How much do you notice other guy's hair?


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I've noticed since I began thinning in the front in the last year and a half or so I have started making a mental note of EVERY guy's hairline that I see. Friends, relatives, classmates, celebs, complete name it.

Which is funny because before I started thinning, I never paid any attention to it. As crazy as it sounds, I would never have noticed the difference between Jude Law (a NW3.5) and Matthew Fox (a NW1). To me it was just had hair or you didn't. I never paid much attention to my own hairline, and in fact the word "hairline" meant nothing to me. Now I'm obsessed and everytime I see a perfect solid NW1 I catch myself staring. And on the flip side, I can pretty accurately tell when a guy is losing even when nobody else can. The gaps in the bangs, the side hair combed foward, corner recession covered with longer hair, etc.

But honestly, I think that although I might have been a bit extreme in my hairline ignorance, its probably not too much of a stretch to say that women are the same in regards to hair as I used to be. They don't lose hair so they don't think of things like the Norwood scale or temple recession. Even with receding temples and maybe a bit gone in the crown....with some careful styling and longer lengths its pretty hard to notice, especially to non-balding folk (because they don't have a trained eye to spot it!)


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I am obsessed with it actually :)

I am diffuse thinning on top with a bald spot growing in back...every single day every minute of the day...

Unfortunately it plays on how 'confident' i feel that day. If more guys I see around my age with worse hair then me i feel 'better' but if my mental notes tell me I am 'worse' than the average for the day I feel bummed...

I just want to shave it and be done with it... :(


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yeah...same here...I can scan within one mili-second if someone has thinning hair :D
Funny...I never noticed that someone was actually bald before I had a hairloss...for me all these guys were born balled. :$

...but so far none of my friends have noticed parts of my scalp where hair is least no one said anything about it.


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Ahh, norwood spotting. :agree:

The balding mans top obbsesion. Its true that noone notices hair like someone who is going bald. Before I found out about the Norwood scale I never really noticed there were stages of hairloss. And I certainly never noticed a bit of diffused thinning if you had coverage you had hair and thats it the density did'nt really matter.

And I truly believe its the same with the general public if you are a nw1 or 2 you have hair. If you are a nw3/4 you are going bald and anything above is bald.
To the average joe a nw1 and nw2 are the same and a nw5 and a nw7 are the same. You've either got hair or you're bald.

A small degree of hairloss may register but only on a subconcious level. If these things did register how would guys like Daniel craig who is a nw2.5 get to be James Bond how would Jude law have got leading roles for the last 10 yrs?


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I lived with bolding and completely bold guys in the past. One of my roomies was NW7 at the age of 21-22. Even then, I never paid attention to it.

Now that I'm 30, and it's happening to me (NW2-3), I started paying a bit more attention to it. I gotta be honest, I haven't lost my confidence but I am aware of it. I'm so aware that I started looking at my friends hair, ppl on the street, etc.

I realise my receding hair is normal, and there are lots of guys like me. So, I don't feel bad about it. If I have the choice I would like to keep my hair, but losing it isn't the end of the world.

My only wish is that it doesn't get much worse than it is for the next few years until I can find a long term partner and get married. I just hope I have hair in my wedding photos :mrgreen:


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Same here. In fact I never noticed that anything was happening to my hairline. It reached about NW2.5 before I noticed, and then only because I was thinning pretty badly on top.


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s.a.f said:
A small degree of hairloss may register but only on a subconcious level. If these things did register how would guys like Daniel craig who is a nw2.5 get to be James Bond how would Jude law have got leading roles for the last 10 yrs?

Yeah cause hair actually, definitely is the only thing that matters this world. f*** talent, bring in the hairiest man you've ever seen.


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I only do it every time I see someone. I'm the Tiger Woods of Norwood hunting


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lookhowshiny said:
Yep, all the way. I even stare at girl's hairlines.


I don't stare at girls yet, but I notice that there are lots of old ladies with basically no hair left.


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Mhm..It's a bloody disease it is, Always analyzing every hairline you see, spotting different stages of balding, who's just started, who's probably on meds. It's terrible and yea before I myself started balding I didn't pay any attention to that stuff, People where either bald or they had hair, Now it's every hairline I see.

I don't stare at girls yet, but I notice that there are lots of old ladies with basically no hair left.
Poor old birds, technically they are "girls" though. And yea I've noticed older women with hair loss, And when it comes to the short hair styles, they have the better type of hairloss.


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I never even knew what a receding hairline was before I started balding so I assumed everyone else would be the same... but lately when I've been going out even with the old cover up techniques and dermatch in etc which to me looks acceptable I still get some of my non balding mates (even the really thick ones) mention I'm receiding.



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Daniel Craig is one of the worst James Bond. I'm surprised how he continues in next movie.


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IBM said:
Daniel Craig is one of the worst James Bond. I'm surprised how he continues in next movie.

He's the best James Bond since Sean Connery.


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Daniel Craig does not have style nor hairstyle. Even the old and bald Sean Connery is much better than Daniel Craig.

Hans Gruber

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IBM said:
Daniel Craig does not have style nor hairstyle. Even the old and bald Sean Connery is much better than Daniel Craig.

who would really be running around for mi6 though? pierce brosnan with a comb in his pocket or daniel craig just getting on with the job? i know james bond was meant to be slick and smooth and all that sorta thing but for a modern bond ,a more realistic bond ,daniel craig is awesome.


its kind of weird because when I look at a balled dudes hair, they look at mine and we have this weird "bald connection" that intertwines our thoughts. wow