
HMI-115 PRLR antibody: The Most Promising Treatment Ever

Dr sanches

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RU grow hair in monkeys?
Human scalp hair is more complexe than primates.
BTW any shoemaker know that only pig, primates and human skin/leather is similar respect to hair, Splits of these leathers have holes in it due hair fibre and dermal papila is located in the dermis and need trespass, in rest of them hair anchorage are located more external. Other challenge is the asynchronicity of human scal hairs, each hair is not linked to the hair cycle of neighbourgs.
Exactly these people are hyped with cope medicine growing hair in monkeys

Dr sanches

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RU grow hair in monkeys?
Human scalp hair is more complexe than primates.
BTW any shoemaker know that only pig, primates and human skin/leather is similar respect to hair, Splits of these leathers have holes in it due hair fibre and dermal papila is located in the dermis and need trespass, in rest of them hair anchorage are located more external. Other challenge is the asynchronicity of human scal hairs, each hair is not linked to the hair cycle of neighbourgs.
Exactly these people are hyped with cope medicine


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What doctor is going to prescribe an antibody, that only has an approved indication for women, to balding men that are citing a monkey study they read on a hair loss cope forum? Practically you'd have to find someone who posts here.
Also let's not forget that this is extremely expensive and probably more so for endometriosis because they'll rip off insurance (which won't cover off-label scripts)
8 years ago my doctor prescribed me keratin capsules. Basically a "hmm yeah, hair is made of keratin so here you go, + keratin = + hair get out of my office"
I Know that he didn't believe such treatment would ever work but also he didn't want to tell a young man to just shave it bro


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Endocrine Mechanisms of Hair Growth​


The prenatal morphogenesis of hair follicles depends upon a precisely regulated series of molecular genetic processes. Hormones and their receptors play prominent roles in modulating postnatal hair cycling, which recapitulates some aspects of morphogenesis. The responses to androgen are the most obvious of these. The postnatal androgen sensitivity of pilosebaceous units in different skin areas is programmed during prenatal development to permit clinical outcomes such as hirsutism and pattern baldness. Thyroid hormone, glucocorticoids, insulin-like growth factor-I, and prolactin have clinically significant effects on specific aspects of hair growth. The nuclear receptors vitamin D receptor and retinoid X receptor are essential for postnatal hair cycling. Other hormones have less clear effects on hair growth. Advances in research on the interaction of hormone target genes with the biological processes involved in hair morphogenesis and cycling can be expected to improve management of hirsutism and alopecia.


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Dr sanches

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If this works close to a cure then every pharmaceutical company under the sun will be researching the prolactin pathway for alternative angles to attack, we'll eventually get a cheap treatment, but it might take 10 years..
So much agree on this. The real value of HMI115 is proving that attacking the PRLR is an effective way of dealing with Androgenetic Alopecia, setting new basis for further research.

The fact that we are in this forum creates a biased illussion that all the balding guys out there are desperate, but this forum only represents a ridiculous amount of people willing to put experimental drugs in their bodies without due controls or spend obscene amounts in a treatment to get their hair back. Most bald men do not give a f*** about their condition and will not even think about a solution if it involves spending $10k/year.

The market is huge, but only if the results are proven and the treatment is affordable (which does not mean cheap).


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So much agree on this. The real value of HMI115 is proving that attacking the PRLR is an effective way of dealing with Androgenetic Alopecia, setting new basis for further research.

The fact that we are in this forum creates a biased illussion that all the balding guys out there are desperate, but this forum only represents a ridiculous amount of people willing to put experimental drugs in their bodies without due controls or spend obscene amounts in a treatment to get their hair back. Most bald men do not give a f*** about their condition and will not even think about a solution if it involves spending $10k/year.

The market is huge, but only if the results are proven and the treatment is affordable (which does not mean cheap).
Exactly. I think this topic is also promising in terms of discussing possible options for influencing prolactin.


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So much agree on this. The real value of HMI115 is proving that attacking the PRLR is an effective way of dealing with Androgenetic Alopecia, setting new basis for further research.

The fact that we are in this forum creates a biased illussion that all the balding guys out there are desperate, but this forum only represents a ridiculous amount of people willing to put experimental drugs in their bodies without due controls or spend obscene amounts in a treatment to get their hair back. Most bald men do not give a f*** about their condition and will not even think about a solution if it involves spending $10k/year.

The market is huge, but only if the results are proven and the treatment is affordable (which does not mean cheap).
First they have to develop it and do preclinical testing. 10 years is optimistic. By the time another treatment was on the market HMI's patent would be close to expiration. At that time there will be some company out there selling generic mAbs at a deep discount.