I'm 45. Where do the old farts hang out?
My problem has been having fine hair and not enough of it. I'm a diffuse thinner. I hate that kind of thinning. I think it makes me look sick or like a nuclear blast victim.
The thinning has mostly been noticeable and really started bothering me in my late thirties, when it was mostly on the back of my head. Lately, I've noticed much thinning on the front and middle. That REALLY bothered me.
I hadn't given much thought to treatments until lately. I think guys my age view all treatments as snake oil because they all have been until the last few years.
I've been on finasteride and minoxidil for the last 5 months and they have done wonders. Here is my success story:
http://www.hairlosstalk.com/discussions ... hp?t=38022
My baby fine hair has thickened up a ton and filled in a lot. I think I can pull off a flat top haircut now, something I could never do before. I just had my hair buzzed for the first time and it looks good.
I love this website. It is good to read and talk about things. One thing I keep coming back to in this experience is that most people really don't care what your hair looks like. Your hair doesn't define you to them. I know I don't mind thinning hair on OTHER people. I know it is easier said than done, but we shouldn't let our hair bother us.
Any guys older than me here? I'd love to see how older guys react to finasteride.
allen_australia, have you noticed any improvement from your regimen? I noticed a lack of finasteride and Min in it.
Take care and best wishes to all.