How are you relationship wise?


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As in having a girlfriend/boyfriend/wife/husband. Are you currently in a relationship? Have you ever been? Has your hair loss made an impact on finding a potential partner?

I've never been in a relationship before, but i know it's something i'd like to experience. I'm 22 and the older i get the more hair i'm losing, and my confidence/self-esteem slowly starts to go too.


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39/married and have 3 beautiful daughters. As I like to say I am "Living the Dream". Even before I was married I had plenty of girlfriends when I was younger (17 - 25) and yes some were shallow but in general some girls are shallow anyway and I do not blame hair loss totally for that.


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With that said I understand what you mean. The more hair I lost, the more self confidence I lost but it never kept me out of the game. :)


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^^Good to hear :)
I'm gonna have to try really hard to not let hair loss affect my confidence, since i don't wanna be that type of guy; i know my qualities and can't let hair loss over shadow them.


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Draco88 said:
Being gay doesn't make it any easier since it's really hard to meet someone decent, who isn't superficial/bitchy/stereotypical/etc
I find this a little bit surprising, to say the least. It is true that my knowledge on this subject is very limited, since I personally know only one gay guy with advanced baldness but the person I know had no the difficulties you describe, or this is what he let me guess. But then he is much older than you, so I really don't know. Today he is alone by choice (way too much busy in work).

Draco88 said:
on the other hand i've met a lot of nice girls whom have shown an interest in me, and if it hadn't been for my preferences, i would have want to develop a relationship with any one of them.
What Norwood grade are you now?

Personally I am married with children but not in a relationship anymore; nor I do want to try a new one.


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Single atm. I score a bit less than before hair loss, but I expect that's as much about my own confidence as it is my situation.

Can sort of relate to the OP in the sense that I've never had a serious relationship that's gone on for most than 6 months. In the past I've just got bored of girls, and the ones I seem to attract seem to always have major mental/insecurity/drink/drug issues. I certainly haven't found 'the one' or even someone you could call a 'sweetheart', and that's a bit of a bummer.

Long-term plan is to continue playing the field until my late 20s (23 now), then look for long-term, with an aim to marriage in early 30s. But if it doesn't happen, it doesn't happen.


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Draco, I'm not really all that familiar with the gay community, but from the gay friends I've had I'd say things are pretty polarized: some are way, way more bitchy and superficial than anyone in the straight world; but others are much more real and caring than anyone else out there.

I think, because these are people who've inevitably had to face hard times, they can be a little more understanding with stuff like this (sometimes).

Anyway, good luck - I know you'll find someone out there!

Bald Dave

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Been with a girl for 2 years now. Its my first serious relationship and its going ok. I can't say for certain if she is "the one" yet but we're both approaching 30 and i think she is considering a long term committment.


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As Chris Rock says: married and bored or single and lonely.

I always obsess over wanting to be in a relationship when I'm single, but then once I get into a relationship I feel like it takes up my whole life and I never have any time to myself.

I also get bored of a girl, heck of ANYONE, I have to spend so much time with. I honestly don't know how people live together in the same house/apartment for 10+ years.

I don't care if it's a roommate or girlfriend or family member, I just can't seem to be able to spend so much time with a single person without getting extremely bored or annoyed.

Probably some deep psychological issue I have.

Anyway, the grass is always greener guys. Enjoy your life no matter what it brings, you only get one!


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29 years old and married. I've had a lot of girlfriends, and I liked some more than others of course. I always enjoyed being single and never thought I'd want to commit to a single person, but here I am.

Can't really say how balding affects my ability to score as I didn't start losing until last year when I was already married, but I have a friend who started balding in highschool and is NW5ish at 29. He does well with girls now, although during his early 20s when his confidence was destroyed he hardly ever had a girlfriend. When I think about it girls used to practically throw themselves at me when I was in my late teens and early 20s and that doesn't really happen any more, but it could just be because I'm a professional now and haven't been around those sort of women in years.

Not to stereotype, but here in the states it seems like a lot of gay dudes that are balding just shave their hair real short and hit the gym. In fact I'd say that's the common look for an urban gay guy.


