How bad is it really?


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Hi all, I'm new to the forum! :) Now about my hair:

I had perfect hair till 18, but over a few months in my 19th year, my hair had suddenly thinned considerably on the front and top. I first realized that when my barber told me that my hair was thin on top. I freaked out initially but then thought it was probably temporary and moved on. I'm 23 now.

I started taking finasteride daily exactly a year ago. I've failed to notice any significant improvement in my hair, but am pretty sure it's not gone worse over the year. I'm also not totally sure whether the thinning is hereditary or due to other reasons (I also have OCD and am under stress a lot of the time- could be the stress?). Plus, I do not have a receding hairline, it's just the top of my hair that's thin.
My hair is such that nobody in general can tell I have a thin head of hair (on top and front), or from normal photos, but the amount of scalp visible is striking when I part my hair with my hands, or make it stand straight under strong lighting. It looks scary at times. I've attached photos, the first two are under sunlight after taking a bath. The last two are under strong lighting and after parting the hair (that's basically the worst it can look. also, the last pic is tilted 90 deg to the right - i realized after posting that it looks weird :p).

When it comes to heredity, my dad's hair started thinning when he was around 45. My maternal uncles have full heads of hair (although it's not that dense).
Please help me out, I really freak out bad at times when I see my hair under light. And my OCD makes it 10 times worse :sad:


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Thanks! It's been this way for the past 4 years-my hair in its normal state looks just fine. I just hope it doesn't get any worse!


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Agreed with the comment on top. It's damn impressive how much the way you wear your hair hides it.