How do you escape this mental torture?


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For the past 2 years (since my hair became noticeably thinner) there has not been a single day that I have not thought about my hairloss. This is really sad but I can't seem to switch it off, especially because I can't afford to loose any more hair and no treatment has worked for me. I am sick and tired of hairloss controlling me. I try to escape the mental torture by staying busy most of the time but I can't bring myself to stop thinking about hairloss and how I would look 6 months from now. Does anyone have an effective way of "getting away" from the hairloss mindset. I just want to escape the thought of hairloss somehow....any clues would be appreciated?


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Being on here is'nt going to help you forget, the fact is people just fall into 2 catagories those who are bothered by it and those who are'nt. (guess which one members are?)


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You need to get your priorities right. Get a hobby or some sort of aim in life. Also, don't read the forums.

The whole point is to keep your mind occupied with something else. Every single time the thought of hair comes to your mind, try to switch your thoughts to something else.

You need to occupy your mind with something else.


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I think that there are afew stages that you need to take in the procces of being complete with yourself , and running away by trying to keep your mind bussy isnt one of them, you have to face hair loss, you have to let it out, go to an asolatele place, scream, yell, rant, cry, brake something, if you are mad and frustrated and you cant ignore it.. let it all out!! you will feel much better after, then you take the buzzer and go 0# on your head!!
- Think of successful blad/ugly people (and there are PLANTY on this plant), always makes me feel better :p..
- I have a blad freind, always helps to talk with him about it, and hang out with him always cheers me up, cause he doesnt give 2 fucks about it anyway..
- If you still feel down about it, just pay a visit to the next forum - "New Research, Studies, and Discoveries" read some of the threads there, you will see that there is some serius work going on by major private companies and soon someone will break the code and redeem us from this disease...
So this is my 2c's. this what helps me everytime I feel down, and with time I learned to accepet myself and less and less I find myself thinking about it... take care :)
(oh yeah.. f*****g helps too btw, do that! :agree: )


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It sounds like you are just having a bad day like me (ran into a ex I still care very much for but as far as she is concerned she would like me dead). Just realize the day is over and tomorrow is a new one

optimus prime

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Obsidian said:
It sounds like you are just having a bad day like me (ran into a ex I still care very much for but as far as she is concerned she would like me dead). Just realize the day is over and tomorrow is a new one

In the words of Annie,

I love ya


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vipergts said:
For the past 2 years (since my hair became noticeably thinner) there has not been a single day that I have not thought about my hairloss. This is really sad but I can't seem to switch it off, especially because I can't afford to loose any more hair and no treatment has worked for me. I am sick and tired of hairloss controlling me. I try to escape the mental torture by staying busy most of the time but I can't bring myself to stop thinking about hairloss and how I would look 6 months from now. Does anyone have an effective way of "getting away" from the hairloss mindset. I just want to escape the thought of hairloss somehow....any clues would be appreciated?
Hey Viper, I think for one thing you need to reread your post about turning 32 and things are not that bad. I think you need to follow some of that good advice you gave in that post. I honestly think it is going to be impossible for you to not think about your hair because it is very important to you. I know exactly how you feel. My hair situation is minor but I still don't like that fact that I am still thinning. If you saw my situation you would probably think I need my head examined( no pun intended). I think the only way to deal with this situation the best is to avoid mirrors as much as possible. I have said this time and time again. Ok, I am going to confess something that is really crazy but I actually get ready in dim lighting. My hair looks better in dim lighting so psychologically it helps me when I do have to look in the mirror. Staying busy helps but its not going to change your focus totally off your hair. I don't know if it is possible but maybe you can go to hypnotist and they can hypnotize you to stop thinking about your hair. Some people have use it to stop smoking. Unfortunately, as you get older you are going to find more flaws and you will dwell on them too. I can't remember if you said you were married or have a girlfriend so if you have neither then maybe you need to find one that accepts you and your thinning hair unconditionally and have some fun with her. You also need to do what I do. Look at before and after hair transplant cases. As you can see, some people with way worse situations than yours get a full head of hair back. I have seen some cases, my mouth drops because they look amazing. Just realize your worse case scenerio is a hair transplant. I think that way but the thing that bothers me the most is you have to shave your head if you want one with FUE. I would look horrible with a shaved head. But as s.a.f, told me you have to make certain sacrifices in life to get what you want. Actually, coming on here does help me somewhat because I realize that I am not the only one obsessed with my hair. I also learn some of these people have real issues or problem that are way worse than my life or situation. It helps me feel grateful, things could be worse. I wish I could tell you the aging processes( balding, gray hairs, sagging skin, wrinkles, gray hair) is a walk in the park. I realize now why plastic surgery is so popular. Nobody enjoys watching their youth disappear right before your eyes. Lets face it, people want to keep their hair just to hold on to their youth , good looks in some cases, and for people like uncomfortable man, normalcy. Life is definitely full of challenges but you have to do your best to enjoy whatever cards you have been dealt. Just remember, Viper, you are only human.

