I remember back in 2010 when I started visiting these forums - it was supposed to be cured in 2013, 2015 at the LATEST.
We thought we'd have a gene editing tool in every cosmetic salon in 2020 and there will be autonomous cars and robot w****s... oh wait, some of these things exist
Exactly. Our best hope right now is honestly that those PGD2 asthma drugs work well for maintenance in a majority of men, and can help replace finasteride. Id say maintenance like this is probably best case for a long long time. I hate to be pessimistic, but the older you get you will start to realize medicine moves very slowly. Many many things dont pan out, or are passed over because male pattern baldness doesnt have the money or importance.
Also to be fair male pattern baldness is a very very difficult problem. It has hooks into so many different complicated pathways it kind of connects to almost everything else in the entire body. To say its hard is an understatement.
Why do most people seem to adhere to this idea that for everything to be fixed it's just a matter of time bruh ? That's just a result of a mere understanding of the subject in question.