Hollywood Romance Expert And Feminist Aziz Ansari Alleged To Be A Violator Of Women


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One thing that amuses me is that blind wine tasting.

In that context, where the tasters don't know what the answer is supposed to be in advance, there isn't a lot of difference between $30 wines and $300 wines. So if a wine is described as tasting like "Great structure, with sage, raspberry ganache and chocolate, Asian spices, underbrush and lavender fl avors and aromas, it surprises with spicy earth, sweaty fruit and bread, supported by green apple, fig paste, blackberry and spring flowers." -- that's bullshit. So given that, just drive to Rutherglen, Victoria for the weekend, have fun, and don't be a snob.

I don't know wine or wine tasting but I'm sure that for the layman general public and many critics this may be the case, but for a select group who have both talent and experience this wouldn't be difficult. Most of the studies I have read on this are with members of the public, not professionals. A more accurate example would be "HD" music tracks sold for more at a at 96 kHz sample rate rather than the standard 44.1 when most speakers cannot reproduce this and at 44.1 one can accurately sample frequencies up to 22050 which is already above the hearing range of 99.9% of adults and playback range of audio systems.
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You can meet me in Sydney sometime later this week. I'm working in Newtown on a development, an apartment block.

I will give you my best.

Come to SA I will fight you there.

What is your salary btw?


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BYE BYE! Thank you @blackg for your support.

May I suggest a motto for HairLossTalk.com?

View attachment 77100

No one is telling you to leave or saying that we don't want non-whites around, although it would be nice if you stopped acting like a braindead, mentally ill and delusional cuck with no respect for facts or evidence. It's certainly easier to get offended than reflect on factual evidence though so perhaps you're doing the right thing as your tiny snowflake c*** and mind would shrivel into oblivion if you starting actually opting for facts over feelings.


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No one is telling you to leave or saying that we don't want non-whites around, although it would be nice if you stopped acting like a braindead, mentally ill and delusional cuck with no respect for facts or evidence. It's certainly easier to get offended than reflect on factual evidence though so perhaps you're doing the right thing as your tiny snowflake c*** and mind would shrivel into oblivion if you starting actually opting for facts over feelings.

The sad thing is if these people start valuing evidence they will probably understand real causes behind a lot of the issues their countries and societies are facing. But they see any criticism of their race, ethnicity, religion and country as an attack on their identity and flip put. They act like spoiled children unable to handle tough conversations. Muslims act the same way. Criticize Islam and many of them go in rage mode and start rioting instead of having a civil conversation and determining if the criticism is valid.


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I will never apologize for standing for what is right.

I will never bow down to the radical white supremacists and neo-nazis.

Someone mentioned that this is not an Indian friendly forum. Yeah, they are right! I stay away from here as much as I can. But I came back in the new year to check out the new research section. I should have never come to the impact sub-forum. I was not expecting such vulgar and vicious racist attacks to be present here and when I came across them, it became clear to me that this forum will never change its ways.

I wonder how can anyone even debate if denigrating and deriding an entire race is justified or not.

I do not think I belong in here. This forum is for whites only.

Is this the best response you could come up with? I wrote a detailed reply to your post and you write this garbage in response? Why did you even start the conversation if you had no intention to finish it? I am now suspecting that you never intended to have a conversation and were merely ranting.


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A 35-year-old mathematician hacked OkCupid and found his future-fiancee in just 90 days all with the help of computer algorithms.


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A 35-year-old mathematician hacked OkCupid and found his future-fiancee in just 90 days all with the help of computer algorithms.

Now Computer algorithm have taken role of arrange marriage.(i took fiancee for future wife just for making pun.)


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What a terrible argument.There is a difference between racism and making a simple and honest observation. Many Indians sh*t on streets. One only needs to take a train out of Delhi in morning to observe this simple fact. This may give some non-Indians false impression that all Indians find street shitting perfectly acceptable. This impression may itself be incorrect but it's not necessarily caused by some deep-seated racism. One may develop this impression due to genuine lack of understanding of Indian society. It's not always obvious whether a comment was made out of genuine lack of understanding or racism. However, I always assume innocence unless there is some evidence to prove that a persons actions are motivated by racism. Intentions matter a lot to me.

Really bad example. "N" word in the US is explicitly used to insult blacks and is considered deeply offensive. However, Indians back home use the word "Negro" all the time to describe Africans. If you grew up in India you would know this. They don't use this word to insult Africans. They just mistakenly think that it's perfectly fine to describe them with the word. You can call Indians ignorant but not racist. Again, intentions matter.

Also, in today's environment it's considered racist by many to say that the rate of crime in African American community is significantly higher than whites. But I don' think it's racist to say that. It's simple observation of facts. These facts may well be used by racists to insult African Americans, but that doesn't mean everyone who observes this fact is a racist.

You just stated that most mass murders are done by white men. See, I wouldn't call you racist for making this observation . Your assessment may itself be correct or incorrect but it doesn't mean you made it due to racist reasons. You are merely stating what you see as a fact.

