How Many Grafts To Achieve This Look?


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I am aware of this hair greed, and if I get this look done like the guy in the picture, at least I will still have 1500-2500 grafts left should I ever feel this hair greed. However, I am a huge car guy and that has been the only thing that has kept me from being transplanted in the past(money). I just want "some" hair so I can drive with the top down and not feel stupid.
you will feel, and look stupid when you have a bunch of pubes spaced out on your head that resemble a see through cob-web.

Have hair on your head, but can see from the front all the way through to the back of your head.

Well, I suppose you will still have hair on your head if thats your goal:D


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Always maximize graft count at the front, and work backwards with remaining donor availability.

Problem with crown loss is that if you focus grafts within this area, and still bald you will have an isolated area that resembles a bald crown with a ponytail. The crown area is large, and requires to many grafts when emphasized on. Which would would leave your donor area over harvested to the point where you dont have an edquate amount of grafts remaining to fill in the front.

High norwoods should never focus on the crown, and always work on maximizing the front, and parietal part of the scalp.

the pictures provided are a good example of someone who has a lack of self-awareness on how ridiculous he looks. Sides are separated, see through hairline, and a norwood 7 in formation.

A good surgeon can properly map, and transplant a NW5-7 strategically, which wouldnt follow conventional transplants of early norwood - grafting entire scalp for density.

I would be absolutely fine with at very thin crown, but not shiny bald. Maybe even 10-15 grafts cm2. But I don't want it shiny bald because I feel like it draws almost as much attention as a shaved head. I'm willing to sacrifice a few grafts per sq cm up front and mid scalp to have thin density in the back. Plus, the hair up front/mid would be dense enough to hide beard grafts should I need more density(not in the hairline obviously).

Also, can I tell you the term "bald" has changed a lot in the past years. With the high number of shaved heads nowadays, that has become "bald" to most. For example, I have a younger sister who has a professor I used to have and I overheard a conversation about him that she was having with my mom. I stepped in and said are you talking about Mr So and So, she said yes and I said that bald one right. She quickly responded angrily "he's not bald" and we went back and forth for 2 minutes. Eventually she said "he's not bald!, he has hair on the sides of his head." Let me tell you, she is a very popular and a very trendy person. My point of telling you that is to say if you have any hair nowadays, especially with a decent hairline, no one with care or let alone even notice. And again, toppik and other concealers are always available. Thanks


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you will feel, and look stupid when you have a bunch of pubes spaced out on your head that resemble a see through cob-web.

Have hair on your head, but can see from the front all the way through to the back of your head.

Well, I suppose you will still have hair on your head if thats your goal:D

I would rather look "balding" and not care than be bald or shaved. I'm getting older now and I'm okay not being a sex symbol. I just want to fit into that average category as far as human looks go.


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Before people judge me for this decision, please remember that at least I'm being realistic about a transplant and not expecting a full head of hair. Secondly, I am done with this threatening look with a shaved head. It's either the hair on sides and back look(power doughnut) but I'm still a little young for that look, a hair system, or a diffuse thin look from a transplant, which will require no maintenance. Of the three options, I'm heavily considering the diffuse thin look. Atleast under indoor lights it will look alright and I'll have a decent hairline that will help to frame my face. Thanks


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Before people judge me for this decision, please remember that at least I'm being realistic about a transplant and not expecting a full head of hair. Secondly, I am done with this threatening look with a shaved head. It's either the hair on sides and back look(power doughnut) but I'm still a little young for that look, a hair system, or a diffuse thin look from a transplant, which will require no maintenance. Of the three options, I'm heavily considering the diffuse thin look. Atleast under indoor lights it will look alright and I'll have a decent hairline that will help to frame my face. Thanks

No one is judging you, but you should consider the fact that everyone is telling you to focus more heavily on the frontal area with a good hairline and work backwards and you can achieve a lot more than you think. Notice that everyone here thinks your approach is a bad idea, and that you could get a more aesthetically pleasing result with a front to back loaded approach. Ask any doctor, and they will think that your best approach is probably an FUT with 5000 grafts and they could get a substantially BETTER result than that guy in your photos, who looks terrible. Looks like a common run down baldy. If you want to improve yourself, then take it to the limits.

