How Do You Guys Deal With Being Short?


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Very scientific research she did!
"My cousin". In Italy, there is this meme that when you say you know something from your cousin, it is bullshit

I think it's pretty universal then, between Ireland/UK and I know the States has a similar meme for a bullshit "yeah well I got this cousin who makes $15k a day selling post-it notes from home".

I'd say this meme also kind of relates to loser-types who name drop someone that in their mind kind of vouches for their coolness, which is hilarious because it's a blood relative who's forced to know them and may even reluctantly know them. It's not like a friend or business associate, but they kind of take credit for knowing them even though it's a relation.

And lastly and probably the funniest way is also related to loser-type bullshit artists who are unreliable "hey I got this cousin in town and he can get us all the best hash this weekend!" *weekend arrives* "yeah about that hash my cousin had to go out of town this weekend uhm sorry yeah" or more generally for an unreliable loser "yeah so he has this cousin up north who can apparently sort everything out for us LOL".

It's a meme I use myself when pretending to be like a bullshitter in a satirical sense.

Cue Bald

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well i am 5'8" and when i had hair, never had a problem getting girls. i had straight black hair and girls would come up to me all the time saying "you look like so and so from so and so, he's my favourite character" - but where i'm from girls seem a little bit shorter, i am short here but taller than about 70% of the girls in my area.

ofc when my hair went that all stopped. hair > height (unless height is 5'6" or less)


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My surgeries aren't very expensive. I have good insurance. Jaws are considered noncosmetic. I have a good job. I don't have to save for them. It's more just an issue of risks and them each taking a certain amount of time. They're all very slow and more jaw surgery is very risky. Currently experimenting with dental phenytoin gels to see if I can improve my gums a bit first before next round jaw surgery. Have to wait until hair is done anyway since I can't juggle both simultaneously. SARPE is going to be a b**ch just like this scalp expander is now. Only worse.
Lol you and i have the same circumstances, i had double jaw surgery this summer it went both well and bad,had some issues that manifested afterwards so i have to go for another round maybe which is 10 times more risky than the first. but i'm 6'1 so i have that going for me which is nice


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Put something under your heels. This way I gained 3 cm of height and now 175 without shoes.
From hat prisoner to socks prisoner, lol.
3cm (1.181 inches). 175cm (5.8.89 feet) for my American friends.


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Whenever I feel bad about my height I just remind myself that it could always be worse. I could be cursed with a 9 inch donger like @JohnsonDDG

Yeah walking around with 9 inches would be uncomfortable. Would be impossible to conceal random boners.


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f*** how I HATE fat woman faces with excessive makeup applied


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Why do you love America so much ?
I can't explain it to tell you the truth. I can only attempt to quote you a saying I heard once.
It goes something like this:

We don't get to choose our passions in life.
Our passions choose us.