How are you relationship wise?


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DoctorHouse said:
Draco, I think you would be better off finding someone who has the same exact values and morals as yourself. Its harder to find someone like that now a days but if you keep looking you will find those rare gems as they do exist.
Yep, i always seek those who share the same values/morals. Makes sense to find a potential partner who is similar to you.
When I was growing up, I got many gay men coming on to me even knowing I was straight. They were always trying to convince me I was missing out on not being a part of their team. Because of that I really did not like gay men because I thought all they wanted to do was convert the straight men into something they are not.
Sorry to hear that :/ sadly things haven't changed much these days.

However, this was during a time where homosexuality was very hush hush. Now a days its so widely accepted that you are lucky you are able to openly tell a mostly straight male forum about your relationship issues.
I'm not really the out type of person in my real life, and i was actually kinda hesitant to disclose my sexuality on such a forum, but figured that it is the internet so it's no big deal.

And according to the women to whom I have been talking, they hate guys who just want to talk about sex. Women want to have deep conversations where sex is not a topic when you are first getting to know them. You need to wait until they bring up the subject of sex before you start talking about it. Then it becomes fare game to talk about it . Otherwise just go to bar. There are plenty of horny women and men there.
I sound like those women hehe but i avoid meeting people in bars/clubs, the majority would only have you for one thing..but like you said, have to go through the junk.

Thanks for your advice anyhow.


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you know you are the first gay guy i've ever met
i dont have a problem with it its just that i just realized i have never met a gay person before.

anyway. if chosing men is the same as we chose women then i guess you gotta look for some1 who is attractive and is attracted to you but at the same time is at the same level of shallowness as you. I think its very important to be with someone that is as attracted to you as they are and as shallow as you are.

My girlfriend and i, we're very attracted to each other and we are as shallow as each other in terms of looks. We care alot about hygene and fashion also we care alot about personality and attitude (we gotta stay cute for each other all the time) but most importantly we are as horny for each other as each other (we do alot of physical stuff even though we didnt\wont have sex till we're married)

so i hope you find your equally attractive and shallow partner!


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^^lol thanks dude :)
But you're right in finding someone who is as attracted to you and as shallow..that's a good way to phrase it. Need to have that balance.


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Hey Draco, have you ever tried boning a girl?


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LOL no :p i've thought about it, but don't think i could do it. I'd have to be in a relationship firstly and well yeah..