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^^I guess they hit the gym the same reason straight guys who are bald do so, to 'compensate' for being bald..but either way, i think it improves your physical appearance hair or no hair.

Vox said:
Draco88 said:
Being gay doesn't make it any easier since it's really hard to meet someone decent, who isn't superficial/bitchy/stereotypical/etc
I find this a little bit surprising, to say the least. It is true that my knowledge on this subject is very limited, since I personally know only one gay guy with advanced baldness but the person I know had no the difficulties you describe, or this is what he let me guess. But then he is much older than you, so I really don't know. Today he is alone by choice (way too much busy in work).
Well, most guys i've come across just haven't been my type, however i haven't come across many..i don't know any who are bald, and have only seen one bald guy in a (gay) bar. One of my friends thinks i'm picky, but i say i have standards..then again it could just be me.

What Norwood grade are you now?
I'm a NW3, with the crown slightly thinning, and front part thinning too, i can still conceal it all okish, but hoping my current regimen will stop things (and hopefully reverse for the time being).

Boondock said:
Long-term plan is to continue playing the field until my late 20s (23 now), then look for long-term, with an aim to marriage in early 30s. But if it doesn't happen, it doesn't happen.
That sounds like a good and realistic goal.

Draco, I'm not really all that familiar with the gay community, but from the gay friends I've had I'd say things are pretty polarized: some are way, way more bitchy and superficial than anyone in the straight world; but others are much more real and caring than anyone else out there.
I guess that's generally the case, from the little experience i've had with gay people (i'm not really the out and about type of guy).
Anyway, good luck - I know you'll find someone out there!
Thanks for the well wishes, same to you!

treeshrew said:
I don't care if it's a roommate or girlfriend or family member, I just can't seem to be able to spend so much time with a single person without getting extremely bored or annoyed.

Probably some deep psychological issue I have.
I have a friend who's like this..always gets in a relationship then ends it coz he loses complete interest in the girl. He's talked to me about it, but doesn't know why it's like that.


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treeshrew said:
As Chris Rock says: married and bored or single and lonely.

I don't care if it's a roommate or girlfriend or family member, I just can't seem to be able to spend so much time with a single person without getting extremely bored or annoyed.

Probably some deep psychological issue I have.

It means your all about the conquest, and that's what pleases you. After that you get extremely board. I know many like that, I'm kinda like that.

Or, it could be that you have a deep underlying issue with trust. I am like that.

Or it could be a combination of both, obviously that is me too.

In regards to hair loss affecting my dating life, it did. So much so that i sought after a hair transplant, only to be slightly disfigured (its not THAT bad compared to others, but it has hugely affected my confidence). Now that I am a little older (almost 26), that hair loss issue is less of a problem for men. You start to see more and more guys have this problem, and It truly becomes a "normal thing". The only problem with me, is that I have scars from a hair tranpslant..... so I wont even experience this new "normal" that I see.

The truth is I feel, no, I know that I was taken advantage of by some one with a MD. I feel like I was raped to be honest. This man took my money and removed flesh from my body, without any regard to my well being and disfigured me. Because of this experience, I do not know If I can ever fully open up to anyone. It has really had a toll on my friendship, as I can not be close with anyone, and I'm slowly seeing my friends drift away, let alone my dating relationships.

Whatever you do, do not get a hair transplant if you are losing your hair so young. When you get a little older, not even that much older, you will see hair loss is not as a big deal as it was when you were in college, where the majority of people are much more superficial.

Good luck.


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Currently very single here. I do get quite a lot of interest though, I'm just not really looking.

Something I need to bring up with my psychiatrist next time I'm there is at the moment I'm turned off by the idea of anyone finding me attractive; a quite a screwed mind set for the dating scene to be honest :)

I also get a lot of chasers (closet gay guys who like the idea of a "chick with a dick"), they don't seem to understand that the idea of a guy fancying me because I have a "little extra" makes me want to vomit.


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treeshrew said:
As Chris Rock says: married and bored or single and lonely.

I always obsess over wanting to be in a relationship when I'm single, but then once I get into a relationship I feel like it takes up my whole life and I never have any time to myself.

