How much does hair loss age you?


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One thing I have noticed since I buzzed my hair to a grade 1 is that I don't get asked for age identification anymore. In the UK you can drink alcohol if you are over 18 and I was still getting asked for ID when I was 21 (I'm now 22). However, in the last few months with my new hairstyle I have only been asked for ID once, and that was in a supermarket, not a bar. So obviously I must look older than I used to.

How much do you think hair loss ages you? I'd say I look about 5-10 years older now that I've buzzed my hair so short. Below are two pics of me, the first one when I had medium-length hair (I was 20), and one now, with very short hair. Has the new hairstyle made me look a lot older? Is it the same for all guys who lose their hair?

Before and After


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dude. seriously why did you buzz your hair. doesn't look very receded to me. i would class myself as a Norwood 2ish and my temples are way more receded than yours. i would say you look mid 20's at most on the last pic.


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recede25 said:
dude. seriously why did you buzz your hair. doesn't look very receded to me. i would class myself as a Norwood 2ish and my temples are way more receded than yours. i would say you look mid 20's at most on the last pic.
Thanks for the reply. I buzzed my hair because I didn't like the thinning hair on my temples. It did not go well with the rest of my hair, which is still pretty thick. Also, I didn't like it when it was windy or raining, and it rains quite a lot where I live. When it was wet it looked pretty bad. Another reason is that I thought I might as well get used to the bald look now so it's not a huge emotional issue when I'm older. Here's a pic of what it looked like before I buzzed it. You can see the thinning hair on the temples.



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Re: how much it ages you - it varies person to person but I think we can all agree it definatley does age you which is'nt really a good thing.


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toocoolforhair said:
recede25 said:
dude. seriously why did you buzz your hair. doesn't look very receded to me. i would class myself as a Norwood 2ish and my temples are way more receded than yours. i would say you look mid 20's at most on the last pic.
Thanks for the reply. I buzzed my hair because I didn't like the thinning hair on my temples. It did not go well with the rest of my hair, which is still pretty thick. Also, I didn't like it when it was windy or raining, and it rains quite a lot where I live. When it was wet it looked pretty bad. Another reason is that I thought I might as well get used to the bald look now so it's not a huge emotional issue when I'm older. Here's a pic of what it looked like before I buzzed it. You can see the thinning hair on the temples.

I honestly think most people do not really ever get used to the bald look no matter how old. You just learn to accept your fate but I see from this forum, that seems rare. I think you would probably look younger with longer hair but does it really matter what this forum thinks. I think your friends might be a better judge of what need.


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I think some people do get used to the bald look, especially those people who suit it incredibly well. Also, I would guess that naturally confident people wouldn't be that bothered by it as it wouldn't affect their self-esteem. Personally, I no longer feel sorry for myself about my hair loss. I've been losing my hair for six years so the writing was always on the wall that I'd be bald one day. Another thing is that every male member in my family has gone bald. My two older brothers shave their heads, and now my younger brother does too, even though he's only 19. My dad is now shaving his head as well, after years of a horseshoe type haircut.

As for my friends, I haven't asked them because they've never even mentioned my hair loss. I don't think anyone ever has apart from members of my family. I think most people don't really notice if their friends are losing their hair, especially if it's just a receding hairline.


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"Aged" is not necessarily a bad thing if it's the right kind. You can have a somewhat receded hairline, but if you're fit and not flabby, you'll look masculine.

Notice how the insult always seems to be "fat and balding". The "chiseled and balding" don't seem to get quite the same bad rap.


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I think you look older in the third picture you posted with hair, rather than the second!

Second pic looks good, I wouldn't even know you had any hairloss looking at it and you just look like any other youngster who shaves their head out of choice, rather than necessity.


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hmmm wonder if i should shave my hair. my hairloss is similar. just out of interest- what grade is it?


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FreeloaderUK said:
hmmm wonder if i should shave my hair. my hairloss is similar. just out of interest- what grade is it?

I think this is a grade 1.5 as the picture was taken about a week and a half after I buzzed my hair to a grade 1. If you are thinking of shaving it then you should start on a grade 2. If you like that, or you just get used to it, then try grade 1. People will be shocked at first, especially if you have long hair, but that only lasts for around a day.

Also, I wouldn't worry about what effect it might have on your social life. I buzzed it to grade 1 for the first time just before I went on a lads' holiday. I found that I had much more success with the ladies than I ever did with my longer hair. Maybe I just looked more confident, or it actually looks better, I'm not sure. Whatever the reason there's been no negatives so far. Give it a go, it's worth a shot.


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Hammer87 said:
I think you look older in the third picture you posted with hair, rather than the second!

Second pic looks good, I wouldn't even know you had any hairloss looking at it and you just look like any other youngster who shaves their head out of choice, rather than necessity.
I think you can tell I have hair loss, but you'd have to look really closely. On grade 1 it just looks like a mature hairline because the thinning temple hair blends in with the thick hair. When it starts to reach the length of grade 3 that's when it becomes more obvious. Right now I think I'll stick with grade 1 as it has given me a lot more confidence in certain situations. With the longer hair I always felt like 'the balding guy'. Nowadays I just feel like 'the buzzed guy'.


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I am 20, but with the right clothing on and my nw3 I can pass for someone is their late 20's.


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I was asked for ID last summer when I bought beer from a store. I was and still am 25, and the age limit for buying beer is 18. And all this with a very noticeable diffuse thinning and a short buzz cut. The lady on the store couldn't believe her eyes when she checked my age from the driver's license. I think it kinda makes me feel good to know that I still don't look older than I used to. You certainly look good with the buzz, I don't think you look particularly old either way. I'd guess you're around 20 on both pics.

uncomfortable man

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In the first two pictures you look like you are putting your arm around yourself. Yes, loosing hair ages you. The more hair lost the older you look. With a hat on people think I am early to mid twenties. With it off and my head shaved on 0 people say I look like I am in my late 30's early 40's. I am 33 and an nw6. :(


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uncomfortable man said:
In the first two pictures you look like you are putting your arm around yourself. Yes, loosing hair ages you. The more hair lost the older you look. With a hat on people think I am early to mid twenties. With it off and my head shaved on 0 people say I look like I am in my late 30's early 40's. I am 33 and an nw6. :(

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

uncomfortable man

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:jackit: :jackit: :jackit: :jackit: :jackit:


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uncomfortable man said:
:jackit: :jackit: :jackit: :jackit: :jackit:

Aren't you from US...what's the time there right now....~04:00 AM? And still you hang here doing :jackit: ?

uncomfortable man

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It's 2:00 in the morning and I'm going to bed. Sweet dreams :shock: .


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Well, well, well ... Here's a shocker Dario is 21 yrs old and has practicly f*** all hairloss.



Ha, thats more hair than I ever had. :jackit:

Thanks for the lecture.


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s.a.f said:
Well, well, well ... Here's a shocker Dario is 21 yrs old and has practicly f*ck all hairloss.

Ha, thats more hair than I ever had. :jackit:

Thanks for the lecture.

No I'm 24 y.o. .... 25 in fact...admin had changed the title after.
Still that doesn't change a emphasis was on "GROWING UP"
Usually, well at least here where I live...people's perspective changes as they get older. Yours probably don't!