How Finasteride Has Destroyed My Life


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Right. So you explain to me why all my symptoms appeared within a day of taking finasteride despite me never having a health problem.
It's called a trigger, your brain used the pill as an excuse to unleash physical symptoms on you.
Nobody is being a prick but you putting tinnitus, neuropathy, blurry vision, floaters, muscle wastage, chronic diarrhoea down to depression is ridiculous.

Come one man, I just did a quick search on the internet

"This review shows mounting evidence supporting the association of tinnitus with depression and anxiety."

"It could be argued that anxiety itself is a neurological symptom. After all, anxiety can change neurotransmitter levels in the brain causing them to send unusual signals to the rest of your body. And although anxiety causes no known neurological damage, it still creates symptoms such as: Tingling hands and feet, Nerve pain, Lightheadedness/Dizzines, Headaches, Vision problems, Fatigue"

"Chronic diarrhea, constipation more common in patients with depression"


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I don't understand why people get so offended and salty when someone posts a bad experience of finasteride? If you're not getting these side effects and it's helping you. Great, keep on using it. Why all the bashing? These bad experiences aren't going to put your drugs out of business. Merk has been found to have hidden the actual percentage of those effect negatively by finasteride and they're still doing fine


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If someone said that he smoked 1 cigarette and the next day he woke up with stage 4 lung cancer, everyone would say he is retarded.

Should be the same when someone says that 1 pill of finasteride caused penile atrophy, tinnitus,depression,neurosteroid depletion,gynecomastia,numbness, tachycardia, eye floaters, muscle wasting, and ,paralysis overnight.


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What’s your obsession with side effects and small dicks? Can you please just leave I’m running out of energy to even address this stupidity anymore.

You claimed that you have penile shrinkage from this medication, some others have too. It’s a method of installing fear within people’s minds, since those particular people most likely started off with a small penis and now just need something to put the blame on after noticing it. What’s your obsession with side effects? Considering you made most of them up in your mind...


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It's called a trigger, your brain used the pill as an excuse to unleash physical symptoms on you.

Come one man, I just did a quick search on the internet

"This review shows mounting evidence supporting the association of tinnitus with depression and anxiety."

"It could be argued that anxiety itself is a neurological symptom. After all, anxiety can change neurotransmitter levels in the brain causing them to send unusual signals to the rest of your body. And although anxiety causes no known neurological damage, it still creates symptoms such as: Tingling hands and feet, Nerve pain, Lightheadedness/Dizzines, Headaches, Vision problems, Fatigue"

"Chronic diarrhea, constipation more common in patients with depression"{4b7a540a-e21d-444d-85bb-b58cb7e0ddf4}/chronic-diarrhea-constipation-more-common-in-patients-with-depression

You’ve literally went to the trouble of finding whatever you could to stick all my debilitating side effects on depression. What is your connection to finasteride seriously? It’s like you’re trying to push the use of this drug or something.


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not anything special... she is beautiful, what is a beautiful woman to you, or a woman you are sexually attracted ?

I’m not sexually attracted to women, which means there is no bias. She’s an average woman, she looks like the pumpkin spice latte girl...


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You claimed that you have penile shrinkage from this medication, some others have too. It’s a method of installing fear within people’s minds, since those particular people most likely started off with a small penis and now just need something to put the blame on after noticing it. What’s your obsession with side effects? Considering you made most of them up in your mind...

You’re just a troll that has zero intelligence concerning finasterides dangers and put everything down to small dick syndrome like I can’t even comprehend the stupidity here.


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You’ve literally went to the trouble of finding whatever you could to stick all my debilitating side effects on depression. What is your connection to finasteride seriously? It’s like you’re trying to push the use of this drug or something.

And it’s not like you’re pulling side effects out of your *** just to fearmonger!


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You’ve literally went to the trouble of finding whatever you could to stick all my debilitating side effects on depression. What is your connection to finasteride seriously? It’s like you’re trying to push the use of this drug or something.
Dude you said it was ridiculous depression or anxiety could cause all those symptoms, and I'm showing you that it's not.

What trouble? it took a 2 minute search on Google to find research backed by facts

Seriously you're a moron


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You’re just a troll that has zero intelligence concerning finasterides dangers and put everything down to small dick syndrome like I can’t even comprehend the stupidity here.

I am one of the most educated people on this website when it comes to anti-androgens and I don’t contribute my personal experience to create falseness. I had a negative experience with spironolactone, but do you see me creating threads trying to fearmonger? No, because it’s an individual experience which has no legitimate relevance to others.


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Dude you said it was ridiculous depression or anxiety could cause all those symptoms, and I'm showing you that it's not.

What trouble? it took a 2 minute search on Google to find research backed by facts

Seriously you're a moron

You said you did a quick search when in reality you put some time and effort behind trying to dig up what you could on anything else but finasteride causing the damage here and saying that my mind just decided to unleash these debilitating side effects because I was depressed that to me is the essence of complete and utter insanity.


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The only point you have made in this forum is that you're a mentally ill person of 19 years old that has no problem destroying his health by taking a transexual regimen and potentially destroying other men's lives by promoting his lunatic regimen.

Lol, now I need to go, have fun with your delusionial coping itt though.

Would you care to share some progress pictures from your use of Zix? I would like people to see how great your advice is! :)


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Nope, just a real life person that was completely destroyed by finasteride.



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I am one of the most educated people on this website when it comes to anti-androgens and I don’t contribute my personal experience to create falseness. I had a negative experience with spironolactone, but do you see me creating threads trying to fearmonger? No, because it’s an individual experience which has no legitimate relevance to others.

There’s negative experiences that you can learn from then there’s life crippling experiences were you don’t get a second chance at life.