I also get bored of a girl, heck of ANYONE, I have to spend so much time with. I honestly don't know how people live together in the same house/apartment for 10+ years.

I don't care if it's a roommate or girlfriend or family member, I just can't seem to be able to spend so much time with a single person without getting extremely bored or annoyed.

Probably some deep psychological issue I have.

Anyway, the grass is always greener guys. Enjoy your life no matter what it brings, you only get one!

well out of my head....


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I think I would say my mindset falls along with treeshrew about getting bored with people after a certain amount of time. Right now I have joined a dating site and found talking to so many women and going on some dates very exhausting. Most women are now into being cougars so you younger guys have a great chance of going after some older women who will not care about what is on your head but what is between your legs. I cannot believe how many women only want a relationship with a younger guy. And to top it off, these women have so much emotional baggage, you have to be both a boyfriend and a psychiatrist to be able to have a relationship with most of these women. And be very careful on who you date, I met a girl who was beautiful and nice and totally was in to me. I was some way able to find out something about her on our wonderful internet that basically was one in a million and it had to happen to me. Lets just say for safety reasons, I had to get rid of her real fast. That is not a great thing to happen to someone who has trust issues. Sometimes it makes you feel you are better off alone but I know eventually as they say, there is someone for each and everyone of us. When you find it you will know. I thought she might have been close to the one but somehow my instincts kicked in and found out I was wrong.

Draco, as far as your situation, I think you might have to make the first move just like most men here do. Men are more aggressive in nature so if you see someone attractive, you need to make the first move. I always thought gay men had it easier with each other since they have so much in common with their "nature". Its like you always have common ground from the start. Men find it easy to bond with other men and women can bond with women. Just think how so many people here have bonded in a sense due to going thru the same issues. If we try to tell women some of our issues, they just think we acting like a woman or think we have no confidence or backbone. In the straight world, its like men are just meant to have sex with women even if they can't bond on an emotional level. That is the problem with relationships, most men cannot be intimate both emotional and physically with women. In the gay community I would think it would be easier to have both but men do become very bored easily so I understand why there is promiscuity. I think for any relationship to work you have to have trust, open communication, know how to compromise (and some hair on your head for those women who have a hair fetish). Relationships will always be like a business contract. If you can't keep up your end of the bargain, the relationship will dissolve. If this posts sounds alot like a CCS post, your wrong. I never used the number systems in the whole post........................................ :whistle:


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GeminiX said:
I also get a lot of chasers (closet gay guys who like the idea of a "chick with a dick"), they don't seem to understand that the idea of a guy fancying me because I have a "little extra" makes me want to vomit.
There's definitely a lot of creeps out there :thumbdown2: but i've come across a few people in your situation who ended up having a decent partner.

DoctorHouse said:
And to top it off, these women have so much emotional baggage, you have to be both a boyfriend and a psychiatrist to be able to have a relationship with most of these women. And be very careful on who you date, I met a girl who was beautiful and nice and totally was in to me. I was some way able to find out something about her on our wonderful internet that basically was one in a million and it had to happen to me. Lets just say for safety reasons, I had to get rid of her real fast. That is not a great thing to happen to someone who has trust issues. Sometimes it makes you feel you are better off alone but I know eventually as they say, there is someone for each and everyone of us. When you find it you will know. I thought she might have been close to the one but somehow my instincts kicked in and found out I was wrong.
That sucks..i've usually found that if it's too good to be true, then there's gotta be something that's wrong, for anything. I've also wondered whether you're better off to be alone..i know i'd rather that than to be with someone for the sake of being with someone and thus not be happy. But as to the first part of your post; i don't understand this new(?) cougar hype. Don't these women want someone who's going to genuinely care for them? And i'm sure the guys want the same too..actually i'm sure everyone does. I've been on such internet sites for years, and out of all the guys i've met online, only one of them has remained to be a really good friend.

