How do I look with a shaved head?


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I've just shaved my head for the first time after my hairline slipped into a norwood 3+ position. How does it look? I'll probably move back to grade 0 because it's easier, but it's cool to see how I might look in a few years.



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MrBastard said:
Not bad :) Just a bit of tan and it whould not be bad at all.
I agree. Looks very good.


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Not bad at all. You have nice teeth. Bit more tan, possibly a bit more facial stubble (wouldn't go for goatee, though), and you're good to go.

uncomfortable man

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but it's cool to see how I might look in a few years.

Thats how you look right now brother, and it doesn't look bad. Just like everyone else said, bit more of a tan and a bit more facial hair (not a full on grown out beard) and you will look better. Might sound silly but I also suggest chewing alot of gum or anything that works out your jaw muscles. That and work on getting a strong toned neck. A bald head on a skinny neck makes you look weaker. A well defined even chiseled face helps alot if your bald, although there is not much we can do to change our face.


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You got lucky with the shape of your head I think, and your face is very symmetrical. Looks good.


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Nice head. Your head has a nice shape. It isn't a mishapen egg shape and it doesn't have a pointy ridge on top. Your head looks even and free of moles and blemishes.


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Norwood 3 and you still have a shadow on top...humm i´m also near Norwood 3,might as well shave my hair now.

Looks cool man.


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Doesn't work for everyone but you actually look much better with a fully shaved head. You've very lucky, kinda got an andre agassi look going on.


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since you have a strong hairline, (although it's nw3?),
looking great.


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Gboy2k8 said:
since you have a strong hairline, (although it's nw3?),
looking great.

How is that a strong hairline? It's high as hell and very receded. Besides you can hardly tell there is any hair up there at all.


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You look great man, lucky bastard. Beautiful head (that did sound a little gay, didn't it?).


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Can we see photos from different angles (back and side of your head)?

The frontal shots look great. If side and back photos look just as good, then you're in luck.

Please post more pictures :punk:


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Nene said:
Gboy2k8 said:
since you have a strong hairline, (although it's nw3?),
looking great.

How is that a strong hairline? It's high as hell and very receded. Besides you can hardly tell there is any hair up there at all.

Since you can see the V shape clearly from the temples to the middle,
and when its shaved its hard to tell the thickness of his hair,
looks sharp.


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Gboy2k8 said:
Nene said:
Gboy2k8 said:
since you have a strong hairline, (although it's nw3?),
looking great.

How is that a strong hairline? It's high as hell and very receded. Besides you can hardly tell there is any hair up there at all.

Since you can see the V shape clearly from the temples to the middle,
and when its shaved its hard to tell the thickness of his hair,
looks sharp.

BTW, toocoolforhair, don't take offense to that comment. I think you look great with the shaved head and you seem to be confident. I'm just saying I don't see how your appearance will change when/if you go Norwood 6 vs what you have now. I think you'll look just as good.


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Like others have said, it looks pretty good.

However the comments about growing a bit more facial hair really irritate me. bald guys with beards and moustaches look awful imo. it just screams of 'i have no hair on my head, so ill grow somehere'. its a look that totally sucks and you look fine as you are man. do not go for the facial hair crap! When I think of bald guys with goatees or beards i think of slybaldguys or generally old fat types.

although in some cases facial hair can look call but id say only if you have some hair on the top. like the same grade on your head and on you facial hair, but only small. im trying to think of an example. sniejder the football player for example.

but yeah, you have pretty clean good skin which is important and a good sized head. I personally would just be happy with what you have now. A slight tan may look better but id say the actual complexion in terms of having clean smooth skin and shape of your head is more important.

