you'll never earn 10 mil on your own. most people never earn even 2 mil in their lifetime. but if you had 10 mil now you could invest it.
JayMan said:Taking the money is a very easy decision evn for a NW7. IF it's 10 million bucks, for example, HM will be here very soon and you'll easily be able to afford that with tons left over.
hairwegoagain said:IBM - looks like one of your heros is a bit on the thin side...ok, he's bald. Not only that, he looks like a child molester - one that hasn't seen a bath in a few weeks. So, was he a worthless sack of $#iT? Unworthy of this life? How could you idolize such a fat baldy?
hairwegoagain said:IBM - my point is that YOU seem to have accepted someone even though he's physically "imperfect." That guy may know his way around computer code (and chili fries), but most small children would scream and run away. In fact, he looks like someone from the post office wall.
So why won't you give others the benefit of the doubt? Perhaps if you give people a chance to know you, they will want to do so. Your attitude is so repulsively negative that right now you're not worth the effort. You can absolutely change that...today, if you want.
hairwegoagain said:Your attitude is so repulsively negative that right now you're not worth the effort. You can absolutely change that...today, if you want.
hairwegoagain said:I say that because you seem to think you are unlikeable....you've even called yourself a freak. Yet, at the same time, you respect someone who is, for the lack of a better description, physically unattractive in the traditional sense that you and CCS dwell upon.
You have said you respect him for XYZ reason. Great! So why can't someone see value in you for reasons other than appearance? Answer: you won't get off the dime and make an effort to know others.
Ramboner said:IBM, if it makes u feel better, if I was a chick i'd dick you.
hairwegoagain said:IBM - no one is going to charge through the wall like the Kool-Aid man to ask you to be his/her friend. You have to make a decided effort. Ask someone to lunch. Strike up a conversation at the copying machine. You get the idea. Don't argue this point with me.