Draco, as far as your situation, I think you might have to make the first move just like most men here do. Men are more aggressive in nature so if you see someone attractive, you need to make the first move.
You're right, and one of my older friends has said this to me too, to make the first move. And whilst i know i have the courage/confidence to do so, i'm always afraid of being rejected, which is why i never have approached anyone before (in real life that is). Then again, if you're rejected, that means you won't see the person again, so it's no big deal. However the other issue is when i'm interested in a guy who's sexuality i don't know heh:/
I always thought gay men had it easier with each other since they have so much in common with their "nature". Its like you always have common ground from the start. Men find it easy to bond with other men and women can bond with women. Just think how so many people here have bonded in a sense due to going thru the same issues.
You're definitely right about that. I always find it easier to talk about certain issues with my male friends (anyway i only have two female friends and i'm not as close with them), particularly when they're gay.

If we try to tell women some of our issues, they just think we acting like a woman or think we have no confidence or backbone. In the straight world, its like men are just meant to have sex with women even if they can't bond on an emotional level. That is the problem with relationships, most men cannot be intimate both emotional and physically with women.
This is something i've noticed in straight relationships..i don't like how the guy is put up as this strong, rock like figure who acts 'manly', whilst the girl stands weakly by him.

I think for any relationship to work you have to have trust, open communication, know how to compromise (and some hair on your head for those women who have a hair fetish). Relationships will always be like a business contract. If you can't keep up your end of the bargain, the relationship will dissolve.
I agree 100%. I've written stuff like this in internet profiles, and whenever i message someone and they don't reply, i always assume it's because they don't like my idea of a relationship (or because i say i'm not interested in having sex straight up)..It's like an investement and you need to plan it all before you can enter such an 'agreement', know how to react when an argument comes up (as in being able to resolve rather than win), know each others differences, how slow or fast you want to take things, know how to support each other emotionally etc assuming both parties want a serious relationship.


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Draco, I think you would be better off finding someone who has the same exact values and morals as yourself. Its harder to find someone like that now a days but if you keep looking you will find those rare gems as they do exist. You are lucky to have the internet to find your gems. If I had the internet when I was your age, I honestly think I would be married by now. Internet dating is like shopping online. You read about the product and if it interests you, you buy it and try it for 30 days. If during the 30 days your not satisfied, you just send and back for a full refund. Your best bet is a gay dating site. That way you know all the men available are gay so you don't have to rely on your gaydar when you meet men in person. When I was growing up, I got many gay men coming on to me even knowing I was straight. They were always trying to convince me I was missing out on not being a part of their team. Because of that I really did not like gay men because I thought all they wanted to do was convert the straight men into something they are not. However, this was during a time where homosexuality was very hush hush. Now a days its so widely accepted that you are lucky you are able to openly tell a mostly straight male forum about your relationship issues. To be honest, I do like male bonding but not sexually. This forum is in a sense a reach out program for male bonding. Bars are not a great place to meet people because its universally known that bars are for one night stands. So stick to gay chatrooms and try to find guys with similar morals and values like yourself. I have found some real gems in the chatroom but you have to rift thru all the junk to find them. And according to the women to whom I have been talking, they hate guys who just want to talk about sex. Women want to have deep conversations where sex is not a topic when you are first getting to know them. You need to wait until they bring up the subject of sex before you start talking about it. Then it becomes fare game to talk about it . Otherwise just go to bar. There are plenty of horny women and men there.

Nashville Hairline

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NW3v fast approaching NW4 (basically f--ked) but have a girlfriend so dont give up hope guys - there are attractive women with diabolical taste in men out there, you just need to work hard and get a bit of luck to find 'em :woot:

Out of not wanting to look insecure and to not make an issue of it I have avoided asking her what she thinks of hairloss in men ..the closest we've gotten to a conversation about my hair is when she caught me combing my hair before bed (trying to spruce up my thin spots one last time) and she said "Hurry up and come to bed, I've seen your hair in far worse states before". Christ! :dunno:

This board has sorta made me think I should marry her soon cos if she dumps me I'll be back to square one in the dating game and even less hair this time. Ugh. Not a healthy way to think, at all.


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Nashville Hairline said:
the closest we've gotten to a conversation about my hair is when she caught me combing my hair before bed (trying to spruce up my thin spots one last time) and she said "Hurry up and come to bed, I've seen your hair in far worse states before". Christ!

Lol, thats actually quite comforting. :)