I am not sure why you think I am an apologist for white supremacists. It appears you have made some unwarranted assumptions about me after reading a couple of posts. I will advise you to learn more about an individual before making such assumptions. I admit I do think western culture is better at various things than Indian. But I also think there are certain things that Indians are better at. For example, I like certain sects of Hinduism far more than Christianity. I think the ethical framework one can derive from Hindu epics such as Mahabharata is VASTLY superior to anything that western religions have to offer. I also appreciate the family values that many Indians possess. I also think that Indian food is the best.

You will lose everyday if you bring out that street pooping comment in topic debating on specific issue.

You cannot attack the person for non related stuff.

Even if there are street shitting people in India..
the person you are talking are not responsible for such people's action.
Also..rate of street pooping is decreasing because of government cleanliness initiative.
Soon within 10 years..this problem might be dead too.

Fight on a topic one to one..without diverging from topic of debate.


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Mark my words, one day we will put an end to our street shitting epidemic!

If you need a government initiative to keep people from defecating in public streets, then your country still has a ways to go, buddy boy.

Do people understand at least some of what Trump says, now?


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You will lose everyday if you bring out that street pooping comment in topic debating on specific issue.

You cannot attack the person for non related stuff.

Even if there are street shitting people in India..
the person you are talking are not responsible for such people's action.
Also..rate of street pooping is decreasing because of government cleanliness initiative.
Soon within 10 years..this problem might be dead too.

Fight on a topic one to one..without diverging from topic of debate.

Re read my post. I was away from this forum for 5 months. I had forgotten that many users here lack reading comprehension and critical thinking skills. You reminded me of that fact.

I am surprised that you got into med school. Well, in India you can bribe to get in schools so perhaps that's how you got in. Or perhaps you got in through quota/affirmative action. Nevertheless, you are not a good person to have any discussion which requires critical thinking and analytical skills beyond rudimentary level.


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Re read my post. I was away from this forum for 5 months. I had forgotten that many users here lack reading comprehension and critical thinking skills. You reminded me of that fact.

I am surprised that you got into med school. Well, in India you can bribe to get in schools so perhaps that's how you got in. Or perhaps you got in through quota/affirmative action. Nevertheless, you are not a good person to have any discussion which requires critical thinking and analytical skills beyond rudimentary level.

This ends my control.

PJhair...you are the most stupid person i have talked.
You live in US with a feeling like you are on cloud 9.
But what have you achieved living in US?

Have you made Indians proud?
Do Indians relatives even know you live in US.
Do any newspaper made bragging article on your achievement.

Because of your arrogant attitude..you were blessed with mind f*****g divorce..
Is this what you achieved while living in US?

I have got medical seat from my knowledge.
I was in top 1000 students in an exam of 100000 students.
You sound like marwadi guy or brahmin guy.

Even after living month to month expenses in US..you haven't realised you are on downward spiral...thats hilarious.
You ain't getting a citizenship. wtf!

To the Forum..this guy is making a questionable comment on my caste.
Making such comments in India can lead to severe punishment with loss of job and career.
He is making criminal offence..because he only wants to talk on obvious problems that every illiterate citizen of India knows.

Every citizen of India knows what are problems of India..Speaking about this problems do not make someone genius..
This retard loves to talk about this..thinking he is some Einstein.

Do you even know ABCD of critical thinking?
Talking on obvious Indian problems is not critical thing...
Finding solution to obvious problems is a critical thinking.
If you had even 1 gram of critical thing in your brain..
you would have been multi millionaire by now.

I read your last comment about why you left India because of loss of opportuinities becausw of reservation(again an offence.)

I have relatives that didn't had a single degree
We are from caste with no reservation.
Many had no jobs..but have individual wealth more on 10 million US dollars.

My crush father(i don't think of her now)..is literally a 25 million USD person.

How much centuries will you need to achieve that?

Stop having over inflated ego...

I have never attacked anyone even if someone made simple attack on me..
If mistakenly i did wrong..i have apologised to them personally or never carried such wars further...giving it fullstop.
but most attacks were vague and not at all personal.

But PJhair went directly personal...
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This ends my control.

PJhair...you are the most stupid person i have talked.
You live in US with a feeling like you are on cloud 9.
But what have you achieved living in US?

Have you made Indians proud?
Do Indians relatives even know you live in US.
Do any newspaper made bragging article on your achievement.

Because of your arrogant attitude..you were blessed with mind f*****g divorce..
Is this what you achieved while living in US?

I have got medical seat from my knowledge.
I was in top 1000 students in an exam of 100000 students.
You sound like marwadi guy or brahmin guy.

Even after living month to month expenses in US..you haven't realised you are on downward spiral...thats hilarious.
You ain't getting a citizenship. wtf!

To the Forum..this guy is making a questionable comment on my caste.
Making such comments in India can lead to severe punishment with loss of job and career.
He is making criminal offence..because he only wants to talk on obvious problems that every illiterate citizen of India knows.

