How common is a hair transplant + hair system?


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I'm 18 years old with Norwood 2.
I believe my destiny is Norwood 7 so I don't have a lot of donor hairs. I really want a full a head of hair (hairline of a 5 year old)

I have not once seen a good hairtransplant or hair system result alone. They always end up with at least a nw2.

So I was thinking of transplanting the temples and getting a hair system on top. Could this accomplish a perfect head of hair?

Goldee Lox

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I used to think I was going to be completely bald when I was around your age.. Turned out that I just developed a mature hairline as a teen and that's about it other than mild hair loss that's typical with age. How do you know you're going to be an NW7? Seems like you're jumping the gun hardcore right now unless your hairloss is crazy bad as a teenager..


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I used to think I was going to be completely bald when I was around your age.. Turned out that I just developed a mature hairline as a teen and that's about it other than mild hair loss that's typical with age. How do you know you're going to be an NW7? Seems like you're jumping the gun hardcore right now unless your hairloss is crazy bad as a teenager..

I am sure im losing my hair, by looking at pictures from a couple years ago, and difuse thinning etc. When I will be Norwood 7 i don't know.


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If you're destined for NW5+ then getting a juvenile hairline transplant is ridiculously stupid. No reputable doctor would do it. Be happy with NW2. For an 18 year old a true, thick NW2 is normal.


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What are you saying? That only those few lucky hair loss suffers that have full density with a receding hairline should get a transplant?

Those are the best candidates for hair transplant. Especially with a stabilized receded area who is on the propecia.


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I don't think it would look good. Transplan density is crap compared to a system.

Temple point hair transplant + system would look real good and and natural. That being the biggest give away for hair peice wearers...parallel recessed sides


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Hair transplant is a good option mate.


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What are you saying? That only those few lucky hair loss suffers that have full density with a receding hairline should get a transplant?
No, what I'm saying is that you shouldn't attempt to transplant to a NW1 or 0 hairline at such a young age. You should get a hair transplant later when you are more like an NW2.5-3+ and have more diffuse thinning. You have a finite number of grafts, you may need them later in life so you should take a more conservative approach for now. NW2 is not a bad hairline, for most people, it doesn't even register as balding, it's a mature hairline and most doctors don't even consider it to be male pattern baldness yet at that stage. Be content for now and when it gets worse you can transplant to restore your NW2 hairline.
Imagine you have 5000-6000 grafts. To get a dense NW1 hairline, you'll probably have to use over 2000 grafts on a very small area of your head. That leaves just 3-4000 for a much larger area - the rest of your head.
Only those destined for low norwoods should consider transplanting an NW1 hairline. If you're destined for higher norwoods then you should consider NW2 -3 as a more realistic hairline.

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I doubt any reputable doctor would every transplant an 18 year old with a good NW2 hairline to an NW1 hairline, it's a very reckless action.

I'm a 29 year old with about NW2.5 hairline and diffuse thinning in an NW5-6 pattern (visible when wet) and I'm getting a 1000 graft hair transplant to restore an NW2 hairline, and even then I've been told by some on here that this is somewhat reckless and that I should wait until my hair is worse and take a more conservative approach.


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No, what I'm saying is that you shouldn't attempt to transplant to a NW1 or 0 hairline at such a young age. You should get a hair transplant later when you are more like an NW2.5-3+ and have more diffuse thinning. You have a finite number of grafts, you may need them later in life so you should take a more conservative approach for now. NW2 is not a bad hairline, for most people, it doesn't even register as balding, it's a mature hairline and most doctors don't even consider it to be male pattern baldness yet at that stage. Be content for now and when it gets worse you can transplant to restore your NW2 hairline.
Imagine you have 5000-6000 grafts. To get a dense NW1 hairline, you'll probably have to use over 2000 grafts on a very small area of your head. That leaves just 3-4000 for a much larger area - the rest of your head.
Only those destined for low norwoods should consider transplanting an NW1 hairline. If you're destined for higher norwoods then you should consider NW2 -3 as a more realistic hairline.

