Drop to your knees and cry like a child, explain that you are in the early stages of chemotherapy for a late stage tumour in your neck and the doctors have given you, at most, a 30% chance of making it past 6 months, this is causing, amongst other terrible things, your hair to fall out, whilst still on your knees explain that all the things you hoped you would achieve are empty dreams, sad sad empty dreams, cry some more, sob, raise to your feet and after a few seconds of staring at the sky, shout 'why me god....why me' raise your fist to the sky and once again scream 'why me...' cry 'why the f*** me'..
your friend should be embarrassed in to silence by this point, now punch him in the eye repeatedly, all the time sobbing, he will accept this beating as some kind of emotional outlet from you and will not retaliate, with a final headsplitting blow scream 'I love you' and run away.
When he finds you in the local McDonalds 15 minutes later having, what appears to be, a good natured and happy conversation with your girlfriend and a quater pounder with cheese, simply tell him you met a tiny Ukranian man who cured you.