchers out for money, female cosmetics on the other hand is a life-long trillion dollar industry. Not only will just about every woman whose lost hair to the tight pony tail want one, but so will women who just want thicker hair. There are women who take minoxidil just for added density, but they hate the body hair that comes with it. If histogen does create new hairs than it will crack the minoxidil 10% barrier, with the added bonus of not requiring daily application. As sales rise so will interest in the industry, even if we aren't the focus.
You could start duta tomorrow wrecked your hairline, get it back on histogen and then just stay on duta with a fullhead of hair unless Shiseido comes through.
My only concern is I remember there being some misunderstandings concerning the length of their patent. Apart from that I'm so happy they're back in the game and actually getting a move on, I had given up on them 8 months ago.