uncomfortable man

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Thanks House, big smooches.


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uncomfortable man said:
Thanks House, big smooches.
Thanks, UC. No matter what you hear from those morons that live in your hometown just remember to me you are totally normal. UC, I think you might want to hang around with some good looking people so you can blend in more. Its kind of like camouflaging. In a crowd of good looking people, you might just be more respected for the company you keep.


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This is some great advice Smooth! Thanks, much appreciated! :)
Smooth said:
I think that there are afew stages that you need to take in the procces of being complete with yourself , and running away by trying to keep your mind bussy isnt one of them, you have to face hair loss, you have to let it out, go to an asolatele place, scream, yell, rant, cry, brake something, if you are mad and frustrated and you cant ignore it.. let it all out!! you will feel much better after, then you take the buzzer and go 0# on your head!!
- Think of successful blad/ugly people (and there are PLANTY on this plant), always makes me feel better :p..
- I have a blad freind, always helps to talk with him about it, and hang out with him always cheers me up, cause he doesnt give 2 fucks about it anyway..
- If you still feel down about it, just pay a visit to the next forum - "New Research, Studies, and Discoveries" read some of the threads there, you will see that there is some serius work going on by major private companies and soon someone will break the code and redeem us from this disease...
So this is my 2c's. this what helps me everytime I feel down, and with time I learned to accepet myself and less and less I find myself thinking about it... take care :)
(oh yeah.. f****ing helps too btw, do that! :agree: )


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DoctorHouse said:
uncomfortable man said:
Thanks House, big smooches.
Thanks, UC. No matter what you hear from those morons that live in your hometown just remember to me you are totally normal. UC, I think you might want to hang around with some good looking people so you can blend in more. It kind of like camouflaging. In a crowd of good looking people, you might just be more respected for the company you keep.

What about getting a mail order Russian wife/girlfriend? An American friend of mine got married to a beautiful Russian girl, now they have kids and everything. He is NW4-5 and 10 years older than her. So, male pattern baldness isn't a problem for mail order wives.

UC, think about it. If you are 30, you can have a stunning wife that is only 20, and you'll be the talk of the town. No one is gonna mention your male pattern baldness, your wife will be the centre of attention....

Maybe I should shut up now :whistle:


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Doctor you rock as always, this is some very encoraging advice and actually made me feel better about's guys like Doctor and SAF who are always the voices of reason on this less than sane forum. As you pointed out Doctor, focusing on what you have rather than what you don't always seems to help. I also think that this forum can sometimes really ease mu mind (at least the Impact secion). I guess I am moving towards accepting my hairloss slowly but surely. I would have buzzed everything off by now but I am a project manager at a major management consulting firm and have to interact with tons of people each and every day. I am actually thinking about switching jobs just so that I can have a new buzzed the way I am working on the girl issue :punk: Thanks again mate!