That's why I said + hair system. If you dont have to cover anything on top, it saves a lot of grafts. Even if you're norwood 5, the sides still grow up until further than your 'earline'. Do you have any idea how many grafts it would cost to cover this area (so sides only)?

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Oh and no, it doesn't register to normal people as balding. But it does make you look older, uglier and unhealthier. This is my hair now

I get estimated to be at least 23.

As you can see, it's just a dead bunch on top of my head. I keep it short, but if were to grow it out any longer you would see just how thin and balding it looks.


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You're plan actually seems pretty decent IMO. You're 18 and you definitely are balding quite severely. I'm guessing you're against using medications such as Propecia or Duasteride? If so, until a new cure comes out you're likely going to bald quick and thoroughly. With that being said, I think you should be able to keep your temple points in tact via the hair transplant technology we have even today. Obviously you're going to have to wear a system to have full density with these temple points. I mean obviously you could go down the medication route and I don't think it's too late for you to have decent to semi-decent looking hair if you take an extreme regiment. But honestly you're probably correct in you're best bet being temple hair transplant and a system. You should definitely talk with a doctor + dermatologist + hair transplant surgeon though. Also you should probably educate yourself on the struggles of a system (they seem to be largely psychological). Also I know everyone hates this with a passion, but if you've never tried shaving your head I think you should give that a go for a bit. You may like it and decide that you'd prefer it to a system. Good luck bro.


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You're plan actually seems pretty decent IMO. You're 18 and you definitely are balding quite severely. I'm guessing you're against using medications such as Propecia or Duasteride? If so, until a new cure comes out you're likely going to bald quick and thoroughly. With that being said, I think you should be able to keep your temple points in tact via the hair transplant technology we have even today. Obviously you're going to have to wear a system to have full density with these temple points. I mean obviously you could go down the medication route and I don't think it's too late for you to have decent to semi-decent looking hair if you take an extreme regiment. But honestly you're probably correct in you're best bet being temple hair transplant and a system. You should definitely talk with a doctor + dermatologist + hair transplant surgeon though. Also you should probably educate yourself on the struggles of a system (they seem to be largely psychological). Also I know everyone hates this with a passion, but if you've never tried shaving your head I think you should give that a go for a bit. You may like it and decide that you'd prefer it to a system. Good luck bro.

Yeah I used finasteride for while but it f*cked me up, so I am not using anything right now. Eating healthy but I just let the balding take its course, which is why I'm planning with a Norwood 5+ in mind.
And no way i'm shaving until I'm at least 25, I want to be young for a couple years, that's why I'm planning to do the hair transplant this year.


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Hair systems + hair transplants don't blend in well. Density is to low on transplant yeild whwre as a peice is generally thicker in density then ur native hair.

Temple point hair transplant + full topper is an option though. Not so much transplant front + hair peice.

As for the other guy. 1000 grafts for a NW2 won't look good if density and aesthetics are your concern. I had about 2250 for a NW2.5. However the whole frontal third was reinforced and constructed.

I'd say get a di quote from a reputable Doctor


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It's an extreme approach, but it could work as long as you don't mind wearing a hair system.

I think 1000 grafts will work just fine for me. My quote was actually 800 grafts from Dr De Reys but I said I want to push it up to 1000-1200. I'm going to the same doctor as Fred (De Reys in Belgium, I think he's pretty reputable). I'm not getting my hairline lowered and my hairline is mostly decently thick, just needs a little reinforcing toward the middle and rounding the outside edges (very sharp drop off into my temples). What I'm getting is very subtle, a much more conservative one than yours. The difference will be subtle, but a definite improvement in shape.


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Hair systems + hair transplants don't blend in well. Density is to low on transplant yeild whwre as a peice is generally thicker in density then ur native hair.

Temple point hair transplant + full topper is an option though. Not so much transplant front + hair peice.