Every citizen of India knows what are problems of India..Speaking about this problems do not make someone genius..
This retard loves to talk about this..thinking he is some Einstein.

Do you even know ABCD of critical thinking?
Talking on obvious Indian problems is not critical thing...
Finding solution to obvious problems is a critical thinking.
If you had even 1 gram of critical thing in your brain..
you would have been multi millionaire by now.

I read your last comment about why you left India because of loss of opportuinities becausw of reservation(again an offence.)

I have relatives that didn't had a single degree
We are from caste with no reservation.
Many had no jobs..but have individual wealth more on 10 million US dollars.

My crush father(i don't think of her now)..is literally a 25 million USD person.

How much centuries will you need to achieve that?

Stop having over inflated ego...

I have never attacked anyone even if someone made simple attack on me..
If mistakenly i did wrong..i have apologised to them personally or never carried such wars further...giving it fullstop.
but most attacks were vague and not at all personal.

But PJhair went directly personal...

I wouldn't even bother responding to the gibberish you typed :).

The only correct statement you made is the following;.

"Because of your arrogant attitude..you were blessed with mind f*****g divorce.."

Yes, the divorce was 99% my fault. My arrogance was not the reason but my attitude definitely was;

Honestly, your intellect is too low to have a good conversation. I normally ignore idiots like you but I do occasionally get a good laugh out of your foolish posts. So you do have some entertainment value for me.



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I wouldn't even bother responding to the gibberish you typed :).

The only correct statement you made is the following;.

"Because of your arrogant attitude..you were blessed with mind f*****g divorce.."

Yes, the divorce was 99% my fault. My arrogance was not the reason but my attitude definitely was;

Honestly, your intellect is too low to have a good conversation. I normally ignore idiots like you but I do occasionally get a good laugh out of your foolish posts. So you do have some entertainment value for me.


Isn't your response not specific.

This world pays the person who finds solutions..
not to those who talks of questions.

Give up looking down on other people..
or questioning on others people intelligence.

Stop talking like average joes..
Your tone of voice is siniliar to joes who loves giving preaches on paan thelas.
This thinking has no value.
Utilise your energy and talent on creating something better.
Make others proud of you..

There was a one post about one american guy who made comment on mark zuckerberg post..that touched my heart.
He said. "Mark Zuckerberg visits India more than any Indian in US can do ever in his life time."

Please have a deep thinking over this comment.

Give up your inflated ego.
Time is still in your hands.


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Re read my post. I was away from this forum for 5 months. I had forgotten that many users here lack reading comprehension and critical thinking skills. You reminded me of that fact.

I am surprised that you got into med school. Well, in India you can bribe to get in schools so perhaps that's how you got in. Or perhaps you got in through quota/affirmative action. Nevertheless, you are not a good person to have any discussion which requires critical thinking and analytical skills beyond rudimentary level.
Hey! You f*****g ease up on @Saurabhaj, you bastard!
He has more class in his right hand then you will ever have in your entire privileged body.

You son of a freaking b**ch!


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I always find it intriguing and particularly arrogant when people mock others for having made mistakes in the past.

In my opinion, it's the kind of easy criticism that could come back to haunt you.

As if it was unthinkable for the person uttering the criticism to ever stoop so low. They're convinced that they have every angle covered and that surely, that would never have happened to them.

Getting a divorce? Losing your mind because you're losing your hair at a young age? How could you be so ignorant, weak, pathetic and stupid?

Isn't that what we all like to believe, what we've all firmly believed at a point in our lives? That we know better than people who are or have been much worse off than us?

What matters is that your learned from your mistakes and that you're now a better person for them.

Well said. We are not born omniscient. We do make mistakes and learn from them. However people like @Saurabhaj have absolutely no interest in whether you learned anything. They are just interested in trying to use your mistakes in an attempt to insult you.

I think people like saurabhj lack capacity for self-reflection. On his previous post, he accused me of attacking his caste and called me a criminal because I made the following post.

"I am surprised that you got into med school. Well, in India you can bribe to get in schools so perhaps that's how you got in. Or perhaps you got in through quota/affirmative action. Nevertheless, you are not a good person to have any discussion which requires critical thinking and analytical skills beyond rudimentary level."

It's obvious from the above post that I was questioning his intelligence, not his caste. However, he was so desperate to make me look bad that he made that post about caste. In fact, he is the one who made a castist remark on this thread. Here is a statement made by him.

"You sound like marwadi guy or brahmin guy."

He has made similar statement in the past. He made generalization about an entire caste but is unaware of his own bigotry. He reminds of me of those Muslims living in western countries who accuse everyone of bigotry but fail to notice their own hate for everyone.

The kind of behavior Saurabhj demonstrated is very, very widespread in India. Indian politicians attempt to make everything about caste and religion to gain power. I mean, if Saurabh attempted to use castism to make someone look bad on an internet forum, can you imagine how low can he sink if he was running for an office and stood to gain enormous power and wealth?

Anyway, pointing these things out to them is of no use. Like I said, they lack capacity to reflect on their own behavior objectively.
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