Re read my post. I was away from this forum for 5 months. I had forgotten that many users here lack reading comprehension and critical thinking skills. You reminded me of that fact.
I am surprised that you got into med school. Well, in India you can bribe to get in schools so perhaps that's how you got in. Or perhaps you got in through quota/affirmative action. Nevertheless, you are not a good person to have any discussion which requires critical thinking and analytical skills beyond rudimentary level.
This ends my control. are the most stupid person i have talked.
You live in US with a feeling like you are on cloud 9.
But what have you achieved living in US?
Have you made Indians proud?
Do Indians relatives even know you live in US.
Do any newspaper made bragging article on your achievement.
Because of your arrogant were blessed with mind f*****g divorce..
Is this what you achieved while living in US?
I have got medical seat from my knowledge.
I was in top 1000 students in an exam of 100000 students.
You sound like marwadi guy or brahmin guy.
Even after living month to month expenses in haven't realised you are on downward spiral...thats hilarious.
You ain't getting a citizenship. wtf!
To the Forum..this guy is making a questionable comment on my caste.
Making such comments in India can lead to severe punishment with loss of job and career.
He is making criminal offence..because he only wants to talk on obvious problems that every illiterate citizen of India knows.
Every citizen of India knows what are problems of India..Speaking about this problems do not make someone genius..
This retard loves to talk about this..thinking he is some Einstein.
Do you even know ABCD of critical thinking?
Talking on obvious Indian problems is not critical thing...
Finding solution to obvious problems is a critical thinking.
If you had even 1 gram of critical thing in your brain..
you would have been multi millionaire by now.
I read your last comment about why you left India because of loss of opportuinities becausw of reservation(again an offence.)
I have relatives that didn't had a single degree
We are from caste with no reservation.
Many had no jobs..but have individual wealth more on 10 million US dollars.
My crush father(i don't think of her now) literally a 25 million USD person.
How much centuries will you need to achieve that?
Stop having over inflated ego...
I have never attacked anyone even if someone made simple attack on me..
If mistakenly i did wrong..i have apologised to them personally or never carried such wars it fullstop.
but most attacks were vague and not at all personal.
But PJhair went directly personal...