You could get a SUBSTANTIALLY better hairline than that guy.


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No one is judging you, but you should consider the fact that everyone is telling you to focus more heavily on the frontal area with a good hairline and work backwards and you can achieve a lot more than you think. Notice that everyone here thinks your approach is a bad idea, and that you could get a more aesthetically pleasing result with a front to back loaded approach. Ask any doctor, and they will think that your best approach is probably an FUT with 5000 grafts and they could get a substantially BETTER result than that guy in your photos, who looks terrible. Looks like a common run down baldy. If you want to improve yourself, then take it to the limits.

You could get a SUBSTANTIALLY better hairline than that guy.

I guess my worry is with the amount of grafts I can harvest. Like I said, I have a similar bald pattern to the guy in the pictures except mine is a little higher above the ears, but I am totally bald up top. My worry is, how many grafts can I have done before my donor zone is depleted. I have seen horror stories where people's donor zones are so depleted that they look like "pubes" on the back and sides too. How many grafts do you think I could have harvested if I keep my hair about an inch or inch and half long and not look depleted? Thanks


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I guess my worry is with the amount of grafts I can harvest. Like I said, I have a similar bald pattern to the guy in the pictures except mine is a little higher above the ears, but I am totally bald up top. My worry is, how many grafts can I have done before my donor zone is depleted. I have seen horror stories where people's donor zones are so depleted that they look like "pubes" on the back and sides too. How many grafts do you think I could have harvested if I keep my hair about an inch or inch and half long and not look depleted? Thanks

A doctor that is skilled at FUE extraction or FUT should be able to get at least 4000 grafts out of a donor zone in a single session, with FUT potentially even more depending on the quality of your donor area. This is unless you happen to have diffusing across the entire donor zone, which affects 3-5% of the entire balding population, so is unlikely. The vast majority of people run out of interest in transplants or money for them before they run out of donor area. The biggest risk to your donor area is an inexperienced doctor causing scarring or shock loss.

Post a photo of your donor up though.


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A doctor that is skilled at FUE extraction or FUT should be able to get at least 4000 grafts out of a donor zone in a single session, with FUT potentially even more depending on the quality of your donor area. This is unless you happen to have diffusing across the entire donor zone, which affects 3-5% of the entire balding population, so is unlikely. The vast majority of people run out of interest in transplants or money for them before they run out of donor area. The biggest risk to your donor area is an inexperienced doctor causing scarring or shock loss.

Post a photo of your donor up though.

I have my head shaved with a blade now so pictures wouldn't be helpful, but I don't have diffuse thinning in the areas with hair. I have(used to have) dark brown, slightly wavy, very thick hair. I could barely comb it when I was younger and I was complimented on how thick it was on a regular basis. Besides, my camera is extremely terrible when it comes to sharpness and I'm kind of private anyways. Let's say I have unlimited funds for transplants though, how many grafts could be extracted with fue before it being noticeable at 1 1/4 inches long? Just a ballpark is fine, you can even do a give or take 1000 scenario. Thanks


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I have my head shaved with a blade now so pictures wouldn't be helpful, but I don't have diffuse thinning in the areas with hair. I have(used to have) dark brown, slightly wavy, very thick hair. I could barely comb it when I was younger and I was complimented on how thick it was on a regular basis. Besides, my camera is extremely terrible when it comes to sharpness and I'm kind of private anyways. Let's say I have unlimited funds for transplants though, how many grafts could be extracted with fue before it being noticeable at 1 1/4 inches long? Just a ballpark is fine, you can even do a give or take 1000 scenario. Thanks

You should be able to do 4000 - 5000 FUE in a single procedure with a skilled doctor and not have noticeable scarring or an over harvested donor zone, which is the typical maximum amount an FUE doctor will do in one go. Chances are you would still have some left for a second procedure. But again, you can't accurately say that without photos of your hair or a doctor analysing the density and hair thickness of the donor. The wavy and thick hair probably means a little more can be extracted and you'll get effective coverage aesthetically from less grafts.


