How do you guys deal with hair loss depression?


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Here's just one quote from a lunatic like you:

"I will admit that I find being female far superior to being an ugly male cog in the system. All of the compulsive behavior is gone and I am thrilled to be chemically female. This is my joke though about being careful what one asks for. All of my fantasies came true but there was no longer any charge to it and I just enjoyed the non-driven feeling of estradiol over T. Oh I just love my increasingly-long and stylish blondish locks as they begin to drape and frame my face. I have already lost two IQ points off my IQ of 223"

Anyway, most of the time I let it slip because nobody here takes you serious anyway. Btw I have no problem with Bridgeburn or the other people who are on trans regimens to recover their hair because they aren't spouting constant nonesense like you are and stay in their thread.
I agree to an extent. No one has a problem with trans people, or people who make their own life choices. But I cringe when I see people recommend something like estrogen and suppressing testosterone to some teenager who doesn’t understand what these compounds do. If your taking estrogen and blocking test because your trans, that’s perfectly fine, that’s your choice. But telling a straight male, who is coming here for advice, to block his hormones and use female hormones is not only insane, but unethical. There are kids who come on here looking for hair advice that are dumb af and will listen to people lol. If your balding, over 18, and hate balding, try finasteride - that should be the extent of hormonal advice.


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Also. If you want to keep your hair for your looks, like most people, a bald man with high test will look better then a man with a full head of hair with no test and estrogen. I take finasteride and have no sides, and don’t even love the idea of THAT. Telling a straight male to use estrogen for their hair is absurd

Will Be an Egg in 5 years

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The depression phase is gone. Now I'm in the anger phase. Complete anger. Yeah it's bad for my hair since it stress me, but I can't help it.

Pure anger.


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Hair system...

Oh and working out hard with lifting weights, press-ups, sit ups, etc.
Helps improve my mood for a few hours.
The gym definitely helped for about a day or 2.... stupid pandemic has stopped that...
But will make a home gym by buying a treadmill and rowing machine soon!

CBD oil helps too!

Without the hair system,I'd be on strong meds + shaving my head.
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Hats, Booze, gaming, redpill websites.


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Been on Finasteride 1mg daily for 12 years, and now with the pandemic WFH I apply Minoxidil thrice daily. The results are astounding.


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Keep yourself busy and you can ignore lots of things. I have a partner who is perfect but I still feel like a stupid, ugly piece of crap if I let my brain go there.


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Sure, but it is a very toxic community if you want to achieve happiness and a healthy relationship with yourself and others.
"Relationships" and bald is an oxymoron for many.