DoctorHouse said:
vipergts said:
For the past 2 years (since my hair became noticeably thinner) there has not been a single day that I have not thought about my hairloss. This is really sad but I can't seem to switch it off, especially because I can't afford to loose any more hair and no treatment has worked for me. I am sick and tired of hairloss controlling me. I try to escape the mental torture by staying busy most of the time but I can't bring myself to stop thinking about hairloss and how I would look 6 months from now. Does anyone have an effective way of "getting away" from the hairloss mindset. I just want to escape the thought of hairloss somehow....any clues would be appreciated?
Hey Viper, I think for one thing you need to reread your post about turning 32 and things are not that bad. I think you need to follow some of that good advice you gave in that post. I honestly think it is going to be impossible for you to not think about your hair because it is very important to you. I know exactly how you feel. My hair situation is minor but I still don't like that fact that I am still thinning. If you saw my situation you would probably think I need my head examined( no pun intended). I think the only way to deal with this situation the best is to avoid mirrors as much as possible. I have said this time and time again. Ok, I am going to confess something that is really crazy but I actually get ready in dim lighting. My hair looks better in dim lighting so psychologically it helps me when I do have to look in the mirror. Staying busy helps but its not going to change your focus totally off your hair. I don't know if it is possible but maybe you can go to hypnotist and they can hypnotize you to stop thinking about your hair. Some people have use it to stop smoking. Unfortunately, as you get older you are going to find more flaws and you will dwell on them too. I can't remember if you said you were married or have a girlfriend so if you have neither then maybe you need to find one that accepts you and your thinning hair unconditionally and have some fun with her. You also need to do what I do. Look at before and after hair transplant cases. As you can see, some people with way worse situations than yours get a full head of hair back. I have seen some cases, my mouth drops because they look amazing. Just realize your worse case scenerio is a hair transplant. I think that way but the thing that bothers me the most is you have to shave your head if you want one with FUE. I would look horrible with a shaved head. But as s.a.f, told me you have to make certain sacrifices in life to get what you want. Actually, coming on here does help me somewhat because I realize that I am not the only one obsessed with my hair. I also learn some of these people have real issues or problem that are way worse than my life or situation. It helps me feel grateful, things could be worse. I wish I could tell you the aging processes( balding, gray hairs, sagging skin, wrinkles, gray hair) is a walk in the park. I realize now why plastic surgery is so popular. Nobody enjoys watching their youth disappear right before your eyes. Lets face it, people want to keep their hair just to hold on to their youth , good looks in some cases, and for people like uncomfortable man, normalcy. Life is definitely full of challenges but you have to do your best to enjoy whatever cards you have been dealt. Just remember, Viper, you are only human.


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When I'm down...i just read a lot of HatPrisoner's and IBM's posts :mrgreen:


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If you're not stuck in the job you're at, it'd probably do you good to get away for a while. Go travelling somewhere nobody knows you and do it with a shaved head, it gives you time to adjust. Go teach English in SE Asia or something.

When I was backpacking I shaved my alien shaped head down slick bald and grew a dirty ol' moustache thinking everybody would avoid me like the plague but I found out after a short time of being all introverted and misanthropic that people weren't treating me any differently from before. I even had a girl wanting to give me reiki massage after talking to her a while in one of the hostel rooms, which I couldn't understand at the time. I spent most of the time with a hat on but hey, baby steps. It was really good for me to meet new friends while feeling I look like sh*t, but they didn't care because they didn't know me any other way.

It's the people who know you that can make all this so much more upsetting. Like when you don't see a girl for six months and suddenly she's 50 kilos heavier, you don't want to act like you noticed but you can't help act differently. So when friends give a double take or act kind of funny, it's straight away "you're looking at my hair, I know, it looks f*cking terrible. Trust me, I f*cking know.". Maybe it's shallow, but it really helps to go make some new friends when looking your worst to realise it doesn't matter as much as you think it does.


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dudemon said:
Hobbies are good - until you get serious and want to turn them into something more (and they happen to be ones that generally require a full head of hair, or close to it).

What kinds of hobbies are those?


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Norsk said:
dudemon said:
Hobbies are good - until you get serious and want to turn them into something more (and they happen to be ones that generally require a full head of hair, or close to it).

What kinds of hobbies are those?

For example music? You keep practising and then you want to join a band, but the band wants someone with the "looks"?

I suppose that was dudemon's line of thought. I don't agree with it. We don't need hair for our hobbies.


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Forgot Kevin DuBrow and his excuses

"Nope always had thin hair and then my girlfriend at the time pointed me in the direction of hair extensions".


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what about Rob Halford ?
he pretty much lost the most in the mid 80's ?


uncomfortable man

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DoctorHouse wrote:
uncomfortable man wrote:
Thanks House, big smooches.

Thanks, UC. No matter what you hear from those morons that live in your hometown just remember to me you are totally normal. UC, I think you might want to hang around with some good looking people so you can blend in more. It kind of like camouflaging. In a crowd of good looking people, you might just be more respected for the company you keep.
The beautiful people wouldn't have me around for anything other than comic relief. Not that I subscribe to social cliques at all. Although I am very critical of myself, balding has made me a less discriminating person so I am open to anyone who is cool with me and can see past my one glaring flaw.