Home made laser device - need advice


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finasteride and minoxidil have both been in the news for years now. And not just an isolated article or two in a magazine. If you wish to spend your money on a laser I guess God love you. But when you are using a number of other real solutions to hair loss don't attribute any improvement to the fact that you are mixing in some laser therapy along with finasteride, minoxidil and Nizoral. And the dirtly little secret of OMG's site and his hawking of lasers is that he has had not one but two hair transplants. So, any improvement in his hair can hardly be attributed to his use of a laser helmet.


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Yes, every time I turn on the news finasteride and minoxidil are headline news as you say. I just can't get away from it! /end sarcasm. I don't understand people that have crusades against treatments they have never tried, especially when they have scientific backing. Lasers have more years of research than most other treatments. Open up your mind and try to learn about a treatment before you decide it is a farce. I have never used finasteride because I am very sensitive to DHT/5ar sides, and I don't use nizoral/minoxidil anymore due to sides.


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DM5sadouche said:
finasteride and minoxidil have both been in the news for years now. And not just an isolated article or two in a magazine. If you wish to spend your money on a laser I guess God love you. But when you are using a number of other real solutions to hair loss don't attribute any improvement to the fact that you are mixing in some laser therapy along with finasteride, minoxidil and Nizoral. And the dirtly little secret of OMG's site and his hawking of lasers is that he has had not one but two hair transplants. So, any improvement in his hair can hardly be attributed to his use of a laser helmet.

you can't sell a laser helmet and be bald,i guess i ll start thinking of something that i can sell so people pay for my hairtransplant


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Another, unrelated point aimed at undermining LLLT. Someone had a transplant so their research must be all lies...! That ONE person who had two hair transplants before starting LLLT has nothing to do with whether or not LLLT works. He has done more research for people regarding LLLT than anyone else and it should be appreciated.\

Stick with looking at the studies, journals, testimonials, etc. not basing an entire treatment on one person.


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lothar972 said:
Yes, every time I turn on the news finasteride and minoxidil are headline news as you say. I just can't get away from it! /end sarcasm. I don't understand people that have crusades against treatments they have never tried, especially when they have scientific backing. Lasers have more years of research than most other treatments. Open up your mind and try to learn about a treatment before you decide it is a farce. I have never used finasteride because I am very sensitive to DHT/5ar sides, and I don't use nizoral/minoxidil anymore due to sides.

Then I assume that you have some baseline pics of you prior to you starting laser treatments and some pictures of you now? I would love to see your progress.


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lothar972 said:
Another, unrelated point aimed at undermining LLLT. Someone had a transplant so their research must be all lies...! That ONE person who had two hair transplants before starting LLLT has nothing to do with whether or not LLLT works. He has done more research for people regarding LLLT than anyone else and it should be appreciated.\

Stick with looking at the studies, journals, testimonials, etc. not basing an entire treatment on one person.

i want to see before/after pictures from long forum posters

each time pictures were posted i didn't see any difference,but they all see one LOL
but before i got my helmet from OMG,he sent me some really convicing before/after pictures
the title of pictures was "STOLEN picture#1).....yeah really stolen because no one has had any real success on its own,you need an antiadrogen to fight male pattern baldness.


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lothar972 said:
Another, unrelated point aimed at undermining LLLT. Someone had a transplant so their research must be all lies...! That ONE person who had two hair transplants before starting LLLT has nothing to do with whether or not LLLT works. He has done more research for people regarding LLLT than anyone else and it should be appreciated.\

Stick with looking at the studies, journals, testimonials, etc. not basing an entire treatment on one person.

And by the way OMG's second hair transplant took place WHILE he was using laser treatment. He admitted that himself. So, please don't make it sound like he had the hair transplants years before his use of a laser.


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OMGs hair transplant was helped along by the LLLT but I would not make a decision on whether LLLT can help hair or not based on OMG's website. Yes, there's great information about lasers there and there is some definate evidence laser treatment can help. If there was no evidence at all, Hairmax would not get any FDA approval as it is based on results. I think we should attack the hair loss in multiple ways and together they can produce better results, some internal and some external. I would stay away from finasteride if you're a bloke and like sex becuase there is more than the 2% risk of side effects claimed by the manufacturer and it can be permenant, yikes!


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DM5sadouche: Why would you assume I have photos to show you when earlier in the thread I said I have never used LLLT before? I am however going to start using it when my power supply gets here on Thursday. I was just defending LLLT because I find it annoying that, despite the evidence that it does work, people act like it is completely useless. These attitudes toward it stopped me from looking into it until recently, and I now wish I had looked into it sooner. I don't want other people to make that same mistake.

2nd post: I am not basing this on OMG's hair, lol.

baroudeur: I have seen some decent pictures from forum'ers, some even better ones from clinics, etc. Pictures are pretty useless though, unless there is a HUGE change in hair it is easy to attribute any change to lighting, hair length, angle, etc. Also, even if there is no difference in the hair but the pictures are taken a year a part or something that would seem pretty successful if they aren't using other treatments, would it not? I have a lot of hair, so I would be happy with stopping my shedding and any minimal regrowth/thickening would be great. Some people still report improving hair two years after starting treatment. Some don't report cosmetic benefits until 9+ months. It seems it can be a slow process for some and quick for others. Everyone seems to respond differently, but I think it is definitely worth looking into.

hairymonster: Yeah I am VERY responsive to anything that affects DHT/5ar and get strong sides from very mild ones like Nizoral, Fluridil. No point in me even trying finasteride. I know how bad I feel when I mess with my DHT/5ar receptors. Very few people even report getting systemic sides from things like Nizoral, and Fluridil was supposed to break down in water but I definitely got them. I think a couple of people on this forum had reactions to Fluridil. This is why I am so pleased to find a treatment that treats hairloss in a different manner.


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When your power supply gets there? Huh?

Well if, as you state you intend to start using it, then you should take pics prior to using a laser and then more pics 4 to 6 months later. And please don't thrown in any finasteride or minoxidil along the way.


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I am building it myself but the power supply for the lasers is the last thing that will arrive. I have most of my hair, so I am not sure how useful pictures will be (I mostly want to prevent further loss/thinning) but I do have some of the top of my head I took like 2 months ago or something. I guess I could take some of the hairline.


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confuseman said:
is anybody who use laser are recived some hair coloring for his white/grey hair?

Some people have reported their gray hairs gaining color again when using LLLT.


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Hi, any update on Power Grow Laser Comb, i think that it coulkd be a good complement for our treatment. I see people who uses it, and they have better hair, more thick, no regrowth but only for thicken your hair would be a good treatment. Any here is still on laser combs? Thanks


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Laser combs are a joke..you need to build your lid to get max coverage and intensity....google overmachogrande ...everything there for you...I built mine a few years ago now and although I have gone through periods of not using it, I strongly believe it will help ease loss for sure...the problem is you have to stick with it which means sitting around every other day for at least an hour with this thing on your head...