How Long Until This Fitness Youtuber Is Forced Into Retirement?


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He looks very young in the face - in a few years when his face matures he will look a ton better.

Its a shame he's not a bit taller and broader but I still think he could date an average looking girl
I agree with you. This small framed guy could easily find himself a petite cutie.


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Here we have our trademark Chad; all the confidence, women, hair (for now) that he can dream of.

However as we all have PHD's in Norwood spotting it is evident this chap is on the Norwood decline.

Assuming he doesn't respond to treatments, what is this guy's future options? Shave it bro and he looks like ET, hair loss will ruin him & his career, and I'm semi-blue pilled. If he was Black or Latino he could probably pull it off. White or Asian balding = RIP.

Where are the real men?o_Oo_O:(:(

This guy's not a man, he's a joke.
Really embarrassing
There is nothing worse than a man without a brain (also applies to women)


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Balding will mean absolute death for this guy when it comes to women and dating, he does not have the features to pull it off. Slightly boyish or even feminine facial features does not go well with the bald look.


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lol what

Orb can but that incel is not able to acquire a decent girl without baggage of fat or chindren

View attachment 63952
Obviously this young cat in the pic has already slayed every female he's come in contact with, but that short little guy, doomed. He will invariably marry a sub par, probably fat, ugly, or both. Maybe even below average Intel thrown into the mix. Multiple kids to appease her n anchor, and...... Rest, in peeeeaaaacccceee.


My Regimen
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Balding will mean absolute death for this guy when it comes to women and dating, he does not have the features to pull it off. Slightly boyish or even feminine facial features does not go well with the bald look.
6'3 with a body of a greek god, and jawline sharp enough to cut a diamond is absolute death combined with baldness when it comes to dating. You heard it straight from the horses mouth.