When I begin to thin and top and begin shaving, I think a big one to concentrae on is having strong features. to me most bald guys that look good have quite chisseled features - rather boney. Otherwise you just look like this blobby type person - ie slybaldguys type people. so im going to concentrate on trying to have a low body fat% and work out a lot, eat healthy etc. all the obvoius things really but imo this is the best way to make your look good.

anyway, sorry for the ramble. bored.

uncomfortable man

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Hope4hairRedux said:
bald guys with beards and moustaches look awful imo. it just screams of 'i have no hair on my head, so ill grow somehere'. its a look that totally sucks
It's not so much that I'm trying to compensate for not being able to have hair on top of my head as it is that I look and feel totally naked with both a shaved head and face. I look like a weird manequin and my face looks like it's floating in mid space with nothing for the eye to anchor on when everything is shaved. If I can't have a frame up top then I find that having a little facial hair helps balance everything out. Granted, it is a look that I would prefer not to have but short of investing in a system, it's about doing the best with what I have. But honestly, even if I had a full head of hair, I would still have facial hair. I think your opinion is more influenced by your outright hatred for bald people. I wonder if you think my avatar picture looks like crap hope4?


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uncomfortable man said:
Hope4hairRedux said:
bald guys with beards and moustaches look awful imo. it just screams of 'i have no hair on my head, so ill grow somehere'. its a look that totally sucks
It's not so much that I'm trying to compensate for not being able to have hair on top of my head as it is that I look and feel totally naked with both a shaved head and face. I look like a weird manequin and my face looks like it's floating in mid space with nothing for the eye to anchor on when everything is shaved. If I can't have a frame up top then I find that having a little facial hair helps balance everything out. Granted, it is a look that I would prefer not to have but short of investing in a system, it's about doing the best with what I have. But honestly, even if I had a full head of hair, I would still have facial hair. I think your opinion is more influenced by your outright hatred for bald people. I wonder if you think my avatar picture looks like crap hope4?

I dont have a hatred of bald people. I do shudder at the thought of becoming like some of them though. Some look sub-human, disgusting, hideous. It scares me. How far they have let themselves go. So its a fear, and yes I admit it can manifest into hatred - hatred for these bald(ing) look like sh*t type men. The hatred is really internal - hate and fear because I see so many bald look like sh*t types that I wonder if that is my destiny.

But really, I dont hate bald people. I get scared when I see the types Ive described, I feel angry sometimes. Because it reminds me of the ever changing nature of life. The fact that one day I could be nw5, horseshoe etc. The fact that Ill go longer be young or striking.

But in answer to your question; I dont dislike beards or moustaches on bald people because I outright hate bald people. I hate them because they show one thing - a pathetic effort of compensation that everybody can see through. it looks scruffy and tasteless if you ask me. Bear in mind - I think the whole bald guy with a beard/goatee thing is more of an american phenonama, in the UK, going bald really isnt the nightmare you describe it to be. Of course your going to lose your hair and some your attractiveness no doubt, but the whole beard cover up thing is really ugly and sh*t imo. Just go for a clean look. Thats what I plan to do anyway. I mean when the f*** did women ever like beards.goatees//moustaches anyway? not only are you bald but you have a moustache! not you personally uman but in general. two wrongs dont make a right. it looks f*****g crap and it doesnt fool anyone.

I dont norwood spot as much these days. i dont care as much. seeing the older bald types who have really let themselves go does send a shiver down my spine. but i also see older bald types that dont look bad, so that counters it.

baldness itself is never a completely terrible thing. but its what comes with that - whats your attitude, your lifestyle, your health, your fashion. In short I think the ability to love yourself and accept yourself is paramount to enjoying your life. If you can accept going bald and love yourself instead of despising yourself for it and becoming weak then you will be much happier in the long run. people want to surround themselves around loving, happy and fun peopl - irrespective of looks. looks are only a part of life, and to much obsession with looks leads to vanity and unhappiness. become less vain and less bothered in your own looks, and you will find a transformation in the way you percive other, instead of being trapped by looks you will instead by interested in deeper aspects of individuals.

as Jiddu Krishnamurti said 'In oneself lies the whole world, and if you know how to look and learn, then the door is there and the key is in your hand. Nobody on earth can give you either that key or the door to open, except yourself.'

You have the key for inner transformation. For the qualities of love and joy and peace. But only you can find it. Only you can choose it. Just like Neo in the matrix, you have to choose that pill. you can wake up everyday and rub sh*t in your hair - swallow pills - all the stuff companies produce, preying on insecure men. Or you can realise the truth. You can wake up and accept your own individuality and f*****g smile. You smile at the world and the world smiles back.