As for the other guy. 1000 grafts for a NW2 won't look good if density and aesthetics are your concern. I had about 2250 for a NW2.5. However the whole frontal third was reinforced and constructed.

I'd say get a di quote from a reputable Doctor

What's the sifference between a hair system and a full topper?


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No, what I'm saying is that you shouldn't attempt to transplant to a NW1 or 0 hairline at such a young age. You should get a hair transplant later when you are more like an NW2.5-3+ and have more diffuse thinning. You have a finite number of grafts, you may need them later in life so you should take a more conservative approach for now. NW2 is not a bad hairline, for most people, it doesn't even register as balding, it's a mature hairline and most doctors don't even consider it to be male pattern baldness yet at that stage. Be content for now and when it gets worse you can transplant to restore your NW2 hairline.
Imagine you have 5000-6000 grafts. To get a dense NW1 hairline, you'll probably have to use over 2000 grafts on a very small area of your head. That leaves just 3-4000 for a much larger area - the rest of your head.
Only those destined for low norwoods should consider transplanting an NW1 hairline. If you're destined for higher norwoods then you should consider NW2 -3 as a more realistic hairline.

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I doubt any reputable doctor would every transplant an 18 year old with a good NW2 hairline to an NW1 hairline, it's a very reckless action.

I'm a 29 year old with about NW2.5 hairline and diffuse thinning in an NW5-6 pattern (visible when wet) and I'm getting a 1000 graft hair transplant to restore an NW2 hairline, and even then I've been told by some on here that this is somewhat reckless and that I should wait until my hair is worse and take a more conservative approach.

Giving advice thats very flawed.

most people with average donors can harvest around 3000-4000 FUE

Strip we are talking 4000-7000 (2-3 strips can be taken from the back of head depending on laxity)

Average donor for those without DUPA/DPA 7000+

A NW2 with 1000 grafts will look very see through, and transparent.

Most NW2 on a conservative approach require 2000 grafts and that doesn't include reinforcing the temple points.

@ Gadsie I'm not very familiar with systems. But from what iv'e read a topper is a system that requires the back and sides and is placed glued on top. A full topper is one that includes the back sides, and top.


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Hi Gadsiee

There is no difference between a hair system and a "full topper". Both of them mean a partial hairpiece which just covers your bald area and blends in with the real hair you have left at the sides and back. In the old days the name was 'toupee'. They can be whatever size you need, from just a small fringe for the front to a full oval for the whole top of your head.

I think your idea of combining a small transplant and a system is a good one. I know a couple of guys who have done this. I would be interested in a transplant to bulk up my receding temple hair (I currently wear a system).



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It's a big commitment. If he takes this approach, he has committed to hair systems for life. Without a hair system it will look very unnatural having a perfect hairline and bald everywhere behind. I mean it would probably look good, but it's an approach that requires real commitment to hair systems at a young age.

1000 -1200 grafts will be fine for what I'm looking for. My hairline just requires some fine adjustments, its mostly intact and thick enough. Just rounding the outer edge out into my temple recesses and reinforcing a few points where hair density is lower. I'm not looking to rebuild or reinforce my hairline entirely, hair density is good enough. Several posters and Dr De Reys all have confirmed my 1000-1200 estimate.


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A true NW2-3 needing the whole frontal third reinforced would require between 2000-2500 grafts on average.

I have even seen some NW3's that also had their temple points constructed approaching 3000. granted the results were very nice.

@golden. from what you describe it makes sense. Corner/angle adjustment etc...


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Which is why he shouldn't go with this approach unless he is fully committed to hair systems for life. If he's NW2 and tries to transplant to NW1, he's going t o use up a lot of grafts, and assuming he ends up NW4+, he'll never have enough grafts left for the rest which would mean a hair system for life or look weird. It could work great aesthetically, but he's far too young to make such a commitment to an aggressively low hairline. It could look great though...