How many have used Dr Umar


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I am getting a 2500 hair transplant with Umar next week. I have receeding temples and some diffuse thinning in the front.

Two reasons he might have denied you. First, in my two meetings and correspondence with him, I get the distinct impression that he feels snake bitten with previous complaining patients that he has had, that were upset about things (like redness and shockloss) before they realized the transplant was successful and became happy.

Umar REALLY tries to manage expectations. If your questions made him feel in anyway that you might be high maintanence or a problem down the road, he might have decided to deny you.

OR, he might have felt that the risk/reward with your diffuse thinning was too great. I'm 36 and we discussed that fact that I was a good age because although I have been on propecia for 7 years very successfully, naturally hair loss tends to slow down at my age. At 30, he might see you as a higher risk.

Also, you could be a risk for him as well. I mean if there is an even somewhat decent probability that you might have sub-par results, maybe its too risky for a Dr. that is highly regarded on the net and probably sees a great deal of business from it as well.

Umar comes across as very ethical. And maybe a little overly cautious. Although, practicing cosmetic medicine in California would make a strong case for being cautious.

You might want to ask you why he said yes first and then changed his mind. You may have to win him over.


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i have decided to hold off.

I just didn't see enough cases from Umar to want to go forward.. and just didn't see enough cases in general from FUE which would make it the "silver bullet".. plus some FUE doctors like Feller have denied me for FUE and only think i should do strip.

Given that, and H&W monstrous and consistent results, I have decided to hold off until i see more FUE work.. and see how my loss progresses.

A bit sad.. but all i can do now.


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I personally dont think you need a hair transplant. But if you do, FUE is the way to go. Also, Umar is this sh*t. You would be in the best hands. Shapiro medical is also good, I had a small FUE procedure, into my hair transplant scar, and I got very good growth. But you say 2000 FUE= 22k. Are you that in USD$? Thats more like.....BHT prices. FUE shouldnt be more than 7$ a graft these days. Anyway, good luck, you wont be making a mistake picking dr.umar.


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i'm not too impressed with abedogg's results from umar. That's really what kept me from going in with him.

He has a lot of gaps still.. looks OK from far.. i think he's 7 months.. will wait until 12 months until making full judgement.


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well i've got my surgery booked with Umar in about 3 weeks.
I agree that abedog's progress at month 8 isn't what i was hoping it would be as an example of umar's work. but i have seen other patients of his with very good results.
maybe i'm just trying to be optimistic...time will tell i guess


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well, i finished the second of my two days of surgery with Dr Umar yesterday and am laying low in my hotel room for the next couple of days til i leave for home (Australia).

My swelling and black-eyed-ness is fairly discrete at the moment so i'm hoping it doesn't get much worse and starts to go down by tomorrow.

Also hoping that my scabs will start to fall off before i leave (and also that i can get away with wearing a beanie through the airport...wishful thinking??).

I grew my hair about 3-4 inches long all over thinking i could hide the transplant to some extent, but pretty much all the sides and back got cut back to zero... :( haha oh well.

So now just drinking lots of water, taking plenty of vitamin c and zinc as well as the prescribed antibitotics as well as being gentle with the recipient area and spraying it with distilled water as often as possible.

Anyway, my tips for anyone doing an 'out of town' hair transplant trip:
*find out from your doctor what you will need after the surgery (antibiotics, distilled water+spray bottle etc)- before you have it, so you can get it ready beforehand (you won't want to leave your hotel room if possible)
*get yourself some food ready (i just bought some turkey, cheese and bread to keep me going for the next couple of days)
*if you can, get some of those hospital covers for your pillows (Dr Umar supplied me with some) because you WILL bleed/seep stuff all over them
*get some vitamins and/or fresh fruit and veges if you can, your body needs to heal, and this stuff may not make it heal quicker, but it certainly can't hurt

Other than that, once i get some photos together, i'll put them up on the transplant network forum i guess and keep people updated


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made_guy82 said:
I'm thinking of traveling from Australia and getting around 2000 grafts with Dr Umar...
It looks like it's going to cost me around $22K AUD and so I'm a bit reluctant/worried about if that is my best option.

The other option I was looking at was Dr Rahal in Canada...

The hair i want transplanted is pretty much all hairline stuff and that's why I've been considering these two Drs, particularly Umar as I think I would be suited to using nape hair (I haven't actually lost much hair, it's just like my hairline got dragged back giving me a very low nape and big forehead. awesome...)

Anyway, any opinions are most welcome.

Oh and I'm 27

If you live in Austrailia, consider Dr Avrind Poswell. He is closer, and probably at least as good as Dr Umar from what I've read. As for me, I think HM might be here soon enough that I'll just wait.


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Just wondering when you have BHT do they have to numb the entire donor area with injections like they do for a normal hair transplant?
Cant be much fun having to have your whole chest or legs anesthetised. How many injections would that take?


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Looks like some good growth so far. It'll be really interesting to see how the donor area looks in a couple of months, and how nicely that hairline grows out. Promising beginnings at the moment.


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2000 nape hair and beard hair to create a new hairline.

A couple other suggestions to add:

Do NOT stay at the Crowne Royal. A rip off. Right next door is a better hotel that offers FREE wireless, FREE breakfast and FREE parking. I guess it seems silly to worry about a few extra dollars after dropping what I did on 2000 grafts but I'll always be comparing everything, and the Crowne Royal, while a very nice hotel, is way overpriced and that annoyed me during my stay. They charge for everything, and nothing is cheap. Also, between the two hotels is Beryl street, if you walk east (away from the ocean) you can go about three blocks and find a Whole Foods store. I loved that place, grabbed a healthy dinner there that I prepared and took it back to the room. Actually was able to eat healthy while staying in a hotel.

I agree, Dr. Umar is cautious, and in this age of accusation that we live, I do not blame him. I too would look after my reputation, its too easy for accusations from some anonymous poster to stick. So if you are going to complain about your results, read the fine print. I actually was quite happy to know exactly what the doctor expects, its all in writing so there is no confusion.

I think Dr. Umar is the most experienced doctor practicing FUE anywhere in the world. Experience is what separates him from all the rest. If you were simply playing the odds in choosing a Dr. for FUE, Dr. Umar is your best bet.