How Much Are You Spending Per Year For Your Hair?


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But how do you keep conditioner from reaching the base if you are showering with the piece attached?
With a wide tooth comb... I'm not rubbing it into my scalp nor with a thumb under a faucet. I comb the hair back and apply the conditioner by hand smoothing from front to back.. then comb it Left,right,and forward all while smoothing the conditioner each direction...Whether off or your scalp you're never going to 100% keep it from ever from touching the base. But saturating the base by doing in the sink is much more likely to in my opinion. Anytime I've applied c22 liberally, washed or conditioned by saturating the system it has caused it to shed much faster with a poly. It allows it to permeate between the two layers of poly that are holding the hair in place and lubricates the hair "V" . Just my experience, I get substantially longer life from the systems and they are far better looking since doing it do I have...
I agree with baldbearded... the concern would be more with lace systems regarding the knots..... it's just my preference to keep anything that could interfere with a bond away from the unit until the bond has had the appropriate time to cure to my scalp.
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With a wide tooth comb... Whether off or your scalp you're never going to 100% keep it from ever from touching the base. But saturating by doing in the sink is much more likely to. Just my experience...

So much to learn.
So shampoo about once a week to 10 days, but condition daily with the system attached.
How long do you think a taped bond might last if it's only taped along the PU rim and if the system is showered and conditioned daily?


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So much to learn.
So shampoo about once a week to 10 days, but condition daily with the system attached.
How long do you think a taped bond might last if it's only taped along the PU rim and if the system is showered and conditioned daily?
Well, shampoo shouldn't be based on the amount of days. It should only be done when dirty or to remove excess product build up, as it will cause the system to lose color the more you shampoo it.

Showering with mine and conditioning everyday I still get between 7 and 10 days, but remember I have oily skin so I'm on the lower end time wise because of this.

They're many people on here that get it wet Daily and have a solid bond for 2+ weeks with tape.
I believe Noah rinses his in the shower daily.


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375 (2 systems/year) 1000$ for the cut in and maintenance every 4 weeks total around 1500$


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I do, everyday, with good results for the last year.

I too find it a lot easier to wash/condition while the hair is attached. When it's off it feels too delicate, difficult to handle.

I shampoo the hair every 10 days on average. Daily, I use a leave in conditioner that I spray on, and it really helps with styling.

I have a UTS - very easy in terms of maintenance.