Some update, took these pics just a few minutes ago. Actually it doesn´t look as bad as I would have expected. Some say DUPA is the worst of hairloss, but in a way it is an advantage, since the thinning on top becomes less obvious, when you are even thinner on the sides.....
But, I have decided today to stop the minoxidil! I have watched some old pics of mine and I got really scared. Immediately after starting minoxidil I begun aging terrible.
All pics are from 2007, I was 25 years old:
This is a few days before I started Minoxidil:
This one I took a few weeks after starting minoxidil:
Holy sh*t! I went from looking like a boy to looking a man in his early 30s within weeks. That´s absolutly crazy.
Yeah, I was ugly, bloated and looked really mentally retarted (my level of confusion becomes obvious, when we consider that I actually started minoxidil with THAT hair..... . Pic was taken a few days after starting and skin aging already became noticeable, lol) already before, but it was the way I looked at that time. I was also taking heavy medications at that time (and I am not talking about the dutasteride, which I also took in 2007, lol).
My looks had improved a few years ago until now, when hair loss and skin aging ruined everything again. This thought makes me really feel suicidal.
I hope to get some good thickening at the right side of my hairline and temple points. The asymetrical hairline ruins my whole face. I have also ordered some Retin A in order to reduce some of the skin damage. Holy sh*t, by looking at these pictures I just wanna die.......