Histogram To Present At A Few Upcoming Conferences


My Regimen
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Yes, 12 weeks isn't that long. BUT, if there isn't substantial change after that then it's not worth it. Having a little bit more hair when you're as far gone as those in the pics doesn't make much of a difference in the grand scheme of things. Yes, it's an improvement, but not worth flying to China or Mexico IMO. if you still have a lot of hair left then it could be worth it.

Well for me Mexico to get back 20-30 % growth is worth it..

I am not bald. I'm thinning. and in beginning stages according to my biopsy.

What stage are you at?

PLUS its 3 sets of treatments i believe...you go ever 12 weeks for 3 sessions.

That Guy

My Regimen
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I can see a difference its subtle on film--probably better in person...for 3 months? not bad for those of us in beginning stages.

No treatment is going to replace hair transplants in the near future.

Follica might. We'll have to wait and see.

i think some of you have unrealistic expectations to hair treatments....they are treatments not cures.

As I've said many times, a "cure" is a treatment that eradicates the symptoms of the disease. Histogen, in combination with conventional treatments, would cure many people.

There was that one document shared a while back from Histogen that showed both in data and pictures something like a 200% increase in hair. That is f*****g awesome; there is nothing that effective for the average patient currently available.

People keep bitching about the pictures, as they inevitably will, but I think these people may be in greater need of an optometrist than they are of hair; the results are clear.


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i think some of you have unrealistic expectations to hair treatments....they are treatments not cures.

Unrealistic? Are you kidding me? Baldness should have been cured ages ago. This sh*t's been around for millennia and it's been decades since the last "treatment".

If anything, people should now be having problems getting rid of hair they don't want. Besides, a truly effective treatment should give results comparable to a cure, the only difference being their permanency.

Stuff that can't regrow even a single Norwood is hardly a real treatment. It's not like a few puny wisps of hair actually make a difference in a balding person's looks.

Now I'm not saying I would never get Histogen done but implying it'is a real solution is preposterous. At best it's something to bridge us over and maintain our follicles in a state of potential reparability until something effective comes around.


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I think those results are pretty good for only 12 weeks.
You guys have to consider the fact those results are only from one round of injections.
I've heard Histogen can also create new follicles, so imagine getting injections monthly with an increased dosage. I think that (if it's true it can create new hairs) it wouldn't matter if your follicles are dormant or not.


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My Regimen
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Its a potentially huge solution for those with general thinning who didnt respond to minoxidil. With the addition of a 5AR inhibitor who knows what it could do. I wish they would say something about the trials though.


My Regimen
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Unrealistic? Are you kidding me? Baldness should have been cured ages ago. This sh*t's been around for millennia and it's been decades since the last "treatment".

If anything, people should now be having problems getting rid of hair they don't want. Besides, a truly effective treatment should give results comparable to a cure, the only difference being their permanency.

Stuff that can't regrow even a single Norwood is hardly a real treatment. It's not like a few puny wisps of hair actually make a difference in a balding person's looks.

Now I'm not saying I would never get Histogen done but implying it'is a real solution is preposterous. At best it's something to bridge us over and maintain our follicles in a state of potential reparability until something effective comes around.


Unrealistic based on these treatments coming and what we know about them so far..

Captain Rex

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My Regimen
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i don't know whats the problem with all of u
there's a f*****g increase in hair in those pictures(yea yea its not like full head hair but still..)
especially the slide 15 one, which is being ridiculed for comb over effect.
Man, cud u just tell me how it is possible to completely cover the total mid portion by just combing over?
i don't get it.
the results are promising
the downside is they are taking way too long to start clinical trials let alone commercialization.

looking forward to Dr. Gail's speech in this stem cell summit.


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i think some of you have unrealistic expectations to hair treatments....they are treatments not cures.

for 12 weeks you cannot see a difference in these pics?


This is what pisses me off about hair loss forums

everybody will repeat like a trained parrot about waiting "AT LEAST 6 MONTHS, IDEALLY A YEAR" before making a judgement on whether the big 3 are working, but everything else its IVE BEEN USING THIS RELIGIOUSLY FOR 2 DAYS AND I'M NOT NW0 THIS IS A SCAM WTF


Established Member
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i don't know whats the problem with all of u
there's a f*****g increase in hair in those pictures(yea yea its not like full head hair but still..)
especially the slide 15 one, which is being ridiculed for comb over effect.
Man, cud u just tell me how it is possible to completely cover the total mid portion by just combing over?
i don't get it.
the results are promising
the downside is they are taking way too long to start clinical trials let alone commercialization.

looking forward to Dr. Gail's speech in this stem cell summit.

My gripe with histogen is that it's just not clear enough to see significant improvement. Sorry, I don't care much for looking at the same 12-week photo that might show some tiny progress. It looks like it might be promising (active word in this sentence is MIGHT) but if it really was promising why don't we have 24, 48, 96-week photos by now? It's been the same 12-week photo for years.

edit: not to even mention that the progress on these photos is debatable. Every before/after photo has different lighting and different angles. I'm NW2 but my hair is still thick and with terrible lighting I can make it look like my crown is 50% bald when it really isn't. I'm not an expert but I know more about photography than the average person, and these photos are orchestrated to look more flattering on the after. I'm not actually seeing better hair.

Not to say that discredits Histogen's product completely, because the data looks promising, but the pictures are sh*t and I don't understand why you would use terrible pictures that look like you're trying to hide something to promote a good product.
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Established Member
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Wowzers. Those are sh*t. Guy in the first pic looks like he developed alopecia areata?!
No, 4 recipient areas:


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They did. People still weren't satisfied. This is the shot:


Hellouser I have a ton of respect for you but I think you're not seeing how the patient's head is (1) angled differently in these pics and how (2) the hairstyle is completely different in the pics. These are just 2 differences in the before versus after pics but in this case these 2 differences seem dramatic. The guy's head is tilted way forward in the after pic versus the before and his hair is parted in the middle in the before pic versus right to left in the after pic. From these 2 pics I can't tell if there's any regrowth or not. It looks like there is but given how different the angles and hair styles are, it's hard to be sure. Of course I hope it works but I really think people should wait for better pics before they buy this treatment.

All of that having been said, if these before and after pics are the result of just 1 treatment then there is hope that 3 treatments over 12 weeks could give more obvious benefit. We need to see what the results are after 3 treatments over 12 weeks.