How do you let it get so bad thet you are bald


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I wasn't sure I was balding or how bad it would get. Was afraid of finasteride sides. Also did not have any money for treatment when I should have.

I do regret it. It's not a good feeling.


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I find it odd how people wait so long to start treatment. I jumped on as soon as I noticed temple recession and realised it was Androgenetic Alopecia. But the reality is the meds don't work or don't agree with a lot of people.


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The denial phase lasts longer for some people, it took me nearly 3 years to admit that I suffered from male pattern baldness. The fact that my hair line never receded didn't help.

But I had already started minoxidil, which ironically extended the denial period: "Hey look at that regrowth, maybe it was just temporary!"

Thats true. I did go through a pretty short denial phase when I first noticed the recession. Maybe it's my diet? Maybe I'm low on iron? Then I looked at my Dads hair and for the first time realised what was happening.


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It amazes me how quickly people notice a slight loss in the temple, and i'm talking a swivel of a **** hair and they start panicking. I literally didn't expect nor realise anything until I was a full blown NW2 and had people pointing it out.

But then again I always had long hair as a teenager.

These 'stories' in the tell section amaze me how metrosexual our generations are coming. panicking over a mature hairline in formation :roll:


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Yes Shook that sort of parallels my first unbias confirmation I was becoming bald.

It came years ago, I was checking out at the local mini-mart and the cashier (woman) whom I was on congenial terms, well I previously opined anyway ha ha "out of the blue" decided she needed to inform me that I am going bald. I knew beforehand there were some

problems arising with my hair, but I suppose it took an unsolicited dose of public humiliation to drive home and legitimatize the undeniable reality that my hair/looks were in a worse predicament than I was able to accept at the time.


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Yeah Fred that incident you had shared was something else.
If only people respected boundaries more, but then again whenever we deal with hateful/vengeful personality types and look for rational explanations as to what might of provoked them to elicit such strange behavior,
we come to an incorrigible impasse of sorts or catch 22.


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I asked my dermatologist the same thing, because that guy is a NW5. He said he didn't have the money to when he was our age, and there wasn't anything really effective back in the day.


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Most people are awful at spotting hairloss, go to most reads of "am i balding" and I can see clear male pattern baldness but 90% of responses are telling them everything is fine. Its a part of this forum that needs to go away


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A prescription for finasteride is not easy to get in my experience. That might be a reason. You can't just buy finasteride from a grocery store. Ordering it from the internet is not easy (sometimes you don't get anything or just get a fake pill). If you live in a country in the EU, then customs will (most of the time) seize any medication bought from outside the EU (that may limit possibilities).


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I just didn't know about the treatments. I was in denial for a couple of years, I thought my hairline was high, but I remembered it always being unusually high. When I did realise, I did a search online, read lots of crap about how all treatments are scams, nothing works, just shave it/accept it. Friends and family told me there was nothing I could do, all the treatments are scams.
So denial and misinformation plays a big part. I'd say the latter was most important for me. If someone had told me about finasteride sooner, I would have jumped on it in a heartbeat.


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I should have went on meds 10 years ago but always had no problem getting women or was in relationships and no one mentioned it so didn't do anything. Also my brother took it back then and he was convinced it screwed up his prostrate so that put me off until I realised he was a hypochondriac, but it worked for him he has some temple recession only.


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It wasn't my choice. My hair loss was very aggressive and my body was very sensitive to hormonal changes (I got drug-induced gyno).

So any hormonal treatment is now out of the question.

Minoxidil delayed the inevitable for one year but it didn't prevent me from going bald very quickly. I went from NW1 to NW5 in the space of 5 years.

I'm doing the best of what is available (and safe) to me. That's why I got my FUE and will probably get another one. Temporary SMP is also a possibility.
Does the gyno go away or has it stayed?