How are people getting oral minoxidil


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I'll take pics and post tomorrow never really got opinions on my hair loss stage. I still have a straight hairline if I shave my head to about 1-1.5 in length it blends in with the thinning temples. The crown is thin but there's still hair there but I'd probably have to shave to .5 or lower to blend. I started off with 5mg and progressively got to 20mg but I might go back to 10mg and stop being impatient. I always have to make an excuse my why my 180 days worth of pills is finishing in 45 days lol.
My buddy is like a norwood 5-6. He's got all his hair in the back and sides and it's real thick. His hairline and the front part is gone. There's fine whispy hair there. He qualifies for a hair transplant but he said he's not paying the money to get it done. He's getting oral Minoxidil 5mg in the next couple of weeks along with the finasteride. He also said he might incorporate micro-needling.