How long do FUT hair transplants last - Late 20s with similar loss to grandfather who went NW4/5 quickly and has stayed like that for 60+ years


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As a young guy (approaching 30) and on prevention meds, I'm contemplating using an FUT to rebuild the front, as the rest of my hair is fine, and if my grandfathers pattern is the one I inherited, then I will quickly go to NW4~5 an stay like that until I am 90+ as he currently is. One thing I've really been able to get a grasp on is how long the average hair transplant actually lasts. Some doctors I've listened to say that FUT are permanent because of where they are taken from, while for young guys, FUE is a bit more of a gamble because if you are destined for NW7 then 60% of your graphs will be coming from "un-safe" areas.

Does anyone have any good information about the staying power of a hair transplant? I feel like if I need to just accept it and shave it I can, but if I can get a quality result that actually lasts 10-20 years I would also be pretty happy with this. Anyone go through this at one of the higher quality clinics and see miniaturization within the first decade outside of the growth period?


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You will continue to bald behind the new transplanted grafts. So you may need another or take some meds


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You will continue to bald behind the new transplanted grafts. So you may need another or take some meds
Right, this is a given. What about the transplanted hair itself though? I keep seeing people talk about how they are not permanent.


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Right, this is a given. What about the transplanted hair itself though? I keep seeing people talk about how they are not permanent.
It’s not 100% safe, but won’t fall out as quick as the original hair thats programmed to.


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Right, this is a given. What about the transplanted hair itself though? I keep seeing people talk about how they are not permanent.
Its pretty simple and you already went over it in your OP, don’t see what you’re exactly asking.

If they are coming from “un-safe” areas then they will shed similarly like they would in their original location. The process of transplanting will not cause hairs that were not originally going to miniaturize, to miniaturize. That is, post-transplant survival rate which is largely influenced by the doctor.


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Its pretty simple and you already went over it in your OP, don’t see what you’re exactly asking.

If they are coming from “un-safe” areas then they will shed similarly like they would in their original location. The process of transplanting will not cause hairs that were not originally going to miniaturize, to miniaturize. That is, post-transplant survival rate which is largely influenced by the doctor.
My question here was because I keep seeing people reference transplanted hairs falling out within a decade or so, and conversely I don't tend to see many 10+ year follow ups with people who had their last surgery even in the early 2000s.

I'd plan on taking finasteride for the duration of my life anyways, but I'm worried about mucking up my head with FUT/FUE scaring if I'm just going to have to go the Joe Rogan route in 5-10~ years anyways. I'm pretty okay going bald/shaved if I have to, but conversely money isn't really an issue and if I can have workable hair for a few more decades I'm willing to go down that path. As for Joe Rogan, he had 3 hair transplants and it honestly looks like he has nothing to show for it. Why is that?


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Joe did his transplant(s) a while ago, the industry has developed in terms of survival rate, and technique.

Nonetheless some will just go complete Nw7 implying whatever is transplanted outside of their NW7 will fall too. Its all a gamble brcause nobody will tell you where you’ll end up. That’s why you better your odds and go on meds to keep what you have left.


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Joe did his transplant(s) a while ago, the industry has developed in terms of survival rate, and technique.

Nonetheless some will just go complete Nw7 implying whatever is transplanted outside of their NW7 will fall too. Its all a gamble brcause nobody will tell you where you’ll end up. That’s why you better your odds and go on meds to keep what you have left.
Right but hypothetically, most strip scars are in the NW7 area, but I understand your point. Thanks for the help! I'll see what I'm told at my consultation.


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If you do end up being destined for NW7, more often than not the NW7 zone thins past natural density. Again, medication is a must for long-term hair care.


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I am also unsure about this topic, as I have seen numerous cases of transplanted hairs falling out in some patients.

That is, I think that it is a combination of hairs from the "safe zone" being safe because of where they are on your head, in conjunction with perhaps their own dht resistance.

In the end, being on finasteride or another treatment is the best way to ensure a good outcome for your transplant.


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My Doctor insists that all my FUE hairs are permanent and he knows more than users on a hair loss forum but who really knows. I'm NW6 reverted back to NW1. My hair loss also stopped quite a while ago


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My Doctor insists that all my FUE hairs are permanent and he knows more than users on a hair loss forum but who really knows. I'm NW6 reverted back to NW1. My hair loss also stopped quite a while ago
How old are you? You had enough donor to just FUE NW6>NW1? Have you shared your story anywhere?


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As long as you understand that,even with the best results, you will not be a real nw1 . If you are a nw6 , what you have lost, is much, much, much more than 8 K grafts .
Dude he's already had the procedures lol, see what I mean about fear mongering and negativity? hair transplant are not about restoring original density, just the attempted appearance of original density.


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Dude he's already had the procedures lol, see what I mean about fear mongering and negativity? hair transplant are not about restoring original density, just the attempted appearance of original density.
Exactly. He's some bitter middle aged man who can barely speak English, just ignore him.

Everything he says is obvious to everyone and he's just jealous of me.

Imagine being 45 years old and spending your entire day trying to bring down young dudes on a forum.


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Exactly. He's some bitter middle aged man who can barely speak English, just ignore him.

Everything he says is obvious to everyone and he's just jealous of me.

Imagine being 45 years old and spending your entire day trying to bring down young dudes on a forum.
As for your procedures, how many have you had to get to the 8k? How is your coverage?


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As for your procedures, how many have you had to get to the 8k? How is your coverage?
3 procedures

The front half especially 1/3 is the most dense part, then the crown, then the part inbetween is very thin but I do have hair all over, very little to no bald spots.


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Exactly. He's some bitter middle aged man who can barely speak English, just ignore him.

Everything he says is obvious to everyone and he's just jealous of me.

Imagine being 45 years old and spending your entire day trying to bring down young dudes on a forum.
Lol, all you are doing is dislike message . You are young and balding, a great archivements yours.