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You should be able to do 4000 - 5000 FUE in a single procedure with a skilled doctor and not have noticeable scarring or an over harvested donor zone, which is the typical maximum amount an FUE doctor will do in one go. Chances are you would still have some left for a second procedure. But again, you can't accurately say that without photos of your hair or a doctor analysing the density and hair thickness of the donor. The wavy and thick hair probably means a little more can be extracted and you'll get effective coverage aesthetically from less grafts.

Ok, thank you for your help. I was just really trying to be realistic about the potential results. I guess it's a good thing that I would be willing to accept looking like the guy in the pictures because if my results turn out to be like his, that would be fine with me, but if I am able to get more transplants done and look better than his like all of you have been saying, then that is just "icing on the cake" for me. It is just comforting to know that at the very least I can look "balding" or "thinning" and possibly even better with a 2nd or 3rd surgery.


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Ok, thank you for your help. I was just really trying to be realistic about the potential results. I guess it's a good thing that I would be willing to accept looking like the guy in the pictures because if my results turn out to be like his, that would be fine with me, but if I am able to get more transplants done and look better than his like all of you have been saying, then that is just "icing on the cake" for me. It is just comforting to know that at the very least I can look "balding" or "thinning" and possibly even better with a 2nd or 3rd surgery.

You're almost guaranteed better results if you go with a good doctor long Hasson + Wong - Rahal for FUT or Erdogan for FUE. You'll be substantially better than the guy in the photos after 1 procedure at 5000 grafts.


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I would like to thank everyone for there help with all of my questions. Please feel free to continue to post advice, as I will be sure to read and respond to everyone. Overall, it will be nice to be able to live my life as a regular man who just happens to have thin hair with a decent hairline, and look normal for any age(over 30), and not be labeled bald, dangerous looking, or be an old man with a power donut hairstyle. I look forward to that day now, and because of all of your help, that day seems more possible than ever. Maybe I won't be a sex symbol or have an acting/modeling career(which probably wouldn't have happened anyway), but at least I can enjoy my life as a dad, ride with the top down, and just have fun in general without worrying about my appearance "as much" as I do now.


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I would like to thank everyone for there help with all of my questions. Please feel free to continue to post advice, as I will be sure to read and respond to everyone. Overall, it will be nice to be able to live my life as a regular man who just happens to have thin hair with a decent hairline, and look normal for any age(over 30), and not be labeled bald, dangerous looking, or be an old man with a power donut hairstyle. I look forward to that day now, and because of all of your help, that day seems more possible than ever. Maybe I won't be a sex symbol or have an acting/modeling career(which probably wouldn't have happened anyway), but at least I can enjoy my life as a dad, ride with the top down, and just have fun in general without worrying about my appearance "as much" as I do now.

"and not be labeled bald, dangerous looking, or be an old man with a power donut hairstyle."

If that is how you feel, you should get it done ASAP. No reason to wait unless it's a money issue. Just make sure to inquire on these forums about the doctor you choose and preferably stick with names people here recommend.


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"and not be labeled bald, dangerous looking, or be an old man with a power donut hairstyle."

If that is how you feel, you should get it done ASAP. No reason to wait unless it's a money issue. Just make sure to inquire on these forums about the doctor you choose and preferably stick with names people here recommend.

Money is kind of an issue at the moment. I have a comfortable lifestyle but I'm not the kind of guy who can buy a round for the whole bar if you know what I mean. I'll have to wait at the very least a year, maybe more to even inquire about one in the U.S but I could probably schedule one within the next few months if you could recommend someone in Turkey. I have loads of frequent flier miles to burn up so for me to fly to Turkey might cost less than a drive to the nearest big city. Possibly the Maral hair klinik in Istanbul? I have read some good reviews from his patients. Also, I have kids so I can't really afford $15000 plus on something cosmetic. I think in Turkey it costs less than $4000-$5000. I know the results and yield might not be as good but with the results atleast give me the lifestyle I want to live? I know Turkey would be no ones first choice but with the reasons listed above, do you think it would be okay/worth it? Thanks.


