Imagine if instead of investing so much time and money into this forum and related issues, we had had sex with dozens of women and were otherwise blue-pilling by going on ski trips and playing in a band? The cognitive tax of hairloss and other aesthetic impairments is monumental, as well as the other taxes.
I was just on the train from New Haven to Baltimore, and these two tall (maybe 6 feet?), white, beautiful, thin women in their 30s gone on at the New York stop. I listened to their conversation and I was full of envy of how easy their life is. Their priority at work seems to be to make power point presentations and to come up with buzzwords, "oh, let's remember to say that we have a dedicated team !" (I think that was a bullet point), they were concerned with a company's logo, for that they probably make ~$200,000/year, with benefits, where they're validated as being smart and taking initiative when really they're just in a position to reap the benefits' of others' work, she limited things by not inviting cousins.
One of them spent 1 hour or what seemed like it talking about her sushi preferences, she prefers eel to salmon, she likes sushi bites to be small, she avoids it on Sundays because the fish comes in on Mondays, she talked about which sushi restaurants are romantic, which are good even though you'd never expect them to be, etc. They also talked about wedding costs. One of them said that she's inviting 300 people to her wedding. The other one said that she wanted to keep her wedding to a cost of 30,000 or less, but it ended up costing over 100,000.
No fucks given about looksmaxing because she was already an 8+. She was talking about life-maxing.