How many grafts would I need for good density?


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I just turned 25. The transplant is holding up well and makes my life a whole lot easier. Nothing has really stopped my hairloss, but it is slow. My frontal scalp was fairly thick until I switched from finasteride to dutasteride. dutasteride has slowed the progression of my crown loss but I definitely noticed the frontal half got worse after starting (I don't buy into the theory people have that dutasteride destroys hairlines, but it kinda did happen to me). Everything behind my hairline is very slowly going away, but its slow enough that I can live my life


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IMO he should stay on medications and try to work with what he's got. Re-assess in the future. Looks like he would be headed to Norwood 6 or more, without medication (extensive hair loss) so he should be using medication anyway. Keep doing what you're doing, and if you're lucky you won't need to go the transplant route. Yeah, you want your Norwood 1 hairline back. Everybody else does too. It doesn't happen.

There's not much I can work with. I'm dependent on Toppik to have any kind of hair style beyond buzzing it down.

For a 21 year old male that's just not right.

My reasoning is that by next year, either in january/february or in the summer, I would've been on medications for over 1 year.

If I don't see enough of an improvement in mid-scalp and hairline density, what else can I do?

By then I will most probably know for sure if my hairloss is stabilized or not.

I've talked to dr. *********. His assistant judged I would need about 3200 grafts for the whole head (including crown).

I'm most probably not gonna touch the crown because I think I may have some regrowth there. The next coming three months will be crucial for my future results in the crown I think.

I asked dr. Doganays assistant about shock loss in the crown and he said it's inevitable for most patients, but that finasteride will help to prevent it to some extent. Though I gotta say he seemed pretty unfazed. Didn't give me a good impression about that.

But as I said, about the crown I will evaluate. Right now it leaning towards that I won't touch it.

Hairline and mid-scalp are my main problems.