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Money is kind of an issue at the moment. I have a comfortable lifestyle but I'm not the kind of guy who can buy a round for the whole bar if you know what I mean. I'll have to wait at the very least a year, maybe more to even inquire about one in the U.S but I could probably schedule one within the next few months if you could recommend someone in Turkey. I have loads of frequent flier miles to burn up so for me to fly to Turkey might cost less than a drive to the nearest big city. Possibly the Maral hair klinik in Istanbul? I have read some good reviews from his patients. Also, I have kids so I can't really afford $15000 plus on something cosmetic. I think in Turkey it costs less than $4000-$5000. I know the results and yield might not be as good but with the results atleast give me the lifestyle I want to live? I know Turkey would be no ones first choice but with the reasons listed above, do you think it would be okay/worth it? Thanks.

For Istanbul Cinik is probably the best "cheap" procedure I have seen and I haven't seen any botched from him. I think it's 3000 euros for 5000 grafts.


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For Istanbul Cinik is probably the best "cheap" procedure I have seen and I haven't seen any botched from him. I think it's 3000 euros for 5000 grafts.

Great! I'll look into his results and try to contact past patients to get their opinions. I will probably schedule an appointment sometime this summer. Do you know how long you have to wait after the appointment is scheduled to actually be operated on. Is it months or just a short wait? Thanks.


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Great! I'll look into his results and try to contact past patients to get their opinions. I will probably schedule an appointment sometime this summer. Do you know how long you have to wait after the appointment is scheduled to actually be operated on. Is it months or just a short wait? Thanks.

Cinik is 2000 euros for up to 5000 Grafts. I'm going to him next week. I will only use around 2000-2500 grafts though. Ideally I would have gone to Erdogan or until recently Doganey (he is in a slump) but I had decided on a budget of $5000 including flights, so Cinik seemed to be the best option after doing some research. Search as many forums as you can to find photo before/afters of any surgeon you're considering, I even signed up to Dutch forum (thanks google translate) to check results, they seem to like Cinik a lot.

The wait depends on how booked they are at the time, I've heard some parts of the year are busier than others, as well as the fact western tourists to Turkey in the last year or so has dramatically decreased which might make it easier. I was able to get an appointment 3 weeks after I enquired.


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Cinik is 2000 euros for up to 5000 Grafts. I'm going to him next week. I will only use around 2000-2500 grafts though. Ideally I would have gone to Erdogan or until recently Doganey (he is in a slump) but I had decided on a budget of $5000 including flights, so Cinik seemed to be the best option after doing some research. Search as many forums as you can to find photo before/afters of any surgeon you're considering, I even signed up to Dutch forum (thanks google translate) to check results, they seem to like Cinik a lot.

The wait depends on how booked they are at the time, I've heard some parts of the year are busier than others, as well as the fact western tourists to Turkey in the last year or so has dramatically decreased which might make it easier. I was able to get an appointment 3 weeks after I enquired.

I have looked through some of his results and they look good and very realistic looking. I will continue to look around while I save up $$$. Thanks for your help. I guess it will be sometime this summer(maybe July), that I can set an appointment. Until then, HATS!!! :( :( :(


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Cinik is 2000 euros for up to 5000 Grafts. I'm going to him next week. I will only use around 2000-2500 grafts though. Ideally I would have gone to Erdogan or until recently Doganey (he is in a slump) but I had decided on a budget of $5000 including flights, so Cinik seemed to be the best option after doing some research. Search as many forums as you can to find photo before/afters of any surgeon you're considering, I even signed up to Dutch forum (thanks google translate) to check results, they seem to like Cinik a lot.

The wait depends on how booked they are at the time, I've heard some parts of the year are busier than others, as well as the fact western tourists to Turkey in the last year or so has dramatically decreased which might make it easier. I was able to get an appointment 3 weeks after I enquired.

That is so insanely cheap. Hope your results go well man, probably be the best bang for your buck 2000 euros you ever spend if it does.