How My Anti-aging Dr. Wants To Treat My Hair Loss


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You know more than me about myself. Thank you

You know about yourself more, but is REDUNDANTLY MORE. The side information is of little use for treating hair loss, as the reason for hair loss is still unknown (DHT is not the root). You don't even know how much info in the report is related to hair loss.

To check it, just ask your doctor to compare the ratio of people having "abnormal" levels of hormones between people with and without hair loss. I doubt if you doctor has the data, or if the ratio has a significant difference.

Your statement in #29 can apply to any disease, such as insomnia, T2 diabetes and cancer. If you or your family have this problem (now or in the future), please also consult with this doctor rather than the specialists to show you trust in him/her.

Armando Jose

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Anti-aging medicine is not aesthetic medicine. Anti-aging medicine is preventive medicine. An anti-aging dr. analyze EVERYTHING: minerals, hormones, amino acids, proteins, etc., etc.

Then they say what is the exact value you need to have of each component. They don't give a range, they give the EXACT value.

I visited one of the best anti-aging dr. in Europe. We works for the Spanish navy. After consulting with this doctor, he asked me to do a super complete analyzes. Please see attached

You can see handwritten in the header of each page:

- In green: OPT (optimal)
- In yellow: LEV (mild)
- In orange: MOD (moderate)
- In red: SEV (severe)

Those are the reference values to be taken.

In modern medicine, when you do some analysis, the results are classified among values that are suitable for both an 18-year-old and a 70-year-old. That is, if the kid or the old man gets a value (for example, DHT value in this case) among the values stipulated by the analytics, then the analytics is fine.

Anti-aging medicine, as far as I know, analyzes the exact value you should have of each parameter based on sex, age, weight, height, and many other factors. Also Anti-aging medicine is a holistic medicine that studies what value a hormone should have in terms of other hormones. It does not analyze each hormone separately.

On page 55 you can see that my testosterone should be between 7-10 values, and I have 8.27 so it is fine.

But on page 56 you can see how DHT should be between values of 0.7 and 1, and it's at 0.38.

According to this doctor, T and DHT must have a rate of 1:10. If not, there will be hair loss.

Now check my prescription attached with the name of "Prescription". Apart from a lot of minerals and some hormone that I was lacking, I have been prescribed a 2.5% DHT gel that is applied to the shoulders and forehead once a day.

Also I am taking progesterone, and DHEAs.

He said that he will stop my hair loss by doing this.

All my family went to this doctor. My mother because of osteoarthritis and after visiting doctors and hospitals for more than 10 years, only he could cure it. The same with my father and me. We went because of cardiac arrhythmias. I visited 5 cardiologist, and all of them gave me beta-blockers. Only this doctor could cure me.

What do you think?
Hi Modill, which is the cost of the prescription monthly?


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@Modill I had 3 appointments with a very good know anti aging doctor in europa, i had theses appointments for others medical issues, i did all these larges blood test and i had a tons of supplements to take to have optimales values.... But, don't forget a thing....male pattern baldness is NOT a functionnal issue, but a genetic condition...You can have the BEST doctor on this world, it won't be able to fix your male pattern baldness with supplement...especially if you want regrowth...So even if your doctor is a very good doctor, don't forget male pattern baldness is not a functionnal issu like arrhythmia or osteoporosis.